There are 6-9 million feral hogs across the country, with Texas housing the biggest population. The damage they cause adds up to a whopping $1.5 billion…
Defending Our Land: The Battle Against Feral Hogs in Texas ~ VIDEO

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
There are 6-9 million feral hogs across the country, with Texas housing the biggest population. The damage they cause adds up to a whopping $1.5 billion…
“Wrong People” thus get to pay for the misdeeds of “Right People” because “Right People” are protected, empowered, and apologized for by their leftist allies in American politics (mostly Democrats).
The Build the Wall & Deport Them All Act, which will codify President Trump’s border policies securing the southern border and bringing illegal immigration down to record lows…
In the USA feral horses are causing as much, if not more in damages, to sensitive habitats and wildlife management budgets as feral hogs.
Wildlife Forever (WF), announces new efforts to stop the spread of invasive species by promoting responsible outdoor recreation through the new Clean Drain Dry Initiative (CD2).
James Shults requested a Discharge Permit to use a 30-year old Daisy BB gun to run the pest from his residence area and from neighbor’s areas with their permission…