VCDL President Speaking at Students for Concealed Carry on Campus Hosted Event

VCDL President Speaking at Defense Education Week Hosted by Students for Concealed Carry on Campus

Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Citizens Defense League

Virginia Tech, VA –-( will be speaking at Virginia Tech this Monday, November 9th from 7 PM to 9 PM room 129 of McBryde Hall. I will be covering the issue of concealed carry at higher educational campuses by students, faculty and staff with CHPs.

If you can come to show support for the whole issue, that would be fantastic!

Here is the announcement by Ken Stanton of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, which includes the other events going on next week and directions to McBryde Hall:

Defense Education Week 2009
November 9th – 14th is Defense Education Week, hosted by Students for Concealed Carry on Campus at colleges across the country. Virginia Tech is participating with week-long events, speakers, newspaper articles, and demos pertaining to the issue, conducted by Registered Student Organization Students for Concealed Carry on Campus at Virginia Tech.

We strongly believe that the ban on Virginia campuses will be lifted in the 2010 legislative session, which will start in January. Support for the cause has continued to rise as more people see that there is no good reason to deny state-permitted individuals to carry concealed firearms while on campus, just like they do everywhere else.

What is the case for concealed carry on campus? Is it just about 4/16?
Concealed Carry Quiz, Petition to the President

7-9pm, McBryde 129 – Philip Van Cleave (President of VCDL) and SCCC at VT representatives

Philip Van Cleave is the President of the Virginia Citizen’s Defense League, a large and very active gun-rights group fighting for the citizens of Virginia. He will present a speech outlining the need and reason for concealed carry rights on Virginia’s public campuses.

After Mr. Van Cleave’s speech, a Q&A forum will be held where supporters and dissenters can inquire about the topic further.

How does the Second Amendment affect concealed carry on campus?
Concealed Carry Quiz, Petition to the President
Invitation to attend Second Tuesday Constitution Group at the Roanoke County Library, 6:30pm

There are no formal events on Tuesday, but the Second Tuesday Constitution Group is holding its monthly meeting at the Roanoke County Library, and they will be discussing some Second Amendment issues and ways to protect our rights.

What is legal and illegal, and what would change? Would all students be armed?
Concealed Carry Quiz, Petition to the President

7-8pm, McBryde 129 – Leyla Myers (Second Amendment March) and SCCC at VT representatives

Leyla Myers is the Virginia State Coordinator for the Second Amendment March, an event to be held in April of 2010 in Washington, D.C., to remind our lawmakers who their anti-gun legislation affects. She will be speaking briefly about the event and how the mission of SCCC is part of the bigger picture. Q&A will follow the event.

Has anyone ever used his or her firearm in self-defense? Who actually carries a gun?
Concealed Carry Quiz, Petition to the President

7-9pm, McBryde 129 – Teresa McKensie (attack survivor) and SCCC at VT representatives

Teresa McKensie is a resident of Southwest Virginia and has been featured on CNN after she used her firearm to defend herself from her ex-husband. Others will join Mrs. McKensie in sharing their stories of having used their firearms in self-defense and/or reasons why they decided to carry a firearm. Emphasis will be given to the ladies of firearm ownership, as their voices are often ignored and dismissed in this issue.

What kind of training is required when carrying a firearm?
Concealed Carry Quiz, Petitions delivered to the President
Related event is on Saturday

What kind of training is required when carrying a firearm? (cont.)
11am – 12:30pm, TBA – Jack Rumbaugh, Suarez Intl.

Jack Rumbaugh is the Virginia Staff instructor for Suarez International, a training company that offers courses around the world to teach self-defense in close-combat and armed situations. A demonstration of self-defense techniques will follow a speech from Mr. Rumbaugh on the education and training that is necessary to be able to defend yourself in an attack situation. Note that the location of this event will be off-campus as airsoft/simulated weapons may be used for demonstration purposes.

To get to McBryde Hall:
Google Maps: • Campus map to McBryde (marked up map in PDF format): • Address for GPS use: Stanger St, Blacksburg, VA, 24061

If other VCDL members would like to speak at the Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday evening events, please [email protected] immediately. Some of our speakers were not able to attend and we would love to have more contributors. Also, contact us at [email protected] if you would like to make a contribution or be added to the email listserv for the VT group.We also are still looking for a location in Blacksburg to hold the Saturday event with Suarez International!

Ken Stanton
Vice President and Founder
Students for Concealed Carry on Campus at Virginia Tech

Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.

SCCC at Virginia Tech (SCCC at VT) is a local chapter of the national organization, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC), founded to organize locally and to address issues specific to the university and the state of Virginia. Membership is currently based off of the Facebook group, with over 200 members.