MARTINSBURG, WV -( AmmoLand News has obtained a leaked copy of the 2019 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Industry Operations Manual.
The manual is the internal guide that the Industry Operations Inspectors (IOI) use when conducting federal firearms licensees (FFL) inspections. An IOI is not a special agent. They are an ATF employee assigned to carry out compliance inspections and audits of records that FFLs hold. While special agents are considered law enforcement and have the power to arrest, the IOIs work on the industry side of the Bureau.
The document is 190 pages long and gives an insight into what the IOIs look for during their FFL compliance inspections. The document lays down what the IOIs can and can’t do during their official visits. It includes when the IOI can run a NICS check on the FFL’s responsible parties. The document also covers when an IOI must refer a case to a criminal investigator. The IOIs cannot perform a criminal investigation.
The document not only goes into procedures used by IOIs during their compliance visits but it also covers the techniques that the IOIs will use during their visits to FFLs. The document also covers more mundane topics such as the ATF’s work from home policy and the use of government vehicles by the IOIs.
One of the interesting things about the IOI position is that IOIs are not allowed to carry firearms while working. This restriction even applies to those who have valid concealed carry permits. The IOIs are not even allowed to keep their guns in their cars.
The document will be an immense help to firearms dealers that are fighting against the revocation of their FFLs. Currently, FFL revocations are up by 500%. Under the current Biden administration, the ATF has targeted FFLs and has been revoking FFLs for the slightest infraction. President Biden calls these gun stores “rogue dealers.” By having a copy of the manual, these targeted FFLs can ensure that the ATF IOIs followed proper procedures during the inspections.
The IO Manual can also help in a criminal defense strategy of a gun dealer accused of criminal activity if the ATF employee improperly used their role as an IOI to collect evidence of illegal activity when they should have filled out a suspicious activity report. The manual makes it abundantly clear that IOIs are not law enforcement officers.
The ATF has stalled multiple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests trying to get a copy of the Industry Operations Manual, leading many in the gun community to wonder why the ATF would try to prevent the manual from being distributed to the public. Some think that the ATF did not want the IO Manual to fall into the hands of criminal defense lawyers and FFLs.
AmmoLand News has not completed a full examination of the manual. With the increased number of revocations and an administration increasingly hostile towards the gun industry, we felt the time is of the essence to get this document in the hands of FFLs and defense attorneys alike.
About John Crump
John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at
Joe Biden does not have thought of his own when he does interject he embarrass the nation. The ATF should not even exist !!!!
so much dead weight in government that needs to go
Spot on.
What did who find to downvote?
Sure, but there has to be a reason to fire federal govt. employees … some misbehavior or not doing their job. So many have do nothing jobs that it is difficult to get rid of them. Except … GS 14s and above!
I’ve come into organizations where it became immediately apparent that I needed to fire several GS-15s. I had one guy that spent his entire time off work (and come to find out much of his work hours) planning out his D&D events. As things unfolded, we quickly found out that he had hired his fellow gamers into his office even though they had about zero credentials for the job. The mission was so far behind that it had to be taken offline and rebuilt. The system has made it nearly impossible though and they wind up moving laterally off to… Read more »
Interesting. D&D? As in Dungeons and Dragons? What was your last command position?
We could, if there was the political will to do it, get rid of the GS 14 and 15s and all five thousand salary slurping, libtard SES employees in an afternoon because they are only entitled to two weeks notice.
Yes, Dungeons and Dragons. As active duty, my last formal command was as NASIC CC. Although my final position at the time of retirement was as an Air Operations Center Division (AOC /Coalition – CAOC) CC. I’m currently an SES at Wright-Pat where I oversee various programs and R&D.
See, Wild Bill, Tackleberry knows.
Tac is a learned, experienced, and articulate man on his own. He does not need your help.
I’m not helping him, Wild Bill. I was just pointing out another example for you to learn from:
“An SES”
“An SOB”
Try to write in whole sentences.
Try not be a snarky little B.
have a great day, remember half staff
That sounds pluperfect! I shall.
Cranky today.
any time in Las Vegas?
Keep em squared away!
same happened with 1980 with mariel boatlift fast uncontrolled hiring of unqualified
But why should we need a reason to fire government employees? Especially federal and state employees.
Political parties used to pay off their supporters with government jobs. It used to be that when the new incoming politicians were of a different party all the employees would get fired. Huge change overs created inexperience and confusion. So federal statutes were enacted to protect the worker bees.
Those protective federal statutes do not protect GS 14s, GS 15s or SES positions. They are entitled to no more than two weeks notice.
With respect sir we live in a whole new world Republicans need to play as dirty as the democrats I can say that with reason you can find cause to fire anyone anytime any job title using their own , woke political theater against them. From dress code to eating at their desk to using their phones while on the clock. Where there is a will there’s a way. Even a comment could be taken as a threat and out they go. You can make their lives so miserable PTO time vacation parking altering the hours they will be need… Read more »
Maybe I am not being clear in my writing. I can not speak to state employees, but only federal. With regard to federal employees, Senior Executive Service and General Schedule 14s and 15 are only entitled to two weeks notice. They all serve at the pleasure of the president. No reason is necessary to dismiss them. Those are the nameless, faceless decision makers.
GS1-13s do actual work. They are not the nameless, faceless, political decision makers. There are federal statutes that must be followed to fire them.
needs to be a easy way to get rid of unproductive waste
that needs to change
85% or more.
Agreed It is time to use the same loopholes that democrats seem to always invent or make up as they go along.
Those federal employees that are not carrying their weight or are known as the deep state hand out the cardboard box clean out your desk escort them out / Then close down the departments and job titles it would be cheaper to fire them pay their unemployment and say “GOOD DAY”
GS13s and below have federal statute protections, which if violated would generate a massive number of wrongful termination lawsuits. To discharge a federal employee of GS13 or below the statutes have to be scrupulously followed.
or nullified by congress and rewritten in a way that has some reason to it
Past time for BATFE to go away; along with all of their “mandate”.
Crump bringing the goods – this will be invaluable to FFLs.
Heres a link to download a 2017 version
Scribed requires a subscription to download it. Do us a favor and provide free download links instead of posting stuff behind a pay wall
They have free accounts.