The Ups And Downs of Indiana Gun Bills

The Ups And Downs of Indiana Gun Bills

Indianapolis, IN –-( It seems like things are getting ugly with getting HB 1065, the carry to the workplace bill, moved to passage.

HB 1065 has been in the meat grinder going on two months now and it was supposed to get a second reading in the senate Monday. Weather was a factor on Monday’s postponement.

Pro Tem Sen. Long did not let Sen. Steele proceed with the bill because of some technicality, which has me concerned about the effect the Chamber of Commerce lobbyists and their unrelenting pressure they are applying on senators is having.

The bill is now scheduled to be heard on Thursday. The situation is that the longer it’s delayed the more time the C of C and various business opponents have to brow beat some senators into submission. You may ask where our side is. Well, first let me say that the NRA lobbyist, Ashley Varner, has almost taken up residence in the State House over the past several weeks. She’s been keeping me posted on the proceedings. Also, our good friends with the ISRP have been updating us.

It’s now getting real nasty with the opposition demanding ridiculous amendments and consuming time, with our friends working to deny them or remove those amendments. For those fighting to kill this bill with chains of burdensome amendments it’s gone beyond logic, reason and prudence.

I might ask what have each of us has done for the cause. Have you made a call into your particular senator and encouraged them to pass this bill? It just takes a simple toll free call that will use up all of two minutes to do. These guys have got to know that this thing is being watched by people other that C of C lobbyists. You have no idea the power you hold. All you have to do is use it. The number is 1-800-382-9467 and I’ll bet your phone is as close as your pocket.

I was told by one of our sources last night that Governor Daniels was speaking to a group of Chamber of Commerce people in Bloomington. In all of the questions and issues he fielded someone asked him about HB 1065. I was told that his response was that if the bill would come to his desk he’s not sure if he would sign it because it’s a situation where property rights meet individual rights.

There are two things to consider here. First, there was Constitution long before there was Chamber of Commerce. I fully support property rights, but in this case the rights are being extended beyond the property in question because polices prohibiting a person from exercising their Constitutional right to have a firearm locked in their vehicle while at work means they are bound to be in transit to and from the workplace unarmed. Secondly, Constitutional rights trumps arbitrary individual policies.

Now, if the Governor does not want to commit to supporting this bill because he’s standing in the waters of people who oppose it, that would be his prerogative. A friendly call or e-mail to the Governor’s office to support this bill would be very helpful. If he chooses not to sign this bill it’s one thing, just so he doesn’t veto it. If the bill does make it to his desk and he chooses not to sign it and he takes no action, on the eighth day after it’s presented to him it automatically will become law. It will then be filed with the Secretary of State within 10 days of presentment and even if it’s failed to be filed, it will still become law.

I’ve received a report that the Senate Democrats walked out Tuesday over a controversial spending bill introduced by Sen. Errington (D) and did not return to session and may not come back Thursday which would push HB 1065 farther down the calendar.

Jim and Margie
2nd Amendment Patriots

The Second Amendment Patriots are a local group of citizens dedicated to preserving the rights, freedoms, and civil liberties of every American by educating the American public of the founding and history of this country and its founding fathers by explaining the role, functions and purpose of the U.S. Government; and by teaching the need and importance of an armed American public, in order to allow for a more prosperous and respectful country consisting of American citizens with a pledge of allegiance to their country and who will at the same time, voice their demand to take back the present overwhelming power of the U.S. Government and deliver it into the hands of the people to which it belongs.