Why Corporate Media Is Salivating Over Kamala Harris’ Radical Anti-Gun Views

California Senator Kamala Harris image NRA-ILA
Why the corporate media is salivating over Kamala Harris’ radical anti-gun views, image NRA-ILA

When Kamala Harris ran for president in 2020, she called for a mandatory buyback of “assault weapons,” which is political-speak for a compulsory confiscation of personal property by armed agents of the government.

The media never pressed Harris about the details, such as how she planned to define “assault weapons,” how she intended to skirt the Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution, or how far she was willing to go if law-abiding gun owners refused to surrender their arms to the government. It didn’t matter. Harris was tabbed as an anti-gun radical, which forever endeared her to the legacy media and their corporate bosses.

Harris hasn’t mentioned her armed confiscation plans recently, but she doesn’t need to. After Joe Biden resigned from the presidential race via social media and Harris was given the frontrunner mantle, of course the media jumped to offer whatever assistance they could. After all, here is a politician who advocated seizing “assault weapons” by force, which fits the media’s anti-gun narrative 100 percent.

Case in point: When March for Our Lives – the New York City-based nonprofit with $1.3 million in assets that pays its secretary David Hogg an annual salary of $56,974 for a mere 10-hour work week – decided to endorse a political candidate, Harris, for the first time in its six-year history, the media absolutely erupted with support.

Even Rolling Stone published a glowing report, which was based entirely on a written statement from the nonprofit. Evidently, the March kids were too busy marching to answer the phone.

“Harris leads the who leads [sic] the new White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, and in March visited Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, touring the classroom where the mass shooting took place. March for Our Lives lauded Harris as a lawmaker actively engaged with their mission,” Rolling Stone wrote.

In an interview with ABC News, Natalie Fall, executive director of March for Our Lives, said, “We see a lot of energy around Vice President Harris in this election; there’s no denying that. I think everybody’s seeing it right now.”

England’s Sky News, which is owned by Comcast, couldn’t get an interview with Harris but still wanted to offer their support. In a story published Monday, Sky News cited comments from one of Harris’ previous speeches.

“Our nation is being torn apart by the tragedy of it all and torn apart by the fear and trauma that results from gun violence,” Harris said in a 2023 speech. “President Biden and I believe in the second amendment, [sic] but we also know common sense solutions are at hand.”

Betsy Reed, a U.S.-based editor for The Guardian, also British, published a story Thursday in support of Harris’ first campaign ad – a television ad.

“Throughout that ad, a Law & Order SVU-like deep male voice directly compares Harris and Trump, beginning, ‘He’s a world leader in temper tantrums. She never loses her cool. She prosecuted sex predators. He is one.’ It ends by calling Harris the ‘anti-Trump,’” Reed wrote.

Media bias explained

Why is the corporate media so slavish in its support of Harris? Why are reporters, editors and producers so willing to go to the mattresses for a one-term Veep who even the Dems admit hasn’t done a whole lot? The answer is simple: Guns are bad, the media believes, so any politician who opposes civilian firearm ownership is a hero.

Today’s corporate media practices a groupthink that vilifies anyone who supports the Second Amendment. Over the years, I’ve tracked examples of this collective thinking. Here are the most current examples.

This is what the media actually believes:

  • Guns are evil. All guns should be banned. No one needs a gun.
  • All gun owners are gun-nuts, rubes, hicks and hillbillies.
  • All pro-gun lawmakers are crazy. Vilify them at will. Anything goes.
  • All anti-gun lawmakers are heroes. They should be praised and protected from scorn.
  • All anti-gun legislation – even if its unworkable, such as micro-stamping or “smart gun” technology – should be mandatory and strongly supported.
  • All pro-gun legislation should be framed as crazy and ridiculed using outright lies and extreme examples.
  • All pro-gun groups are obstructing the goal of total civilian disarmament and should be ridiculed and vilified. No mention should ever be made of their training, hunter education and gun safety programs.
  • Concealed carry – especially Constitutional Carry – is deadly and leads to more violence. It should be criticized at every opportunity, as should those who carry concealed firearms.
  • If a concealed carrier uses their firearm to save a life, it should not be reported unless they’re sued or criminally charged.
  • Anyone who challenges this accepted conventional wisdom – especially another journalist – is the enemy.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams

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first she will take your guns and any means to defend yourself. then she will take every other freedom you have since you will not be able to resist. got it yet? if not you will learn how socialism works.


“…a one-term Veep who even the Dems admit hasn’t done a whole lot?” I would argue that’s giving her entirely too much credit.


Actually I don’t think Harris did anything. The only thing she will do if elected will be Obama’s mouth piece. This country sure has went to hell and is going to keep heading there without some big time intervention.


She is busy reinventing herself, you won’t recognize her by Election Day. She just announced she is for fracking, a 180 from when she ran against Joe.


Maybe she means “vote fracking” which the Urban Dictionary defines as: vote fracking The deliberate causing of political division and civil strife in order to generate faction support , thereby gaining or maintaining power.

The reference I cited has several other definitions of fracking that she could mean as well, but I consider this forum polite company so I won’t mention them.


