Catching Up on the ARV & JAKL Rifles with Palmetto State Armory ~ VIDEO

The 35-round 9x19mm U9 Magazine PSA made for the PSA AK-V is an awesome, practical, and affordable use of polymer and stainless steel. As a matter of fact, the only thing I can think of that would make it better is a 70-round version, or a 150-round drum, or 300-round… I think you see where I’m going with this! A cool benefit of the mag is that it works well with your CZ Scorpion Evo 3 as well.

For all the 9mm AR-15 platform lovers out there, the U9 Magazine works fantastic with the PSA AR-V Pistols & Rifles.

Dale Morgan, PSA’s Senior Design Engineer, and Josiah McCallum, their Consumer Relations Manager, joined me to break down the details of the Pistol Caliber Carbine as well as the latest on their development of the PSA JAKL, in this ongoing series of Industry interviews with myself and AmmoLand News. We’re really big fans of the Kalashnikov pattern AKV and have a few videos on the channel. It’s fun, soft shooting, 9mm is relatively cheap and available (when there’s not an apocalypse going on) and if like me you have an Evo 3 you can definitely swap your magazines back and forth.

The PSA AR-V would make a great bugout gun or companion to an AK-V, or Scorpion EVO. IMG Jim Grant

During our conversation, Dale mentioned that the ARV’s lower was redesigned from the trigger group forward to accommodate the wider Scorpion-compatible magazine, and it has a mag release forward of the trigger guard, replacing your typical mag release button. So, although you can use any of your favorite AR accessories on it, it is still a completely new lower and not compatible with other AR uppers other than Palmetto State Armory’s proprietary wider Upper built to match the ARV’s lower. You’re probably thinking, why do we need another PCC when there are already so many Glock versions out there? Sir, I would answer your question with a question!


I typed that all out in Cap Lock to emphasize that I’m shouting because I’m clearly omnisciently righteous in all my opinions cause: the internet.

Okay, jokes aside, the answer is twofold. One: It’s all about angles and followers, and the last round bolt holds open and never works properly (if at all!). This means the Glock magazine, despite the old adage “Does it take Glock mags?”, was never really designed to work in a carbine environment, allegedly.

And Two: Beauty is definitely in the eye of the beholder, and form follows function in the gun world. Not everyone thinks Glock magazines look right in a carbine. “One of the things I really don’t like…” Dale emphatically stated during our interview. “…is the weird angle or the way an AR-style rifle or pistol looks with a Glock mag in it!” I’ll invite you all to debate that one in the comments, although I have to agree with Dale on that one. As the ladies always say: “Curved is better looking!” (Ok, I made that up for…Reasons).

For all the fans like myself out there who love the JAKL, we spent some time talking about updates to the monolithic piston rifle caliber carbine upper. Highlights? One, it’s available now. Two, although it has been tweaked a little, it’s still going to be in the sub $800 price category for the complete gun. Third, instead of just the 300-Blackout or just a 556 version, PSA has released both options at the same time. The most popular out of this series of videos have been the ones with the guys from PSA so thanks to them for coming back and working with us, I’m glad everyone is enjoying our work. One last comment before you go off to enjoy this amazing video we’ve made for you:

Can someone make a belt-fed PCC? Just asking for a friend!

About Hank Strange

Hank Strange is an Enthusiastic Supporter of The Second Amendment, An Avid Filmmaker, Writer, Blogger, Music Producer, and Digital Artist: Hank is a Prolific YouTube Content Creator having Published over 1000 Videos to date relating to Lifestyle in the realms of Firearms, Cars, and Technology. A Proud American Citizen Since 2003, Hank was born of Mixed Race Parentage (his Father has African Ancestry, and his Mother is of East Indian Ancestry, amongst others) in Guyana, South America. He has traveled to a few places in the world with his Family living in London, England, and Nigeria in West Africa before settling in NYC. Hank & His Wife, Lola, are both Federal Firearms Licensees and currently live and work in Florida. Passionately Pursuing The Lifestyles Of The Locked And Loaded! Tune in to the daily Gun Culture News “Podshow” Who Moved my Freedom Podcast (WMMF) on the LIfestyles of the Locked and Loaded youtube channel. Hank’s work can also be seen on, Facebook, Instagram, his Personal Blog, and other Social Media.

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I’ve bought ammo from PSA many times, and had no problems, But when trying to buy a gun. problems! First I had to E-mail them in order to find out how to talk with a human, then the person I spoke with couldn’t answer any questions I had. When asked a question, and I asked several times, he (Bob) read the info from the ad. So I got Pissed, and hung up. Then the same gun was up for sale again, so I thought ,what the heck I’ll try again. Nothing in the ad said it was for sale just… Read more »

Matt in Oklahoma

Where the PSA MP5 that was promised?