Obama, Senators To Resurrect Gun Ban, Blame Gun Owners For Actions Of Lone Dirt Bag

Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey
Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey
Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC –-(Ammoland.com)- “The President wants to blame an inanimate object — the gun,” [said] Erich Pratt, spokesman for the Gun Owners of America. “But that just deflects blame away from the real culprit: gun-control policies that leave people defenseless in the face of evil perpetrators who are never effectively prevented from acquiring weapons.” — Newsmax, June 20, 2015

They’re coming for you.

Anti-gun Senators Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey just announced they want to bring back their toxic legislation stripping Americans of their gun rights without due process of law.

And the President is ready to sign this gun ban into law.

You may recall our battle against the Manchin-Toomey language in 2013. Their legislation sought to BAN private sales of firearms, forcing all gun buyers to run to a dealer and submit to a background check before purchasing a firearm from their neighbor.

Thankfully, Senators Toomey and Manchin failed because Gun Owners of America and its members got in their way. According to the New York Times, and other liberal media outlets, GOA was able to put enough heat on the Senate to defeat this pernicious legislation.

The new Toomey-Manchin proposal will be an infringement of Second Amendment rights, and it will do nothing to stop real criminals from getting guns.

Realize that this background check expansion is just a ploy to erect more obstacles to owning guns. The more that people have to seek permission to buy a gun, the easier it becomes for gun control advocates to find reasons to deny them.

We’ve already seen this in the way veterans have been targeted and prevented from owning guns because they suffer from PTSD — symptoms related to their service for our country.

Ironically, the recent South Carolina shooting demonstrates the FAILURE of gun control. The Charleston gunman bought his gun from a dealer and passed a background check.

The result: Nine people died at the church … from gunfire … in a gun-free zone.

Clearly, more gun-free zones and more background checks are NOT the answer.

But making it easier for law-abiding citizens to carry concealed WILL make a difference. That will save lives. And that’s why your Senators should cosponsor S. 498, introduced by Senator John Cornyn (R-TX).

Please note: While The Washington Post is reporting that Senators Manchin and Toomey want to resurrect a new version of their 2013 legislation, they have not introduced it yet. But Senator Manchin says he won’t bring the bill up “until he is sure he has rounded up the necessary votes.”

So that’s where you come in!

ACTION: Use the provided pre-written letter to urge your Senators to OPPOSE the new Manchin-Toomey gun grab.

About: Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: www.gunowners.org to Join.

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2nd Amender


Can that be any more plain, as a message to Americans who are sick of the Commie/Progressive Movement in this country!

Vote! And know who you are voting for!


Iran can get their NUKE but Obama don’t want the rest of US to have an AR or an AK.


We got a sorry bunch of RINO’s in North Carolina too.

Time to vote them all out at general elections or use the recall procedure if it is legal in your state.

Street SurvIvor

left 3 posts .u decline to publish them.whats up with that?


There’s a lot of computer traffic when the comments are uploading sometimes the comments get lost on the internet. I don’t think they target your comments nor ignore them. I wouldn’t be surprised if the alphabet soup agencies aren’t monitoring and deleting comments.

Street Survivor

2 wings of the same corrupt bird. The blackmailed politicians in the District of Criminals do not serve the American people, nor the Founder’s Republic ! The are nothing more than vassals to the multinationals, bankers, and globalists. We gave the Rebublician Neo -Con ,Rino’s control of the house and senate last election. And they have stabbed the Founder’s Republic, American people in the back again with TPA,TAA,TPP. America is now merged with the European,and Pacific Unions. One more step to world governance under the United Nations. We were given a Republic, and We let it slip through our fingers… Read more »


Remember after 9-11, we were all told that we can not judge the muslim race by the actions of a few? Now we are all being lumped together just because we choose to own firearms. Kuwait, Tunisia, and France have all been attacked by muslim terrorists over the last two days and again the media has the same message. When will the media report fairly about gun owners? We have so many armed citizens that if guns were truly the problem, there would no one left to read those stories.


Nothing to see here move on!!!!


I am not to worried about this myself. Just fear mongering in the part of Ammoland.


Toomey is the real POS in this.I expect it from Manchin. Didn’t this scum learn anything from the mid-terms ? They will never come close to getting 60 votes and their even to stupid to realize that. Damn I’m looking forward to getting a Republican President back in the White. We also need to get rid of that useless bastard Boehner.


1 psychopath’s actions and they want to blame law abiding citizens and make us defenseless . This is Marxism for control over the people and make them government slaves. Not to far off now , look at your taxes.


Toomey is a RINO! Toomey is RINO! Boy did he sucker Pennsylvania’s Conservatives and the few remaining Republicans.