Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
Why are they so desperately angry, ready to drop all pretenses of “friends across the aisle” civility and call for street violence? Against people they’re trying to disarm…?
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
What wasn’t included was where DOJ gets the authority to create a permanent entry to NICS without a conviction or other disqualifier as defined by law. They’re still not saying.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
Rather than heeding reality, expect the junk science purveyors and their elitist-funded “independent” propagandists to continue whining and to resume their politically motivated perversions of medical science.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
What that also means is that Menendez, a huge proponent of disarming law-abiding Americans, is designated a “prohibited person,” forbidden by federal (and New Jersey) law from owning a gun.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
Not lost on observers was the hypocrisy of the FBI Director, who arrests citizens on federal gun charges, “gifting” a “Tommy Gun” to an Attorney General who prosecutes them…
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
WA Democrats like Rep. Kristine Reeves don’t demand your guns because they care about you. They truly hate that your GOD given right to keep & bear arms.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
They are all doable, and none of them will be all-consuming. In any case, there’s no reason why we can’t do more than one, and no real excuse for doing none.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
This is where citizens could really use some of those pledges of Second Amendment protection we heard along the campaign trail from Donald Trump, and from every Republican in Congress who won their seat because of gun owner support.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
The unfortunate CEO is a bellwether of what’s coming if Marxist citizen disarmers have their way. Elizabeth Warren and fellow gun prohibitionists are clearing that way.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
It’s interesting that the rape is alleged to have been committed at an MTV party, and a bigger corporate shill for a decadent totalitarian monopoly of violence you will not find.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
With Hunter Biden’s court record and the pardon, the government cannot credibly evade a responsive production of documents with claims it has used in the past.
Ammoland Inc. on by David Codrea
And note the Constitution doesn’t just say that executive officers have to take the oath—it says they are “BOUND” by it. That means once she volitionally “unbinds” herself, she’s in violation of a non-negotiable requirement and must be removed from office.