Wilson Combat Busy As Bees Building Your Dream Gun

Wilson Combat Busy As Bees Building Your Dream Gun

John L. May - Sales Director - Wilson Combat
John L. May - Sales Director - Wilson Combat
Wilson Combat
Wilson Combat

Berryville, AR – -(AmmoLand.com)-  Here we are in March already, and it is still too cold for me here in Arkansas.

We have been busy getting some new products ready to come your way, new website is soon to be online, and we are busy as bees building your dream gun.

The new Ultra-Light Carry Pistol has been a huge hit, we knew it was a great pistol, but those of you that use a working gun really got the concept and have let us know by placing your orders. We have been hard at work getting the next working gun ready to be released and I promise it will be coming very soon. We do our best to meet your demands and to keep all of our products on the cutting edge while remaining true to what thirty years has taught us about building your custom guns.

The Gun of the Month for March is the Ms. Sentinel. This fine pistol has all the right stuff to become the best carry pistol available for your significant other. This little gun offers maximum concealability, built from our shortest aluminum frame making it the smallest and lightest pistol available. Packed with new features, concealment beavertail grip safety and hammer, round butt frame, a shortened and rounded magazine release and carry cuts, you just cannot get a smaller or lighter package. Chambered in 9mm, outfitted with a short trigger, Cocobolo Starburst grips and tritium night sights the Ms. Sentinel offers all the right features to make it the most shootable small pistol available today. When combined with modern self-defense ammo, the Ms. Sentinel is a potent concealed carry pistol, equally at home in a purse or in a concealment holster.

Wilson Combat Ms. Sentinel 1911 Pistol
Wilson Combat Ms. Sentinel 1911 Pistol

We get a great deal of questions from you on holsters and specifically on recommendations for daily carry. There are two schools of thought on best carry methods when it comes to full-size pistols. Inside the waist band (IWB) and normal on the belt carry. I actually use both methods of carry depending on the plans for the day. I prefer IWB using one of our Summer Companions, for best concealment in a more relaxed environment or while traveling in the car when I can just leave my shirt tail out, this is my first choice. Back in the day when I first started shooting IDPA, I actually competed from an IWB holster. I have carried so long with that method, I have a void where my holster rides just behind the right hip.

When you first begin carrying using an IWB holster, it may require an adjustment period. It may feel foreign at first adding the thickness of the pistol surrounded by the holster, but with time it becomes almost a part of you. I still feel almost undressed if I do not have my Summer Companion tucked inside my pants. Barrel length plays little or no role in your choice of cover garment when suing an IWB, since the majority of the pistol is covered by your trousers. Many use another shirt as a cover garment, or you can simply leave your shirt tail out to cover your pistol no matter what size pistol you carry.

If a very active and formal day is in the works for me I use one of our Lo-Profile® Holsters. The Lo-Profile® is a very comfortable holster for continuous carry, but is best concealed when wearing a cover garment. I have spent untold hours wearing either of these holsters, and I let the day’s plan dictate which will work best for me. If the day’s activities allow me to continuously wear a cover garment or are of a formal nature, the low profile is my choice.

This past weekend I have some full days and used the Lo-Profile® for the entirety of my weekend. Saturday afternoon I spent a good deal of time with the kids riding four-wheelers and found it to be perfect for that sort of use as well. Speaking as one who carries on a daily basis, the mission of the day dictates which holster I choose. If I had to choose only one holster to cover all bases, I would have to pick the Lo-Profile®. It will work for all around demands and is the perfect place to start in your holster selection. Over the years I have acquired lots of different holsters. I was a holster maker for several years, so I have many that I built as prototypes, some that other makers sent me to give opinions on their work, and quite a few that I purchased because something about them caught my eye. Over the years holsters have become for me like shoes are for the ladies. I have some for all occasions. Funny thing is as the end of the day I wear either our Summer Companion or the Lo-Profile® most of the time.

Feel free to send me your questions related to all things Wilson Combat® and I will include them in future Soap Boxes. Keep an eye on the website, some exciting things come your way soon.

To all of you in harm’s way, stay safe.

Till next time:
Stay safe, shoot straight, and always watch six.
John L. May
Wilson Combat

Founded in 1977, Wilson Combat has grown to include more than 50 employees – no one else in the custom gun business has as many professionals, as many years of experience, or as much history with hand-crafting custom guns as we do. Here’s an idea of the type and number of years experience you will find at Wilson Combat: Vist: www.wilsoncombat.com