KC Man Involved in Shooting, Trafficking Firearms on Facebook

Editors Note: The following press release is directly from ATF. Regular readers of AmmoLand News know our stance on the unaccountable Federal Agency: No comment. We invite our readers to leave their hard-hitting insights in the comments below.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – -(Ammoland.com)- A Kansas City, Kansas, man who was involved in a shooting, which resulted in injuries to several people, was sentenced in federal court today for illegally possessing ammunition.

Dyqwon Deonte Brown, 28, was sentenced by U.S. Chief District Judge Beth Phillips to eight years in federal prison without parole.

On Sept. 20, 2021, Brown pleaded guilty to being a felon in possession of ammunition. According to court documents, Brown was heavily involved in illegally trafficking firearms through his Facebook account. He even engaged in this conduct while in the hospital being treated for a gunshot wound.

The investigation began when Brown was taken to Research Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, on April 21, 2019, with a gunshot wound to the leg. Hospital security officers found a Glock handgun magazine loaded with 10 rounds of ammunition and one loose round of ammunition in Brown’s pants pocket. He refused to tell police officers his name or provide any information regarding how or where he was shot.

Security footage from the hospital showed Brown was dropped off by a gold Ford Fusion with black rims. Kansas City police officers were dispatched to the scene of a shooting at 2924 Mersington Ave., Kansas City, shortly before Brown was dropped off at the hospital. According to court documents, several innocent bystanders, including young children, were put in grave danger during the shooting. Witnesses told officers that people involved in the shooting occupied a gold Ford Fusion with black wheels. A witness also identified Brown as one of the parties involved in the shooting. Witnesses described one of the shooters wearing the same clothes that Brown was wearing when he arrived at the hospital.

Officers contacted two people suffering from gunshot wounds when they arrived at the scene of the shooting – a man with wounds to his head and a woman with wounds to her arm. Officers recovered nine 9mm shell casings, 13 .40-caliber shell casings, and 22 7.62×39 shell casings.

Investigators reviewed Brown’s Facebook profile, which used the vanity name “Hush Hoodstar.” Brown uses the moniker “Hush” for his rap music. On March 24 and April 6, 2019, Brown posted photos of himself holding firearms. The first photo contains an assault-style firearm and Glock handgun with an extended magazine. The second photo contains four separate handguns. Brown’s Facebook messages show he was heavily involved in the trafficking of firearms.

Brown’s private Facebook messages indicate he was buying, selling, and trading firearms on nearly a daily basis, although as a convicted felon it was illegal for him to possess any firearms or ammunition. In those messages, Brown often sent photos depicting several firearms he purported to possess at that time that were available for sale or trade.

On April 30, 2019, nine days after the shooting, Brown posted a photo of himself depicting bandages to his left hip or thigh area, the location of his gunshot wound. According to court documents, Brown bragged about the shooting in his Facebook conversations, admitting that he was involved in the shooting and that the shooting was retaliation for a firearm stolen from him.

Under federal law, it is illegal for anyone who has been convicted of a felony to be in possession of any firearm or ammunition. Brown has two prior felony convictions for aggravated robbery and a prior felony conviction for unlawful use of a weapon (carrying a concealed .40-caliber handgun).

This case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Ashleigh A. Ragner and Special U.S. Attorney Sarah Rasalam. It was investigated by the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.

Kansas City Field Division

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives

ATF is the federal law enforcement agency responsible for investigating violations of the federal firearms and explosives laws and regulations. More information about ATF and its programs can be found at www.atf.gov.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ( ATF )

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uncle dudley

I wonder why the Kansas City, Kansas prosecutor didn’t file any charges for the shooting?


It may or may not have something to do the fact that the Wyandotte County DA is Dim O Crat.
Just sayin’….


Deplorable Bill

“A well trained militia, being necessary to a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. The second amendment, THE law of the land. The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed to all free, not incarcerated, American citizens thus, the gun and ammo charges against this dirt bag are unconstitutional and thus illegal. Evidently, the guy is guilty of assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder etc. Lock him up for those things but leave unconstitutional, illegal laws out of it. The atfe is a criminal, unconstitutional, treasonous, tyrannical, murderous… Read more »




“The atfe is a criminal, unconstitutional, treasonous, tyrannical, murderous government entity that should be disbanded and their agents arrested, tried and if/when found guilty of these and other crimes be made to suffer the just punishments for these crimes.”

“It was investigated by the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.”



It seems your fanclub is following me as well now.


It’s an honor.


I agree with the aggravated robbery felonly, however his other felony,

prior felony conviction for unlawful use of a weapon (carrying a concealed .40-caliber handgun

Is just another way they’re turning the general public into felons for carrying a sidearm.


“A Kansas City, Kansas, man who was involved in a shooting, which resulted in injuries to several people, was sentenced in federal court today for illegally possessing ammunition.”

So instead of arresting and prosecuting someone for actual crimes like shooting several people, these government thugs are here bragging about armed robbery, aggravated kidnapping, and violation of rights.

Wild Bill

I’m thinking that someone wanted him sentenced in a federal court, so they had to pick a federal charge.
The actual crimes that you imply are state charges, so it would have to been in a state court. I could be wrong.


they may not have had a prosecutor who would file charges

Wild Bill

Very possibly.


Maybe the local DA didn’t want to prosecute out of fear of the political backlash, but still wanted this scumbag off of “his” streets. The easy solution is to drop a dime to the AFT, who are all too happy to crow over plucking the low hanging fruit.


