The Zombies Aren’t Coming…They’re Already Here

Zombology: Zombie and the Decline of the West (and Gun) by Brian Anse Patrick

Zombology: Zombie and the Decline of the West (and Gun) by Brian Anse Patrick :
Zombology: Zombie and the Decline of the West (and Gun) by Brian Anse Patrick :
Brian Anse Patrick
Brian Anse Patrick

United States -( In Zombology: Zombies and the Decline of the West (and Guns), Professor Brian Anse Patrick dissects the zombie phenomenon as a manifestation of anxieties in the collective (un)consciousness of Western society over the perceived decline of Western culture.

The powerful emergence of zombies in popular media strongly signals a high mass psychological alarm state over the galloping social necrosis of the West. The zombie represents, in part, anxieties over uncontrolled immigration, cultural inundation, civil unrest, hungry hordes, apathy and mindless consumerism.

A quote from the book:

“Responsible, armed self-reliance stands as an essential theme of zombie narratives. It’s virtually the only way to proceed when faced with zombie-ism. Social guardians are gone, having been eaten or abandoned their posts, or gone to the succor of their families, have turned rogue, function mindlessly, or have themselves become zombies. Only the gun, properly used, preserves the ideal and ethic of individualistic virtue that is characteristic of the West. Once having moved beyond the possibility of prevention, the preferred response to a zombie is a bullet in its brain.”

Zombology: Zombies and the Decline of the West (and Guns) ( examines a modern era wherein mass politics seems dedicated to the growth, production and importation of more and more zombies.

As the ultimate Death’s Head symbol, the zombie has become the premier modern psychological symbol that haunts our dreams and media.

About the Author:

Dr. Brian Anse Patrick is a full professor in the Department of Communication at University of Toledo in Ohio. He holds a Ph.D. in Communication Research from University of Michigan. He teaches courses in Propaganda, Communication Research Methods. Group Communication and honors courses in American Gun Policy. His books include: The National Rifle Association and the Media, The Ten Commandments of Propaganda (also available in Polish translation as 10 Przykazan Propagandy), Rise of the Anti-Media—The Informational Sociology of the American Concealed Carry Movement, and Aristotle on Business Communication. He is currently working on a new book, PropaGUNda: the Informational War Over Guns.

He blogs at:

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This is why I refer to the coming societal breakdown as the Zombie Apocalypse. The Obamazombies will roam across the country trying to find sustenance. Guns will be your only protection.


Amen Brother! Nailed it.


Agreed. The “golden horde” terminology identifies the rampaging zombies we will experience within days of a government shutdown.
More importantly in every neighborhood there is a zombie family oblivious as to what is really happening in America as well as the NWO Agenda 21 activity taking place all around them.
Last night as our “glorious leader” gave his state of the “How wonderful I am” address, most people were sickened and disgusted at losing a portion of their lives, wasted watching that megalomanic, sociopathetic serial liar.

He took it from the Kil Jong Il playbook.