EOTAC Direct Action Next Generation In Combat Apparel

EOTAC Direct Action Line Represents The Next Generation In Combat Apparel

EOTAC Direct Action Combat Apparel.
EOTAC Direct Action Combat Apparel.

WEST COLUMBIA, S.C.--(AmmoLand.com)- The EOTAC Direct Action (DA) line represents the next generation in combat apparel.

The foundation of the line is based in our Tacti-Fit sizing and fit system coupled with fabrics we developed specifically for this application.

From there we reached out to end users and with their input, created a line of clothing that will function in the harshest of environments while providing the wearer an unmatched level of comfort.

The DA Recce (pronounced “recky”) Pant, Shirt, and Smock are the first styles being introduced in the Direct Action line.

EOTAC taps decades of real world military, law enforcement, and private sector experience to produce the highest quality tactical and discreet garments available to operators today. Offering both traditional and next gen tactical clothing, EOTAC designs innovate without sacrificing utility or comfort. Leveraging outdoor industry experience and end user feedback, EOTAC continually refines the capabilities of its product line maintaining a high level of excellence in every garment offered. Visit: www.eotac.com