New Jersey State Senator Jeff Van Drew Lies about Gun Control

No gun owner or New Jerseyan in his or her right mind would or should ever vote for him, let alone send Jeff Van Drew to Congress. Jeff Van Drew should be fired, not promoted.
No gun owner or New Jerseyan in his or her right mind would or should ever vote for him, let alone send Jeff Van Drew to Congress. Jeff Van Drew should be fired, not promoted.

New Jersey-( From its founding in 2010, NJ2AS enjoyed a pretty good relationship with Senator Jeff Van Drew. We were disappointed with the lack of action on any improvements to NJ’s perilous gun laws, but he had promised us that as long as Senator Sweeney was Senate President they would not pass any anti-gun bills, and up to that point, he had kept his word.

We were looking for some basic fixes. We wanted the permit delays to stop. We wanted the illegal additional requirements to stop. We wanted a definition of “reasonable deviation” that would protect innocent people in possession of their firearms for lawful purposes. We wanted .22 rimfire firearms to be excluded from the “assault weapon” ban definition and from magazine capacity restrictions. We discussed the need for “Brian’s Law” – a law that would prevent people like Brian Aitken from being prosecuted for mere firearms possession without criminal intent. No one in that type of situation should be dragged through the justice system at great personal and financial cost, but at a minimum, at least remove the minimum sentencing requirements. We weren’t asking for anything crazy. Van Drew was on board, or so he said.

We were making progress, or so we were made to believe. When we spoke with Van Drew and Sweeney about sponsoring some bills for these fixes, there was always an excuse. After many months of discussions, nothing materialized. Then Sandy Hook happened in December of 2012.

After Sandy Hook, there was talk going around that Sweeney was working on a gun bill. NJ2AS was understandably concerned that this bill would make things worse in NJ – it was already intolerable with innocent people being sent to prison and permits taking months, sometimes over a year. We pressed Sweeney for answers publicly. Then we got the call. Jeff Van Drew called us and asked for a meeting at his district office. We went. At that meeting, Jeff told us that he was asking on behalf of Sweeney that we please back off. He told us that Sweeney’s bill was going to address the things that we were concerned about and that it was going to be a big improvement for gun owners. He pointed to the fact that Sweeney was sponsoring the bill himself, and that is how seriously he was taking it. He asked that we back off so that he could complete the bill which would benefit honest gun owners. He did say that there would be a couple of things in there to satisfy the anti-gun advocates, but that we would have an opportunity to review the bill and suggest changes. “You will have a seat at the table…” is what he said.

When the bill was posted, it was a disaster. That’s the only way to put it. There was not one fix for the issues that we were most concerned with, and the permitting system was being made even worse. It even included a driver’s license “gun owner” endorsement requirement. It was an insult.

Our “seat at the table” was a joke. At one point, we were given the language of the bill on Friday afternoon, and Sweeney had scheduled the committee hearing on Monday. He wasn’t even making an effort to listen to us. Van Drew had lied. He had no intention of helping us at all.

We told them for months (now it has been years), that eventually, there would be a person who would die waiting for their permit. Tragically, one day, it actually happened. On June 3rd, 2015, after waiting for 43 days for a permit that would never come, Carole Bowne was stabbed to death in her own driveway. Jeff Van Drew killed Carole Bowne with his apathy and inaction. It didn’t have to happen. Carol Bowne lost her life, but she is not the only innocent person to suffer under NJ’s overreaching gun laws. Shaneen Allen got arrested – so did Stephon Lemont Josey for mere firearms possession with no criminal intent. Both had previously passed a background check. Gorden Van Gilder, a gun collector, incredibly, was arrested for possessing an antique flint lock pistol and faced a mandatory five years in prison. If not for NJ2AS making the case known to the public, those charges would not have been dropped. Michael A. Golden of New Mexico and James Michael Thaddeus Pederson of North Carolina, two decorated veterans, were ensnared and had to be pardoned by then Governor Christie. Nathan Clark, 39, an I.T. consultant was charged with unlawful weapons possession after being pulled over for speeding in New Jersey in November 2015. Police found he was carrying his pistol, for which he had a concealed carry permit in his home state of Kentucky. These are just some of the ones that we know of, and there are certainly many that we don’t know of that were never pardoned and are languishing in prison today… their lives ruined, their families devastated. Is it so tough to understand that there is little difference between a family being devastated by a criminal with a gun and a family being devastated by a poorly conceived statute?

For nearly a decade, we have been asking Jeff Van Drew to fix these problems. It’s not a difficult concept: innocent people don’t belong in prison. Jeff Van Drew failed. No gun owner or New Jerseyan in his or her right mind would or should ever vote for him, let alone send Jeff Van Drew to Congress. Jeff Van Drew should be fired, not promoted.

About New Jersey Second Amendment Society:

New Jersey Second Amendment Society

New Jersey Second Amendment Society – The NJ2AS uses innovative and bold direct-action tactics to expose, document, and take results-oriented action to confront anti-Second Amendment policies and legislators.

