His idea of “gun violence prevention” is to disarm you and start a civil war.
Democrats Offer Anti-Gun Insurrectionist in New York Special Election

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
His idea of “gun violence prevention” is to disarm you and start a civil war.
Anti-gun males like Waldman know that their smears and lies and attempts at wit aren’t working, and in fact, are starting to backfire on them.
Having seen nothing but consistency between what Jim Simpson says and what he does – for years – I have confidence he’s a straight shooter.
We’re still figuring out what the landscape looks like when it comes to firearms legislation after this week’s midterm elections. It’s ugly, but if you dig, there’s something worth finding.
The 2018 midterm elections have some good news, some bad news, and a lot of lessons for Second Amendment supporters to learn.
The midterm elections and even the 2020 Presidential election pose severe and imminent threats. Recognize the intentional use and the purpose of the tactic of division.
I will suggest a simple solution for Voter Fraud: Apply the background check system for gun purchases to voting…
The results are in on the recent board of directors election for the NRA, and two of the three candidates I endorsed won seats, but the game’s not over yet…
To all those hardworking Hoosiers, a huge thank you! Your hard work is what makes the difference in this campaign and during times we must stand and defend our freedoms.
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance was heavily involved in 4 races across the state where candidates had voted against or made statements that were anti-2nd Amendment.
President Obama appears to be close to fulfilling his threat to impose gun control against the will of Congress and the American people.
Chris W. Cox, chairman of the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF), released the following statement regarding the NRA’s decisive wins in the November 3rd elections:
This Tuesday, November 3rd is an important election. Let me highlight how important and why.
Bills to remove the prohibition against Concealed Weapons License Holders carrying firearms on college or university campuses are up in committees in both houses this week.
Electing pro-Second Amendment lawmakers to office on November 3rd will not only strengthen our rights in the Old Dominion, but the entire nation will be watching these results with an eye toward…..
A Career Democrat gun control proponent lost a primary bid for an open seat in a safe democrat congressional district to an opponent rated NRA B+…
Mark Walker did not reach out to gun owners, did not return GRNC’s survey, and now seeks to denigrate the actions of hard-working volunteers with sneering comments…
Mainstream Media has inadvertently, & quite unintentionally helped reveal just how much an enemy of the Second Amendment a President Christie has the potential to be. And for that, they should be thanked…
The bad news, Anti-gun Terry McAuliffe-Bloomberg won the governorship. The good news is that gun owners maintained a huge pro-gun majority in the House of Delegates…
The defeat of this anti-gun extremist marks a huge victory for Second Amendment supporters and sportsmen. Mayor-elect Mark Stohlman has pledged to defend the Second Amendment…
With Every Seat in the State House Up For Grabs, Election Day 2013 Could Be the Ultimate Recall…
If we as a society expect to make changes to the 2A restrictions placed upon law abiding citizens, we must have legislators in place that will listen to We The People…
Bryan Wolfe is the right candidate at the right time. We can send a powerful pro-freedom message if we all get behind, support, volunteer for and on election day, Vote Wolfe for Sheriff!!!
Many observers have predicted a low turnout for the Special Election today. This means your vote could make a real difference this time…
Michael Bloomberg’s carpetbagging minions are hard at work registering Virginia gun grabbers for absentee ballots. Virginia gun owners must do the same, and must vote in greater numbers…
With Bloomberg’s money now raining down on the race Democrats can still squeak out a win if New Jersey gun owners fail to make it to the polls Next week…
Endorsed by two Republican big shots, Sen. Rand Paul and Gov. Chris Christie, and this week, the New Jersey senate candidate will get a boost from another national GOP name: Rick Perry…
This week our host Mark Standriff is joined by North Carolina U.S. Senate candidate, Dr. Greg Brannon…
Thanks to Steve’s strong, conservative leadership, Republicans kept council control for 11 straight elections, and Steve was reelected in 1999 and 2003 by double-digit margins over his Democratic opponents…
Mayor Steve Lonegan, candidate for the United States Senate, took the occasion surrounding Senator Rand Paul’s personal endorsement to point out a difference between Senator Paul & Obama’s Cory Booker…