New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R) has passed his first Second Amendment test. He immediately and forcefully stated that mass murder does not override the Constitution, and contrary to Democratic policy, emotion should not be used to enact laws that would never be acceptable in a quiet and reasoned debate. The statement was made in an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox.
For those who prefer text, here is the quote from
“The end of the day, the problem is the human heart,” Johnson replied. “It’s not guns, it’s not the weapons. At the end of the day, we have to protect the right of the citizens to protect themselves and that’s the Second Amendment. And that’s why our party stands so strongly for that.”
He added, “This is not the time to be talking about legislation. We’re in the middle of that crisis right now.”
Just after a mass murder is committed with a firearm, politicians are most vulnerable to manipulation by pressure from the old dominant media. At this point, the old dominant media and the Democratic administration are parts of the same leftist ideology. They immediately push the false narrative that the cause of mass murder is the Second Amendment and firearms ownership in the USA. House Speaker Johnson did not accept the false assumptions. He gently corrected them:
“The end of the day, the problem is the human heart,” Johnson replied. “It’s not guns, it’s not the weapons.
The Biden administration immediately struck back with a false representation of what Speaker Johnson said. From
In a statement, White House spokesman Andrew Bates said the administration “absolutely” rejected “the offensive accusation that gun crime is uniquely high in the United States because of Americans’ ‘hearts.’”
There are at least three lies in the White House statement.
- Lie #1. Speaker Johnson talked about “gun crime”. He did not. In fact, he said it was not about weapons.
- Lie #2. “gun crime” is uniquely high in the USA. It isn’t. Many countries in the world have far higher rates of crime committed with firearms than the United States. Brazil has a homicide rate with guns, which is over four times as high as the United States. Brazil has about 1/16th as many firearms per person as the USA.
- Lie #3. Speaker Johnson did not single out “Americans’ hearts. He spoke of “the human heart”. This is an important philosophical difference between the left and conservatives. Conservatives believe there is a basic human nature. Leftists, generally, since Marx, do not.
Speaker Johnson stands in contrast to former Speaker Paul Ryan. Here is a statement made by former Speaker Paul Ryan a few days after the Las Vegas mass murder on October 1, 2017. Ryan’s comments were made on October 7th. From the
In the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting, U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan says he’s open to a vote in Congress on what is known as a “bump stock,” a device that can be attached to a semi-automatic rifle that allows it to mimic a fully automatic one.
The Janesville Republican made his remarks on MSNBC’s Hugh Hewitt talk show, which aired Saturday.
“I didn’t even know what they were until this week, and I’m an avid sportsman,” Ryan said of bump stocks. He added: “Fully automatic weapons have been banned for a long time. Apparently, this allows you to take a semiautomatic, turn it into a fully automatic, so clearly that’s something we need to look into.”
Speaker Paul Ryan killed the Hearing Protection Act on October 3rd, two days after the mass murder in Las Vegas. Earlier, it appeared the act had an excellent chance of passage. Ryan had delayed the act when the dedicated leftist had attacked Congressional Republicans and almost killed Representative Scalise. It appeared to this correspondent as an excuse at the time.
Time will tell how effective Mike Johnson will be as House Speaker.
About Dean Weingarten:
Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of Constitutional Carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.
Has anyone stopped to consider that these so called mass shootings are Government generated? Look at the timing, or if you will, the coincidence of the happenings when they occur. It never fails, when the push is on for gun control, and the majority aren’t buying their BS something on the order of a mass shooting happens, and without fail it seems the Perp is always some nut job whom the majority ends up committing suicide.
This is nothing more than the “New World Order” exercising their attempt to take over with a one world Government!
In that vein, what do the other family members get? Has anyone queried there financial status, 1 yr before and 1 yr after.
Good question.
Are you kidding? If the government compensated the family members, of victims, it would lend some credence to the theory that the government was behind this sudden rash of multiple casualty shootings.
Not the victim’s families. It’s only right they get compensated. But has anyone checked the accounts of the shooter’s family?????
Might be an incentive for him to do the deed and kill himself.
In a lot of these cases, the family SUES and wins hands-down!
Not only when there’s a push on for gun control, but whenever legislation is advancing that would remove infringements.
I was wondering what might be up with this Maine nut. This case seems to check most of the boxes for “The Narrative(TM).” Perhaps some of the post-Bruen pro gun rights court rulings that might be coming. Judges are only human, and can be influenced by what is going on.
One checkbox was missed – due to diligent work by FFL. Shooter had purchased a suppressor. Went to pick it up when AFT approved him, but answered honestly on 4473. FFL said “nope” since he’d been involuntarily committed. AFT should have caught shooters insanity when they spend 9 months to a year doing background check! Thank goodness for the FFL. I can only imagine how much more our rights would have been attacked if nut job had had a suppressor. Certainly would have prevented any resurrection of hearing protection act for foreseeable future. If you believe spectacular crimes correlate to… Read more »
A correction. Mike Johnson is THIRD in line to the fruit cake Biden
Nope. First in line is the V.P., second is Speaker of the House, third is President Pro Tempore of the Senate, etc.
I think OG does have a point though. Biden is dead already and the VP is just propping him up, LOL
But unlike Keith Richards, Joe hasn’t always looked dead.
Keith can jump over shufflin’ Joe!
That’s a great catch on the refusal of the FFL to transfer the suppressor to the perp.
How did this guy make it through the ATF background check? Did this occur out of incompetence or was the meathead purposely approved by the DOJ background check to obtain a suppressor? Either way is appalling.
He “omitted” something on the BATFE application that he did report to the FFL, that he had been committed .
I actually suspect commitment was after BATFE had done that portion of check. Not sure when but my impression is that his commitment was pretty recent. Would also guess he did not realize it made him a prohibited person, otherwise he would have lied on the form. Also possible there was a reporting failure so that commitment was never entered into NICS database.
