El Monte Police Department Adopts a SIG SAUER Complete Systems Solution

El Monte Police Department Adopts a SIG SAUER Complete Systems Solution
El Monte Police Department Adopts a SIG SAUER Complete Systems Solution

Newington, N.H.-(Ammoland.com)- SIG SAUER, Inc. is proud to announce that the El Monte Police Department has selected a full package of SIG SAUER products to create a solution for the department’s mission. The package includes pistols, rifles, suppressors and electro-optics.

Founded in 1912, the El Monte Police Department’s 123 sworn officers serve an area 12 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. Initiated through the department’s SWAT division, SWAT Team Leader Sgt. Mark Snook began the acquisition process with handguns in both 9mm and 45 auto from SIG SAUER, HK, Glock and FN, as well as a rifle and suppressor package in 5.56 NATO. SIG SAUER submitted the latest version of the SIG MCX rifle equipped with an SRD556 suppressor.

“The overwhelming decision was the SIG 226 and 229 in 9mm and the 220 in 45 auto,” said Sgt. Snook. “I, along with the rest of the SWAT team, pushed for the Legion models as they are the top of the line SIG models, and they already include all of the upgraded features we were looking for.”

Upon seeing the SWAT acquisition, El Monte Police Chief David Reynoso determined the new firearms were the best option for their officers, and expanded the acquisition to supply the entire department with the new handguns.

The SWAT team also selected the SIG SAUER rifle and suppressor package for duty use. The rifles submitted for evaluation included SIG SAUER Electro-Optics ROMEO4T red dot sights and JULIET4 magnifiers. Although the department wasn’t looking to acquire new optics, the officers involved in the evaluation process determined the Electro-Optics products were superior to their older red dot sights, and have begun the process to add them to the acquisition.

“We have a long history of providing the best quality firearms for law enforcement use, it’s exciting to be able to create a solution tailored to meet the mission of any department,” said Tom Jankiewicz, Executive Vice President, Law Enforcement Sales. “We are humbled that officers trust their lives to our products.”

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SIG SAUER, Inc. is The Complete Systems Provider, leading the industry in American innovation, ingenuity, and manufacturing. SIG SAUER® brings a dedication to superior quality, ultimate reliability, and unmatched performance that has made it the brand of choice among many of the world’s elite military, government and law enforcement units as well as responsible citizens. SIG SAUER offers a full array of products to meet any mission parameter, including handguns, rifles, ammunition, electro-optics, suppressors, ASP (Advanced Sport Pellet) airguns and training. The largest member of a worldwide business group of firearms manufacturers that includes SIG SAUER GmbH & Co. KG in Germany and Swiss Arms AG in Switzerland, SIG SAUER is an ISO 9001: 2008 certified company with more than 1,600 employees. For more information on SIG SAUER, any of its products, or the SIG SAUER AcademySM, please visit on to sigsauer.com.

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This is exactly what’s wrong with law enforcement. They are the standing army many Founders warned us not to have. I look at that & rather than feel protected I see a grave threat to our liberties.

“A standing army we shall have, also, to execute the execrable commands of tyranny; and how are you to punish them? Will you order them to be punished? Who shall obey these orders? Will your mace-bearer be a match for a disciplined regiment?”

–Patrick Henry

Andy Buckmichael

Now all they have to do is find people with enough intelligence to use the equipment.


Well you didn’t think the politicians were going to come themselves, did you?