6 of 7 Anti-Gun Bills Pass NJ Committee Despite 100’s of Gun Owners Pushing Back

New Jersey – -(Ammoland.com)- Six of the seven anti-gun bills up in the Assembly Judiciary Committee were passed this afternoon, after a heated hearing in a jam-packed room that could not hold the hundreds who showed up (they were directed to an overflow room).

The media was also out in unprecedented numbers at the hearing. The smart gun bill (A1016) was held by the committee and not voted on.

Several hundred gun owners attended, many of whom testified passionately against the measures, along with gun rights leaders. Anti-gun organizations and activists were also out in force.

See the latest coverage of today’s hearing on NJ.com.

The legislation could move to Senate committee as soon as next week. Please watch for further updates and alerts.

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Scenes from the gun debate hearing in Trenton
Scenes from the gun debate hearing in Trenton

Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs

About Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs:The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc. is the official NRA State Association in New Jersey. Our mission is to implement all of the programs and activities at the state level that the NRA does at the national level. This mission includes the following: To support and defend the constitutional rights of the people to keep and bear arms. To take immediate action against any legislation at the local, state and federal level that would infringe upon these rights. Visit: www.anjrpc.org

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Please contact President Trump directly and tell him NO ON GUN CONTROL, specifically no ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN. Remind him that gun owners and specifically the NRA got him elected. Tell him he won’t have to worry about a re-election in 2020 because with this historical betrayal, he’ll lose the house in 2018, at which time he’ll be impeached. https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/

Leo Smith

NJ can Kiss My Azz. I’m not giving up or changing a thing because New Jersey Says so. If they don’t Arrest the Democrats for spying on Trump, I don’t see any Law or Justice here I have to Obey..


So the hell with the Constitution. We will just tell you what you can have and what you can’t and you just have to sit and take it. Well this is what you get when you let man Rule over man. This is how civil War starts.


Buying a boat and sailing the fuck out of NJ!

Rich in Mo.

Because they don’t work for you, you work for them.


So this is how liberty dies….with thunderous applause.

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