Rhode Island: Massive Opposition to Gun Control Bills in Providence

Rhode Island
Rhode Island: Massive Opposition to Gun Control Bills in Providence
National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)
National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

Fairfax, VA – -(Ammoland.com)- The Fire Marshal was on hand at the Statehouse Tuesday afternoon as NRA members and Ocean State gun owners rallied to oppose the latest wave of gun control bills.

As previously reported, almost two dozen gun bills were on the agenda in the House Judiciary Committee late Tuesday. The hearing stretched late into the evening, and all of the bills were “held for further study.”

The debate included five bills which would raise the purchase age for rifles and shotguns to 21. Multiple bills were introduced which would restrict magazines to a capacity of no more than 10 rounds and ban commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms.

There were other hotly contested bills which included legislation to end state firearm preemption (H.7762) and prohibit concealed carry in K-12 schools by anyone other than law enforcement (H.7591). Current law already allows concealed carry on school property, and there have been no incidents which would indicate there is a problem with current law. Several witnesses testified that this is a solution in search of a problem. This bill is simply an anti-gun bill trying to create yet another failed “gun free zone.”

Although the bills were “held for further study” they are very much alive until session ends near the end of June. NRA-ILA and our state association, the Rhode Island Second Amendment Coalition, joined many others in testifying against the full slate of gun bills Tuesday night.

We would like to thank all of our members who made the trip to the Statehouse to defend the Second Amendment. These capacity crowds should be giving lawmakers pause as anti-gun legislation has been bringing out throngs of Rhode Islanders in opposition, severely outnumbering the opposition. Please continue to contact House members and respectfully insist that they oppose any new gun control laws.

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org

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I have lived in R.I. my whole life and nothing has changed.The people hear a so stupid, they keep electing the same idiots election after election.,Whitehouse the global warming jackass,Cicillini the gun grabbing goofis.
Reed who hasn’t done a thing for this state.You can’t tell these dem loving morons anything.According to them the economy is doing so great is because of Obama.Dems actually be live crime will stop if we are all disarmed.We have to keep control of house&Senate because Pelosi and Shumer will have afield day if we lose.And that’s just the beginning


ammo/gun control = ahole

VT Patriot

Such a shame. Sounds like the leg took the same bills that our soon to be ex gov passed on us last month. Almost word for word. Keep up the good fight RI, don’t let the moron libs take away your rights. The old ‘camels nose under the tent’ scheme is hard at work.


Almost zero people get a CCW from R.I. Attorney General’s office because they don’t want armed citizens. Now they are going after all semi-auto guns. Glad I left that Democrat sewer 2 years ago for Texas. Got my Texas LTC 8 days after submitting the paperwork. It would have taken 6-9 months to get denied in R.I.


Sure wish nj gunowners were that concerned