Brad Johnson Appointed to Second Amendment Coalition for Trump-Pence

Brad Johnson
Brad Johnson
United Sporting Companies
United Sporting Companies

Chapin, S.C. –-( United Sporting Companies (USC), an industry leader and nationwide distributor of hunting, outdoor and marine products, is pleased to announce:

That USC Chairman and CEO Brad Johnson has been appointed to the Second Amendment Coalition for Trump-Pence that includes joint Chairmen Donald J. Trump, Jr. and Christopher Cox, and 62 co-chairs comprised of grassroots leaders and elected officials who fight for individual liberties, support the right to carry personal protection and will defend the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

“I am proud to lend my support to the important task of preserving our country’s Second Amendment rights. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” said Brad Johnson, USC Chairman and CEO.

The Second Amendment Coalition will advise President Elect Donald Trump and Vice-President Elect Mike Pence as they uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and our right to keep and bear arms.

United Sporting Companies (USC) is a leading nationwide distributor of hunting, outdoor and marine products. The company operates through two subsidiaries, Ellett Brothers and Jerry’s Sport Center which were founded in 1933 and 1949, respectively. Providing the Industry’s largest product selection of over 85,000 SKUs in combination with the endless support of the most knowledgeable sales force in the country, USC proudly and efficiently serves over 30,000 independent retail customers across all 50 states through sales offices and distribution centers in Chapin, SC, Newberry, SC, Pittston, PA, Downingtown, PA, Dayton, OH, Spring Hill, KS, Dallas, TX, and Sacramento, CA.

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For years now I have hung my head in shame. Shame at what was happening in my country, TOO my country. Today I am once again proud to be an American. My thanks to the American voters, and to Mr Donald Trump, we can and will make America great again.

Pistol Pete

God has given us 4 years to straighten out this country and turn back to him.
So lets take advantage of this time and set things right.

Ray Woollard

Will you be able to help us in Maryland? I sued Md. for
my renewal for my CC permit. I won the case and lost
in appeal in the 4th Circuit. I have cancer now and
asked the State Police to renew and the told me
“Personal Protection” was not a option. I have to
travel to Johns Hopkins for treatments which is in one
of the worst parts of Baltimore. Ray Woollard

Homer Gomer

The one thing they should have Trump tear up ASAP is the UN ATT that Kerry signed….. Do it now for future generations….

Big Ern

will he be able to help us in California? I hope the President will be able to help us in California where every politician takes turns on who’s new bill will be more restrictive on our gun rights. Then they go around passing all of their buddies bills and the Governor implements them. It seems like they take great joy on restricting us and we need major HELP because the power is with these progressive politicians who have the power votes and control and. They have the majority vote including the Governor and of course the major Gun Hater Gavin… Read more »


So his job is strike down gun control laws he finds them?