UPS Refuses to Ship Firearms Suppressors Used for Hearing Protection

SureFire SOCOM300-SPS Silencer
SureFire SOCOM300-SPS Silencer
National Shooting Sports Foundation
National Shooting Sports Foundation

NEWTOWN, Conn –-( National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) this week learned that United Parcel Service (UPS) had changed its policy regarding the shipment of firearms suppressors.

New policy states that UPS will no longer ship suppressors, even between licensees.

[Silencers or suppressors are used for increased hearing protection and reduction of gun fire noise by caring gun owners.]

NSSF is working with UPS executives to determine what prompted the enforcement of this unwarranted policy.

We are unaware of any thefts or losses that would explain the shipping company’s sudden decision to enforce a prohibition against shipment.

NSSF will keep you apprised of developments. Separately, NSSF is also working with the U.S. State Department to achieve a change policy to allow export of suppressors.

Update Comments Emailed to AmmoLand from UPS:

“UPS accepts for shipment certain firearms, firearms ammunition and firearms accessories as long as the shipments comply with applicable law and are shipped in accordance with company policies. These shipments are between licensed manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors and exclude consumer shipments. UPS has for many years restricted shipments of silencers or mufflers as part of the company’s firearms and ammunition policy.

The company’s general policy is at the following link:

UPS recently became aware of a shipper that tendered silencers for shipment.

Consistent with the general policy, UPS informed the company that it could no longer accept shipments of packages containing those specific products. UPS will engage in discussions with licensed entities about compliance with all applicable laws and regarding the potential establishment of a contractual exception to the general policy under which UPS may ship such products. These discussions will occur on a company-by-company basis and are proprietary. “

Gun Silencers
Gun Silencers

About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 6,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to

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Ken Birdsell

Once again UPS shows why they choose Brown for a company color. Best representation of what they are full of. I guess they make so much money today they can afford to play god and decide who can and whom cannot ship with them. Now understanding they can set their own rules for doing business, a freedom right. I plan to exercise my right and ship with someone else. THIS IS UPS BROWN “bull shit”


like the two before me said, to helll wiht ups. there are other ways to ship all our things not just our gun products.


Huh, so bakeries can be forced to make homosexual wedding cakes, because they serve the public, but UPS can refuse their services to law abiding gun owners. Certainly, Eric Holder will send a battery of attorneys over to UPS headquarters in order to get this all straightened out. 90 Million firearm owners need to take their business elsewhere.


Ok If they don’t want to support firearms owners by shipping our suppressors maybe it is time for all firearm owners to move all of our shipping to FEDX or elsewhere friends lets hit them in their pocket book.


A few of the harmed parties, including the manufacturers, need to join up in a multi-billion dollar lawsuit against that type of crypto-facist azzhattery and solve it once and for all. A public corporation’s “policy” cannot subvert, restrict, nor deprive citizens of the transportation in commerce of legal goods, nor of their lawful and civil right to own (ie – receive into ownership) those goods. Moreover, the goods in question are those repeatedly found by the highest courts in the land to be those which the harmed citizens have a Natural Right to possess. UPS had best grease up well… Read more »


To hell with UPS !

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