Let Gun Owners Out of the Shadows

By Rob Morse

Amber Kunau
Amber Kunau
Slow Facts
Slow Facts

Louisiana- (Ammoland.com)- Should women be seen with guns?  Should murder be turned into blood-porn?  We get wildly different answers depending on who we ask.

Gory images seem to be OK when the news media use them to shock us.  Graphic images of violence are welcome when anti-gun politicians want to scare us into passing new laws.  Then the rules change.  Showing self-defense is suddenly in bad taste if we show a woman defending herself.

That editorial decision distorts the news.  Women make up a large and growing segment of gun owners and concealed carry holders.  Anti-gun lobbyists don’t want the world to see women owning guns.  I think it is time gun ownership came out of the shadows.

Let Gun Owners Out of the Shadows
Let Gun Owners Out of the Shadows

Look across the United States and you see an entirely different picture of firearms owners than the one painted by the news media and ant-gun politicians.

  • 28 December, 2015- A Dayton Ohio woman defended her four children with a gun and stopped potential mass murder.
  • 25 December, 2015-  A Houston, Texas woman shot a thief as he climbed in her apartment window.
  • 22 December, 2015- A 56 year-old Albany, Georgia woman shot a man who broke into her home and attacked her in bed at 4 AM.
  • 21 December, 2015- An Amarillo, Texas woman shot an assailant who threatened to kill her and beat her with a metal pole.
  • 19 December, 2015- A Dallas homeowner grabbed her gun and retreated to the bathroom.  She fired when the intruder tried to kick down her bathroom door.

These examples from last week are the rule rather than the exception.  The Federal Center for Disease Control cites millions of instances where armed civilians defend themselves and their families each year.

Let women decide when and where they need to go armed.

Let women decide when and where they need to go armed
Let women decide when and where they need to go armed

Should it be a politician’s choice or hers?

Revolver Woman Self Defense Home Invasion
Let Gun Owners Out of the Shadows


About Rob Morse: Rob writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily and on his SlowFacts blog. He co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. He is also an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.

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@LL Smith,that’s a really good analogy !


I’ve seen a lot of women at the range out shoot men ! Seriously I have !


I carry every day,everywhere I go !


Females need to arm them self’s for their own protection even if they are married. They also need to train at a gun range several times a month to ensure they know their gun inside out. My wife is still learning how to hold her gun properly to make a good kill shot if someone should attack her at home or anywhere she might be.


It’s pro choice all the way. If a woman wants to carry, that should be her right which no legislature or un-elected judge can infringe upon. They all can access many online dictionaries to determine the meaning of these obscure phrases. Help them, Oh Lord, for their ways are lost and their fears drive them to unknown places. Help them!

L.L. Smith

Buying a gun, getting a permit and leaving the gun at home is like buying a car, getting a drivers license and walking to work.

Rick D

Good Guys with Guns + Good Gals with Guns = Good People. Over the past year i have armed 2 of my daughters and a step daughter who live on their own. Each had to go through the Conceal Carry Classes and then Advance Training and all 3 did vert well. It helps me sleep a little better each night know if the time would come they can and now have the means to defend themselves. Jacob i feel the same as you that i hope i never have to use what i carry but prepared to if needed. after… Read more »


Always carry. Better to have it and not need to use it than it is to need it and not have it.

Jacob M. Opperman

The problem the way I see it is this all we hear about on the news are the ones where there are mass shootings but almost never where a some one is shooting to save their own or some one else life from a terrorist or criminal. Maybe just maybe if the bad people hear of good people who carry guns defend themselves, defending themselves they just might think twice before acting out. I carry and intend to carry more often than I do now cause it seems there is more and more crime against good people. I hope to… Read more »