Hornady’s .45-70 Gov LEVERevolution Round

Hornady LEVERevolution 45-70
The hard-hitting Hornady LEVERevolution .45-70 Gov round. IMG Jim Grant

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- I recently went on a Texas hog hunt using a Henry’s 45-70 on the 24 Outfitters Ranch, and then later in the week, heading up North a few miles to hunt with varmint hunter extraordinaire Junior Walker. While it’s a well-known fact that a 45-70 packs a wallop, you still need to use good ammo, which is why I went with Hornady 325 gr. LEVERevolution ammo. I’ve had good luck with this combination in the past bear hunting, so why change it up?

Lever actions are iconic and claim to have won the West. That may be so, but Henry has carried the lever action to a new level. They are just flat-out cool. One of the big problems with hunting with high caliber lever actions for big game in the past is that lever action ammo flatlined somewhere back in Buffalo Bill Cody’s day!

Ok, maybe I’m being a little melodramatic…. but not too much. Really, I can’t think of anything exciting happening with ammo in the lever action world since Davy Crockett had two bears charging him, and he shot a rock between them, and the bullet split in half, and each half hit the bears right between the eyes, and both bears slid to a screeching halt stone dead at his feet.

The author with his Henry Rifle and Hornady LEVERevolution .45-70 ammunition. IMG Tom Claycomb

No wait, that was with his black-powder .50 cal. Hawkins. So, I guess there has never been anything new and exciting about lever action ammo. The lever action has had to stand tall on its own two feet without any side gimmicks. That is until now. Due to the introduction of the Hornady LEVERevolution ammo, the lever action may soon again reside on the throne as your most preferred rifle, and your ARs will be relegated to the back row of your 25 rifle gun safe!

Why am I so excited about Hornady LEVERevolution ammo? It brings some new innovation to the lever action ammo world that has been missing for decades. Hornady claims that the key is the patented elastomer Flex Tip technology of the FTX and Monoflex bullets, and it is safe to use in your tubular magazines. These bullets feature higher ballistic coefficients and deliver a dramatically flatter trajectory for increased down-range performance.

I’ve never been able to bring myself to put a scope on a lever action. It seems anti-American or something. But no big deal; with open sights, I never could shoot too far anyway and especially with most of the clunker lever action ammo on the market. But now we have some real ammo that can reach out there further, I’m really reconsidering putting on a scope or, more likely, some night vision gear after hunting with Junior Walker and Ryan Long that is with THEWAYWEHUNT. They had all of the cool night vision gear, which is almost a must for hunting hogs, or at least a big benefit.

I’ve seen Hornady LEVERevolution 325 gr. 45-70 ammo is advertised for $47.99, and as is usual, we will close with the company specs/data.

MUZZLE 2050 3032 -1.5
100 YDS. 1729 2158 3
200 YDS. 1225 1083 -27.8

Product Features


The patented Flex Tip technology of the FTX and MonoFlex bullets provides higher ballistic coefficients and velocity increases of up to 250 fps over traditional flat point loads while still providing shock-absorbing safety in tubular magazines.


New propellants provide maximum muzzle velocity at conventional pressures, resulting in flatter trajectories and more downrange energy. Exceptional accuracy and overwhelming downrange terminal performance.


LEVERevolution ammunition outperforms conventional loads for high weight retention, delivering up to 40% more energy than traditional flat point bullets. The higher ballistic coefficients of the FTX and MonoFlex bullets produce consistently flatter trajectories than conventional bullets and provide overwhelming downrange terminal performance.

About Tom Claycomb

Tom Claycomb has been an avid hunter/fisherman throughout his life as well as an outdoors writer with outdoor columns in the magazine Hunt Alaska, Bass Pro Shops, Bowhunter.net, and freelances for numerous magazines and newspapers. “To properly skin your animal you will need a sharp knife. I have an e-article on Amazon Kindle titled Knife Sharpening for $.99 if you’re having trouble.”

Tom Claycomb

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Deplorable Bill

Another good medium range 4570 bullet is a Lyman 325g hollow point. I push them out of a Marlin at 2245F.P.S. It’s good medicine for deer and elk, probably bear and hogs and the occasional semi truck and chopper and lots of other stuff on other continents.. These days, with ammo prices and availability being as outrageous as obiden can make them, casting and rolling your own helps more than ever. Jacketed bullets do have their place but a lead hollow point is at least equal to them. Don’t ever let yourself think that you are unarmed with a lever… Read more »

Desert Rat

For a lever gun I’ll keep my Browning BLR in .308 with 4 round box magazines for quick reloads that I bought 40 years ago. With iron sights it will easily roll a pig out beyond 200 yards and the good stuff ammo doesn’t cost $2 per round. Equally good for deer, elk or zombies.


Personally, I’ve found Lever-Revolution 44-70 to be not particularly accurate at 100 yards and more in my Henry, but works okay for hogs in the North Georgia woods, where I’m usually shooting through brush. (I’m sighted in at 50 yards since I can rarely see anything farther that. Due to inconsistencies though, once my current stock of 45-70 and 30-30 is used up, I’ll buy something else.


Been thinking about picking up another lever gun. I haven’t owned one since I was a kid with my first deer rifle being a Marlin 30-30. This 45-70 seems to be the way to go as far as caliber. I would love to hear thoughts on best calibers for lever guns.


Why the story about this now? They can out over a decade ago. I bought one of the Remington marlin 45/70. It shot so bad it couldn’t hit paper from 20 feet in a lead sled. Sent back to Remington where they put a rear sight that was about 1/2 inch tall and snagged everything. They refused to actually fix it or replace it. I had to put a scout mount and used the leverolution to break it in and that was seriously like 15 years ago


I find it works just as well in my 45-70 single shots as it does in lever guns