Bill, that was my first thought on the waythis all came down. Seems like a right t rotten dirtbag who narrowly won tne Tarmac Tempearature Test and survived…. this time. The thing about the Fed charges is that they, in and of themselves, are not really crimes as the act, simpliciter, of having the mag in his pocket as he missed the turni to the morgue harmed no one. BUT, since it was more than obvious he had been involved in the shooting that DID harm more than one, it seemed acceptable to charge on the non-crime and lock him… Read more »

Wild Bill

True, especially that part about the BATFE disappearing!


“The first photo contains an assault-style firearm.” Do you mean a Modern sporting rifles? Oh yea, ATF wrote the article.


Farcebook and felons. An accurate indication of IQ.


I sho wish deez criminal ‘boon-shaka-laka’s were betta shotz.
Quit yo sprayin-n-prayin method of shootin, and aim doe’s shotz…. BEE-otch !!


Isn’t AmmoLand based out of Overland Park? Just wondering, I seem to remember that being the case


“It was investigated by the Kansas City, Mo., Police Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives.”

Henry Bowman

“The irony of this is AmmoLand News is blocked, deleted, and shadow-banned in FaceBook at every turn for just talking about guns..”

That’s because Fakebook, Twatter, Google and their ilk are leftist-owned corporations that don’t welcome non-progs. They have NO tolerance for us, so let them rot in their decaying corporate ruins, and we will abide in our own digital communities, like Gab, where free speech is the law of the land and anyone we don’t like can be blocked/ignored by ourselves without 1A infringements. Trolls will go away when they’re ignored.

Henry Bowman

If you know of any specific examples, please share it with us, because I haven’t seen outright censorship. What I have seen, though, are a lot of trolls who get away with a lot. I mean it when I say that the way Gab operates is the most 1A-respecting platform I have ever seen… and I’ve seen a lot.

Now, please regale us with the story of who had what done, and let us consider the why.


Just curious but has any of your comments needed approval ? Is that not limiting speech ? Even if only for a few hours. There are people being denied your comment during this process. For most people don’t return to reread comments once approved. I see it as no different than a reporter putting out knowingly false info just to retract later.


Every one of my comments posted over an 8 to 10 day period was put on hold – some of them for days.

I have no idea why – could just be something in the logic of the filters.

Ammoland is part of the private sector – so, their site, their rules.

I’m glad it hasn’t gone the way of other boards where comments about a certain percentage of people in a certain profession will get people banned.

Wild Bill

Which of the two professions in America are you referring to?


“Which of the two professions in America are you referring to?” ~ Wild Bill

You are not complying with your own standard.

I’ll answer your question after you answer some of the questions I have asked you.

Wild Bill

Oh, you did not know that there are only two recognized professions in America? I can explain it, if you like.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

“Bla, bla, bla playground quibbler.” ~ Wild Bill You like to ask questions, but you don’t like to answer questions. You dodge questions by stating they must be prefaced with “please,” but you don’t use “please” when you ask questions. You talk about leading ambushes of convoys in the U.S. to get “heavy weaps” and how you need “secure comms” and how you are looking for an S4. However, you have never lifted a finger to actually get involved in politics and you criticize the concept of a “pro 2nd Amendment activist.” You know the downvoters hate me because I… Read more »

Wild Bill

You know no such thing. You guess poorly and often. But you should be down voted for insulting people.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

“You know no such thing. You guess poorly and often. But you should be down voted for insulting people.” ~ Wild Bill

All of the above examples are out there for all to read.

Should you be downvoted for insulting people?

Should the other, more grievious insulters, be downvoted for their insults?

Last edited 2 years ago by JSNMGC
Wild Bill

A down vote is a legitimate comment. I suffer them and so must you.


“A down vote is a legitimate comment. I suffer them and so must you.” ~ Wild Bill

I commented on your hypocrisy.

Wild Bill

I deleted that comment because I thought it was too rough on you, but you kept it. Interesting
The UCMJ precludes political participation while on active duty, which encompasses almost half of my life.
You have so many complaints that I can not address them all. I can not devote that much valuable time to you. Sorry.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill

“I deleted that comment because I thought it was too rough on you, but you kept it. Interesting
The UCMJ precludes political participation while on active duty, which encompasses almost half of my life.
You have so many complaints that I can not address them all. I can not devote that much valuable time to you. Sorry.”

This has been covered before – multiple times.

When did you come off active duty?

Wild Bill

When the big green machine was done with me, like every other soldier. I really can not spend any more time answering your questing. I have animals to take care of. Sorry.


“When the big green machine was done with me, like every other soldier. I really can not spend any more time answering your questing. I have animals to take care of. Sorry.” ~ Wild Bill

Running away from the discussion again.

You could have been doing these things since the Army shook loose of you:

  • Calling legislators;
  • Writing legislators;
  • Going to political meetings of people who support free speech, firearm rights, and smaller, better government;
  • Interviewing candidates who want to run against Cornyn;
  • Hosting debates between state legislators;
  • Etc.
Wild Bill

What about Fire and Maneuver warfare would have prepared me for that?
Things are so Second Amendment positive here that none of that is necessary.
We do a lot of animal rescue, old folks support, and church work.
You sure are handy at thinking of things for others to do.


Replied about my experience with comments going on hold, but the comment was put on hold.

Wild Bill

Respectfully, the Right to free speech only binds the federal and state governments.

Last edited 2 years ago by Wild Bill