Our Dealers Are Receiving Fake Letters in the Mail.

Our Dealers Are Receiving Fake Letters in the Mail.
Our Dealers Are Receiving Fake Letters in the Mail.

Troy, MI -(Ammoland.com)- Why? Someone is jealous of our product and price.

What is your response to this letter? Here is our response to it.

A. We are proud of the quality of our product. It is manufactured in Shanghai, China, by hardworking folks that do a great job. We give every vest a hands-on final inspection here in our warehouse in Troy, MI and I have to tell you the quality is excellent. We also pull random samples out of the production batches and have tested approximately 50 vests so far and have never, had any failure or even near failure. These are great vests and making them in high volume, overseas has made bulletproof vests available to thousands of people that cannot afford a made in the USA vest. If you have $650 to spend on a made in the USA vest, please do, but if you want the same quality and preformance for $299, BulletSafe is the best choice.

B. We carry a million-dollar liability policy on our vest. There is no need to “sue China” (whatever that means), BulletSafe and our parent company, PriveCo (which has been in business since 1998) have this policy to cover our product, people who wear it, our dealers, and ourselves. It took a long time to pass all of the requirements to acquire this liability policy, and we are proud of that too.

Don’t be afraid to call myself and Jennifer at 1-248-457-6877 with questions.

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Marrk R.Richardson

Sad Greetings; This type of “MEAN LITTLE CHILD” verbage is no surprise but, disappoints me as always. The turd eaters who do this are small in number and costly to companies and consumers in or from all nations.God bless you for planning and preparing for this during the exciting and enjoyable start-up phase.I am not in the market for these yet, but experience shows foreign competiton makes U. S. products better.I know you know this, but our friends that do not might start to if their minds can openagainst the smaller views, It took me a little while. I have… Read more »