Humankind knows damn well that BILLIONS of animals are slaughtered on a daily basis around the globe to feed us. That is not an opinion. It is a fact.
Crazy Father Pfleger To Head Up Panel On “Gun Violence” (aka Gun Control)
Renegade priest Father Pfleger will highlight a panel on gun control the evening of Saturday, February 27th 2016 at St. Barnabas Church
CCRKBA Blasts ‘Public Service’ Message That Children Violate Gun Laws
This video isn’t a public service announcement, but a public dis-service and the producers ought to be ashamed…
Rep. Robin Kelly – An Embarrassment Among Embarrassments for Illinois
Congresswoman Robin Kelly’s obsessive dislike for the people who own guns greatly outdoes the quirkiness of her predecessors…
Moms Demand Action Target Facebook & Instagram for Imaginary ‘Private Sale Loophole’
Next thing you know they will be targeting homemade Soft Drinks and Private Chicken Farmers…
AmmoLand Makes Freedom Hater’s List of Top Twitter ‘Gun Bullies’
We are proud to have made this list of patriots and defenders of our rights. I hope that more folks step up their game, spreading positive pro gun news and make it on to the Gun Bullies Reference List…
PETA To Acquire Drones To Keep Tabs On Hunters
The crazies at PETA are at it again with a plan to acquire remote control drones to fly over hunters in the woods and keep tabs on so called Slob Hunters…
Jim Carrey Mocks American Gun Owners & The NRA
Carrey spoofs Charlton Heston and gun owners in a “He Haw” type setting, even going so far as to give viewers the middle finger…