Yep! There has been a LOT OF FAILURE by NICS “database” to stop their brainwashed sycophants!!
The correlation goes way back. The Columbine shooting happened right before Colorado’s governor was to sign concealed carry and preemption legislation. He did not sign it but it was signed later.
Bill Clinton had a hard on for militias. Thus we got Randy Weaver, David Koresh, Tim McVey, and the Viper Militia. All too close together to be a coincidence.
If I remember correctly, he got hearing aids. Could they be the source of him hearing voices? Makes one go MMMMMM
The answer is…MK Ultra!
“Social Engineering’,
‘Use of Social Media to influence behavior and decision making”
There’s SO much more to it than you know.
Early reports, since scrubbed, indicated the shooter had two gunshots to the head. Hard to self inflict.
I don’t know about that.
A lot of the Clinton enemies, like Vince Foster, weren’t they all found with multiple self inflicted gun shot wounds to the back of the head.
It’s probably more common than you think.
I have observed this phenomenon for years, and 100% believe these events are generated; MK Ultra perhaps, or something similar.
MK Ultra!
On the verge of concealed carry reciprocity, the hearing protection act, and review of MD assault weapon ban and magazine capacity restrictions . . . democrats having NO political power to stop any of it . . . BOOM – VEGAS CA assault weapon ban and magazine capacity restrictions DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL – the CROWN JEWEL of communist democrat gun control – now being stalled in the 9th circuit appeals court for as long as they can before it gets to the Supremes. BOOM – MAINE It’s their only play . . . need mass shootings. Their TOP PRIORITY is to… Read more »
The link regarding the video of the mass shooting coverup on Ammoland is no longer valid as far as me and a friend can tell. This is the link to see the truth behind what happened. (1) Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up – YouTube This elephant will never forget. I believe it was our government. He believes it was a terrorist opp. We both feel that either way it would cause more people to buy guns to protect themselves which is the opposite of what the leftists want. We both question why this became so hush hush so fast… Read more »
Maybe through that “Iron Pipeline” that Sen. “Chuckie da Weasel” Schumer is always bitching about.
“Defy, Resist, Evade, Smuggle!” — Mike Vanderboegh
Thanks for the link MM. This one seems to be a conglomerate of all the ones I have seen that have long since been pulled down. Anyone that believes Paddock did this by himself is obviously brain dead. This was and is one of the best government set ups to date and thanks to social media we the people know about it. A far cry from ’63, where the guvernment had way too much control of the media and the fix was in from the very start.
Mike Johnson’s first few laps with We the People has gone well. He’s well behaved and saying the right stuff. Now let’s see if he will release McCarthy’s J6 videos that will prove the feds did the fedsurrection. Then if he still looks good we can start looking under the hood to see if Raytheon actually has any hooks in him or not.
The congressional Republicans picked a good one in Mike Johnson. And just in time.
After burrowing through all the above “comments” Wass finally voiced what was the main point of the article: the new Speaker stood up for a reasoned approach for 2A issues.
1. Paul Ryan is a turd. 2. Biden’s team will do anything and say anything to deceive the American public with shameful behavior to achieve their goal of total disarmament. 3. So far, very impressed with the good Speaker. Let’s hope he does not become an arrogant asswipe like so many former Speakers.
The left see’s a picture of a rifle the media bastardized and they go batshit crazy.
Damnit Dean, I woke up in a good mood this morning; then you had to go and mention that scumbag Paul Ryan.
‘At the end of the Day’
Whenever a politician says that,
Dont count on anything getting done.
Things that make you go “hmmmm”.
Why was he dead? Bidenistas give him too much MK Ultra mind-control juice? We need common sense explosives laws, now!
Interesting observation, Oldvet!
Oddly enough, the county says they will make no more statements in this slightly updated version of the story. What are they trying to hide or cover up?
LOL! Might well be the case!
There is an old story about an eastern mystic being asked his opinion about western civilization.
He responded “I think it would be a very good idea.”
I feel the same way about a “quiet and reasoned debate” about the RKBA and whatever relationship it might have with what the Left calls “gun violence.”
Unfortunately, such a debate has not yet happened in my lifetime, and I see no indication that it ever will.
No Sir, the debate was settled in 1791. Our God given rights are not up for debate by morally bankrupt politicians. On offense intended, it’s just I do NOT compromise on gifts from God.
It’s always “why can’t we just start a conversation?”
That’s always followed by rants and monologue from the soap box.
I’ve never had a dialogue, it’s always a one sided lecture, screamed in my face with physical movements that would be interpreted as threats in any other situation.
Are there not FOUR BOXES used in the world of governments?
1.) The street corner box.
2.) The soap box on the television; Psyop – Operation Mockingbird.
3.) The voting box.
Mike Johnson is a self-described “Bible-believing Christian”. His net worth upon being elected to Congress was NEGATIVE $37000. His life exemplifies walking the Christian walk and letting the Holy Spirit guide his actions in life, which is what should happen in every person’s life who accepts Jesus’ gift. He is the polar opposite of Nancy Pelosi. It don’t come any better than that for having an ethical, moral, leader.
“Mass murder is just fine, so long as we can keep our guns!”
What a low bar. If that’s what you consider passing the first test then we’re screwed. Every damn republican that has written and voted for gun control has said essentially the same thing. He should have said ALL arms laws are unconstitutional…..THAT would be passing the first test.
You forget Stag. If he said That, they would be calling for his head now, rather than later. Did anyone but me notice the body language he exhibited as Jeffries was hugging him after after Jeffries introductory speech? That was one for the ages if you ask me.
at what point in the interview did the Speaker talk about the 2a? I might have missed it and I really don’t want to listen to this interview again.