Sounds like a very good way to get oath breakers shot and to start an honest to God insurrection. I have a sneaking suspicion it won’t end quite how the idiots like David the bitch and the Cackling Ho think it will.


Interesting article on Harris yesterday in the Wall Street Journal about her inner circle and advisors. They’re all black! Might that be racist? The ONLY white is her husband, Doug Emhoff, who also happens to be Jewish. Does that present her with a problem with winning the Michigan and Minnesota Muslim votes. In any event, she’s a total moron.
Trust me, if she’s elected firearms are the least of our problems.

Last edited 1 month ago by JMacZ

Kamala Harris has one success story in her life and that’s ” Home Wrecker” . She destroyed Willy Browns marriage and that’s the only thing she has ever done besides spread hate and discontent.

Enemy of Democracy

Kamala has also given the media and Democrats, one more chance to prove what hypocrites they all are.


The MSM are a bunch of clowns that have exposed thier hypocrisy without her help but they are in all out circus mode now with Joey the quitter giving them the mattress back thier queen of destruction as a replacement


But think of all the years she was bashed by Jim Crow? With Hillary Rodent Clinton. And Geraldo.

Last edited 1 month ago by Ledesma
Monkey Mouse

Corporate media is on a collision course with the armed public – imagine if 5,000 armed people show up at CNN HQ and take the entire place to task. Or MSNBC or the view…


Voting this heifer out will eliminate a lot of concern.


It’ll sure help. But leftists like this can still wreck the country simply by living here.


Kamala Harris’ father was an avowed Marxist professor in the Economics Department at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Both of Harris’ parents were active in the Berkeley based Afro- American Association; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara were the heroes of the Afro-American Association. The group’s leader, Donald Warden (aka Khalid al-Mansour), mentored two young Afro-American Association members, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale; they created the Maoist inspired Black Panther Party which gained strong support from Communist China; the Black Panther Party served as the model for creation of the Black Lives Matter Marxist organization Khalid al-Mansour subsequently went on… Read more »

Enemy of Democracy

Great synopsis, on Kamala. The more you know the scary she gets!

Enemy of Democracy

Watching the media transform Kamala, from borish knave to Subilme Queen will cause severe whiplash.


Many of these leftists are schizoid. Both Barack Hussein O’Vomit and Dianne Frankenstein took every measure to disarm the nation. But swore they supported the US2A the entire time!


With Trump’s unhinged mouth, he can drive Kamala Harris straight to the White House. Don’t doubt it for a moment.

Enemy of Democracy

Canceled one of the down votes.
Trump needs to craft his words carefully.
Everyone knows you can’t hit a woman,
No matter how much she deserves it.

Get Out

Agree, trump doesn’t lie…much. Once a criminal, always a criminal, Jurors in the New York criminal trial against former President Donald Trump have convicted him of 34 felony counts of falsified business records.

“You’re not going to teach a criminal not to be a criminal, not going to happen. You don’t have the time and you don’t have the energy because you have to do other things,” Trump said at the Michigan rally.

Wild Bill

The trial was replete with constitutional errors. Even real criminals get fair trials, but not Donald Trump. What do you maintain that Trump was convicted of, smart guy?

Get Out

Trumps a real criminal, he’s got a track record to prove it too.


Yep, we almost had him gone, but then somebody decided to get into a conversation with this little boy sitting in a tree, dreaming of kissing kameltoe right where everybody has been. On the subject of what is most at hand here: Trump should go back to being the unifier, like he was at the convention, and stress his plans and record, not going back to calling names, etc. Remember, the only one that can beat Trump IS Trump.

Wild Bill

Yes, Trump should stick to the economic issues and be calm, rational, and clear about those issues.

Wild Bill

What was he convicted of?


Better yet what prison did he serve in ? You don’t become a felon without jail time. lol

Get Out

The 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree, a class E felony, carries a maximum sentence of up to four years in prison. The judge could decide to impose the sentences consecutively or simultaneously. However, under New York law, 20 years is the maximum prison time that Trump could get — not 187 years, as Trump falsely claimed in his May 31 remarks.


So exactly how’s he considered convicted without even a ruling on the case ? He won’t see one day in jail. At best a small fine for shady business practices. Just so the kangaroo courts can save a little face. lol

Get Out

Someone correct me if I’m wrong here but, trump must report to his parole officer and had to turn over his guns because that’s what happens when you’re a felon isn’t it.

Get Out

Prove he isn’t… we’ll wait.


That was the point I was trying to make. How is he a convicted felon & not seen jail time ? It’s just isn’t plausible. But yet these ignorant people believe such nonsense. He must have had house arrest at Mara Lago. lol


I really hope you are right, Ope. I’m praying for it. But, I remember four years ago when we were all chanting four more years. NOthing would surprise me, nothing. It’s been 17 days since they tried to kill him and……….NADA! At least at Las Vegas, they closed the case and had ALL the answers, albeit the ones that were the truth. Same thing for RFK MMK, and JFK. The WArren commission took what? 2.6 years or 3.5 and they wouldn’t even report their findings and evidence of that up until today, and counting….and counting………………….counting……I finally met my match. NO… Read more »