Pro-gun Champion Running for Office in Indiana

Gun Owners of America Endorses Jackie Walorski

Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC –-( Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund is pleased to announce the endorsement of Jackie Walorski for Congress in Indiana’s Second District.

Jackie stands 100% in favor of the rights of gun owners, something she proved time and again during her time in the state legislature.

As a state representative, Jackie has never wavered in her support of the Second Amendment. Jackie coauthored and helped to pass Indiana’s lifetime concealed carry permit legislation, the first law of its kind in the nation.

A firm believer that citizens have the right to protect themselves inside and outside of the home, she also cosponsored Indiana’s Castle Doctrine bill to protect the right of citizens to act in self defense in the face of a violent attack—whether it occurs in the home, in a car or on the streets.

Jackie understands the dangers of compromising principle, and she is committed to fighting against any effort in Congress that will infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. Her views of the Second Amendment are consistent with those of the Founding Fathers and with the majority of Hoosier State voters.

“What sets us apart as a nation is our ability to protect ourselves,” says the South Bend native. “We don’t live in a police state. We don’t live in a place where only the military and the police officers have weapons. This nation was grounded and founded on individuals’ right to protect themselves.”

In the last election, Jackie ran against incumbent Rep. Joe Donnelly and came within one point of victory. Instead of facing Walorski again in a more Republican district, Donnelly opted to run statewide. This is now one of the best opportunities in the country for gun owners to gain a true friend in Congress.

Jackie Walorski is a candidate all gun owners —both inside and outside of Indiana— should stand with both financially and with their volunteer efforts. Please visit today and let’s work together to elect this pro-gun champion.


Tim Macy

Paid for by Gun Owners of America Political Action Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585
FAX: 703-321-8408

Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul