Knife Rights’ Louisiana Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Signed


Gilbert, AZ –-( Knife Rights’ bill to repeal Louisiana’s antiquated ban on the possession of switchblade knives, HB 892, was signed by Governor Edwards! Switchblade Freedom Day in Louisiana will be August 1, 2018, when the new law goes into effect.

We’d like to acknowledge Representative Mark Wright for his sponsorship and leadership and Senator Bodi White for shepherding the bill through the Senate.

Thanks to all of you who called and emailed your legislators and Governor Edwards to ask them to support the bill. When you call and email, it is a huge help to Todd Rathner, our Director of Legislative Affairs, who worked tirelessly in Louisiana on this bill.

Knife Rights would also like to express our appreciation to Dan Zelenka, President of the Louisiana Shooters Association, for his efforts in laying the groundwork for this bill. We are also grateful to Knife Rights board member and Louisiana resident Tom Gresham and Knife Rights member Clifford Grout for their roles in assisting us in this effort.

HB 892 repeals the total ban on switchblade knives in Louisiana and allows for the possession of a switchblade knife provided it is not “intentionally concealed on one’s person.” That provision was necessary to gain the neutrality of the Sheriffs and the State Police. Manufacture and sale of automatic knives would also become legal.

Allowing for the concealed carry of a switchblade in Louisiana is complicated because it would require a significant change to Louisiana’s concealed carry law. Knife Rights will continue to look for opportunities to fix this aspect of the law in the future.

Knife Rights’ record of 29 bills repealing knife bans at the state and local levels in 21 states in the past 8 years is unrivaled. With your support, Knife Rights is rewriting knife law in America.

Knife RightsAbout:
Knife Rights ( is America’s Grassroots Knife Owners Organization, working towards a Sharper Future for all knife owners. Knife Rights is dedicated to providing knife owners an effective voice in public policy. Become a Knife Rights member and make a contribution to support the fight for your knife rights. Visit

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I’m confuse , sounds like to me you can intentionally concealed carry , ( (4)(a)
The manufacture, ownership, possession, custody or use intentional concealment on one’s person of any switchblade knife, spring knife, or other knife or similar instrument having a blade which may be automatically unfolded or extended from a handle by the manipulation of a button, switch, latch, or similar contrivance located on the handle. Section 2. R.S. 14:95(J) is hereby repealed in its entirety.
Words in struck through type are deletions from existing law; words underscored are additions. )

Jim Macklin

If the pocket clip or a belt sheath/case is visible, is it unconcealed? Is the word “concealed” clearly defined in the law? The new law leaves room for many clarifying amendments.. Congratulations to all who educated, helped and passed this revised and improved law. Someday ALL STATES and the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT will write a law that decriminalizes all weapons not carried for an unlawful purpose. A switch blade, butterfly knife, a hammer or screwdriver carried as a tool should always be lawful. Any item carried with the intention or rape, robbery, murder or theft should be illegal , even a… Read more »

The other Jim

“intentionally concealed on one’s person.” what does this mean? Who is to say it was “intentionally” and /or “intentionally concealed”?
And why would the “neutrality” of the Sheriffs an State Police be needed?
I’m glad to here they got it done; in a years or so they should float another bill to remove this “police state” arbitrary phrase in the law “intentionally concealed” to avoid arrests by some overzealous or vengeful police or sheriff.
What we need is the “neutrality” (keep their mouth shut) of the police or sheriffs when it comes to our 2nd. Amendment rights.


I am confused, how does one carry a pocket knife without concealing it?

Roger F. Garner

Now if NY State would do the same.