Students for Concealed Carry is once again hosting an Empty Holster Protest to call for decriminalizing licensed concealed carry on college campuses.
Students for Concealed Carry Announces New Empty Holster Protest

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Students for Concealed Carry is once again hosting an Empty Holster Protest to call for decriminalizing licensed concealed carry on college campuses.
A lot of groups are out there claiming to defend the Second Amendment – but which ones really do so?
SCC Southwest Regional Director Quinn Cox commented, “I am pleased to see this two-year-old law upheld. Once again, opponents of campus carry have failed to provide evidence that campus carry makes…
There is nothing more frustrating than seeing an otherwise well-reasoned op-ed destroyed by a blatantly untrue statement.
August 1 2018, marks two years since Texas’ campus carry law took effect at public universities and one year since it took effect at community colleges
“Given both the success of campus carry throughout the Lone Star State and the political makeup of Texas House District 108, we’re confident in saying that Ms. Cattanach probably shouldn’t have quit h
The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit will hear oral arguments in a lawsuit challenging both Texas’ campus carry law & the University of Texas at Austin’s campus carry policy.
Students for Concealed Carry is formally challenging Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, to a WWE-style cage match to determine the future of campus carry in America.
Everytown recently purchased a full-page ad in the Houston Chronicle and used that premium ad space to publish an open letter to Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed by 41 student gun-control activists.
On Wednesday, February 21, 2018, it was reported that within a 24-hour span, two unattended handguns were found inside two separate restrooms at UT-Austin.
This federal lawsuit, filed by three professors at the University of Texas at Austin, seeks to nullify Texas’ campus carry law and the University of Texas at Austin’s campus carry policy.
It’s sad to see these types of misinformed, simple-minded statements coming from elected officials and Texas teachers’ associations.
In response to an online advertisement for bulletproof vests emblazoned with the logos of colleges in campus-carry states, Students for Concealed Carry…
These bills by Rep. Rafael Anchia (D-Dallas) run counter to SCC’s position that state institutions should be required to honor state-issued concealed handgun licenses.
The Texas chapter of Students for Concealed Carry is throwing its support behind Texas House Bill 631, a bill “relating to a public awareness campaign on firearm safety and suicide prevention.”
House Bill 375 would allow any person age 18 or above owning a firearm to carry a concealed handgun on a Texas public college campus.
Here are a few of the things Rolling Stone and Ben Wofford get wrong or neglect to say about SCC and the campus carry movement, in the order that these errors and omissions appear in the article.
However, the argument that campus carry leads to more sexual assaults continues to rear its ugly head as states work to pass their own campus carry laws.
This is just the latest example of Texas colleges using the “reasonable rules” provision of the state’s campus carry law to usurp the clear intent.
Why are PhD candidates, with their unreasonable fear of violent crime, holding office in a location where their students are likely to be the victims of violent crime???
On the first day of any college statistics class, students are taught a simple principle: Correlation does not equal causation. This lesson seems lost on the media…
The PBS campus carry documentary offers no insight into either the campus carry movement or the arguments that got a campus carry law passed in Texas…
The protest dildos have long since vanished from campus, the social media accounts for Students Against Campus Carry and Gun Free UT have been mostly dark for months…
Here are the statistics collected by Students for Concealed Carry since Students for Concealed Carry first started monitoring this data in 2015:
The campus carry task force at Lone Star College in Houston has recommended the same legally questionable, hotly contested gun-free-offices policy.
This caused veteran Texas policy wonks to scratch their heads, due to the fact that carrying a concealed handgun while intoxicated has been illegal.
On Tuesday, December 6, Texas A&M University did its best to address the type of dilemma occasionally experienced by public institutions in free nations.
In keeping with our organization’s long-held ideals, Students for Concealed Carry doesn’t endorse efforts to blacklist professors who oppose campus carry. staff writer Tony Cantu declares, “Texas University Put On Lockdown Amid Reports Of Armed Man Later Found To Just Be ‘Open Carry’ Fan.”
The “study” in question is actually the unpublished position paper Students for Concealed Carry debunked last week.