By Defending, Protecting, and Preserving the Second Amendment within New Jersey, the NJ2AS works to ensure that our civil rights are restored, no longer degraded, and to prevent NJ from being used as a laboratory to destroy the Second Amendment nationwide. Visit:

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Damn…. Van Drew LIED ? But he is a DEMOCRAT and they NEVER lie, just ask one ! Yeah, Riiiiight, it is expected when associated with the Dems/libs. !


All of the foregoing being true, altogether to true, which raises the following question. How did these clowns ever get elected to public office, and how is it that they have managed to remain, suckling on that well known public tit?

Ron Binnie

I moved out of NJ in October of 60 and very seldom go back even though I have family there. There is a need for all citizens to require a law on our right to recall any member of the legislature that fails to uphold our constitutional rights. We the People own this country and we need to step forward and demand these people legislate by our rules. Ask the British rulers what happened when they stepped on our toes. We stood up and kicked their asses out of this country and it can be done again. Stop donating to… Read more »


Another TRAITOR sells out. Add him to the list.

Bob Shell

A New Jersey politician lying. I am shocked. Actually in NJ if you get arrested for bribery or some form of stealing then that is a resume enhancement & you will go far in NJ politics. Look @ Mendez the senator. I have no doubt that he will be re-elected in NJ


This country is under siege by the Commie Globalists who want to destroy our society and culture, like they did with Europe. As in Europe, they want to implement the Kalergi Plan, which means they flood the land with foreign invaders who will always vote for them, because they shower them with benefits that YOU paid for. To do this, they simply use their Federal Reserve to create money out of thin air, and tack the cost onto the National Debt. That National Debt then becomes the responsibility of the taxpayer, who sees his taxes rise all the time. These… Read more »


d-rat goal = lock up/disarm the law-abiding, enable their voting-group criminals to run free


Plain and simple,
the good guys don’t need gun laws
the criminals don’t heed gun laws
What do these idiots think they are accomplishing by locking up innocent people? Clogging up the courts, taking up prison space. Do you think that makes any difference whatsoever to the bad guys committing the crimes? Liberal minds don’t know what logic is though.

VT Patriot

It’s called suppression or putting the fear of law into good peoples minds. If I have a carry permit in half of the 48 states, and have passed their legal requirements, that doesn’t count in NJ. So if I’m going to PA to hunt, and I get caught in NJ with my hunting supplies, I go to jail. Several interstate laws are being broken, but that’s OK. “We caught another gun owner travelling thru our state. Lock him up.

Jim Macklin

A NY gangster, Tim Sullivan wrote the first norther east gun law. The public was told it was to control and reduce crime ands increase public safety. Some my recall the movie, GANGS of NEW YORK and the meat cleaver. That movie was actually based on events that really happened. Tim Sullivan was a leader of the Irish Five Points Gang. [look it up] Tim used intimidation to get elected and he wrote the law, The Sullivan Law, as May Issue so he could give his gang a license for a gun and deny a gun license to rivals. The… Read more »

rich z

Its the people , they are more interested in sports , than what is going on in their own gov,state gov, that is . Those so called leaders slip crap through when a bill gets passed and no one sees it . Some politician have been in office TO LONG and Must Be REMOVED . PEOPLE WAKE UP ITS YOUR COUNTRY.

Wild Bill

@Rich z, Yep, we (as a nation) are victims of our own success. Many have the luxury of not having a clue about voting and whom to vote for or why. Those that only know sports or fashion or TV shows are exercising their freedom to be and remain ignorant, and contrary to popular theory, not everyone should go vote.


as Hitler’s said, “Thank God for the leaders that the people don’t think”. If the average IQ is 100, which is about as much intelligence needed to come in out of the rain, at least half of the people are dumber than a boatload of toilet seats.


Beautiful state and rich in history. (prior to 1960’s) Those that govern it should be locked and throw the key away. Jersey’s history is turning into quite a dirty little bathtub. Sad.Again..glad I got out 30 yrs ago.

Norman Dvorak

The 2nd Amendment clearly states, ” SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” so I’m wondering why our President hasn’t made all States and the Federal Government follow our Constitution and it’s Amendments. This Country is a Constitutional Republic and therefore it’s Constitution should be followed by the letter by our Government and it’s Citizens. The 2nd Amendment should be every Citizen’s gun carry permit.


Ron, While I agree with you unreservedly on the meaning of the second amendment, give the president a break. He has had two years to fix what the left, the Rino’s, and the media have spent decades screwing up. He is makeing acceptable progress considering the sheer numbers of enemies arrayed against him. For example: name one new FEDERAL gun law in place since January 2017? You can still by bump stocks ( not my thing, but you can). Ammo has not dried up(2008, 2012 anyone?). President Trump’s fighing largely alone. On the state level, that’s on us. What have… Read more »

Heed the Call-up

Norman, on the state level, most states have in their constitutions wording similar to the federal 2A. All of their “gun control” laws are also unconstitutional based on their constitutions. Unfortunately, we can’t get politicians to uphold their oaths, nor punish them when they don’t. Go to the Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership website. They have a list of all of the state constitutions and the statements concerning our right to keep and bear arms. The other issue is that the anti-rights politicians, media and groups have co-opted the narrative and have defined the terminology to their… Read more »