Pro Gun Activists Outbid Police in Gun Buy Back
Activists to Counter APD “Guns for Groceries” by Offering Cash Alternative and Encouraging Community Philanthropy.

Austin, TX –-( This Saturday February 26th from 9AM to 1PM the Austin Police Department will be hosting their second “Guns for Groceries” buyback program.
The goal of the program is to take guns off of the streets in exchange for grocery gift cards.
In response to this event local Austin activists will be holding their own “Guns for Cash” counter program. Activists will be at the Meadow Baptist Church at 6905 South I-35 from 9AM to 1PM to offer those trading in their working firearms a cash option instead.
Instead of destroying the firearms like APD plans to do, Austin activists will be giving some of them to local Texans in need. Those receiving the firearms will be asked to volunteer for community philanthropy projects so we can make our city a more safe and enjoyable place to live.
We have already raised close to $2,000 and are looking for more funds to compete with APD who will have $30,000 worth of grocery cards.
$110 will buy a working handgun or rifle, and $220 will buy a working sporting rifle.
John Bush
Texans for Accountable Government (TAG) is a non-partisan Political Action Committee headquartered in Central Texas. TAG was formed with the ambition of reigning in the intrusive and expanding reach of government which threatens to invade every facet of our lives. Our ambition is to put the reins of government back into the hands of individual American citizens; allowing us to once again run our own lives. Visit: