White House Still Claiming Second Amendment a ‘Given’ Right

By David Codrea

Barack Obama
The One from whom all blessings flow…? The guy sure has a high opinion of himself.

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- “The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms,” Barack Obama’s White House asserts on its website page explaining the Bill of Rights. If you believe that, then you agree with the totalitarian lobby worldview that “the government giveth, the government taketh away” is the way things ought to be.

ScreenHunter_05 Apr. 08 09.35
This is what demonstrable White House LIARS want Americans to believe.

It’s the difference between our Bill of Rights and the UN’s so-called “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” which shows its all-controlling hand in Article 29:

  1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone the free and full development of his personality is possible.
  2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the just requirements of morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.
  3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.

Basically, they’re saying you’ll take what they give you and like it.  And no, of course you can’t have guns, that is, unless you work for them, and use them only to enforce their orders.

The White House website’s Second Amendment lie was called to my attention in a Facebook response to yesterday’s AmmoLand article on the administration intimidating landlords to either accept felons or face the wealth-transferring wrath of Obama’s “social justice” locusts. I’ve talked before (plenty of times) about the antis pulling the “given right” con, but don’t recall pointing out the White House is still doing it.

You’d think someone who brags about teaching Constitutional law would know that unalienable rights are not revocable privileges bestowed by government, but are, per the Founders, endowed by our Creator (or, to keep things in a secular context, inherent to the condition of being human). You’d think someone who represents himself as operating within the framework of Constitutional law would know that the Supreme Court reiterated in Heller:

As we said in United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, 553 (1876), “[t]his is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence.

You’d think that and you’d be right. This isn’t subject to interpretation and spin, which means the evil b******s are demonstrable liars, defrauding Americans out of their rights and usurping powers they have no claim to. Plainly, because there’s no other way to put this and remain faithful to the truth, that makes them tyrants and domestic enemies, and if you think about it, presumptuous blasphemers.

And that makes it extremely problematic for those in law enforcement who can see this for themselves, and who then can ask themselves if “just following orders” is what they’d rather place their trust in over the oath they all swore before putting on a badge.

David Codrea in his natural habitat.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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Here you go people, an instruction book on what happened and what to do. Pass this on to everyone you know who is of similar mind. Our future depends on it. The book ‘Unintended Consequences’ is a controversial novel that mixes real events with fiction. These events portray a continuing oppression of the American gun culture that, the author believes, has occurred since the passage of the National Firearms Act of 1934, which made it a federal offense to possess a machine gun, short-barreled rifle, short-barreled shotgun, or silencer without first paying a $200 fee to the United States Treasury.… Read more »

Brigit Adeir

So is Obama declaring Himself or the UN GOD? All Natural Rights were endowed by God. Colonial law was based on the Magna Carta which was based on the Laws of Nature and God’s Law. So it was understood that ALL law was based on God’s Law when the Constitution was written. You will find God mentioned in many of the documents of the founders discussing the content of the Constitution and in the State Constitutions. The Founders were Not atheists nor anti-religious and had no intention of a separation of Church and State. Their only restriction in the first… Read more »

Jacob M. Opperman

When are we going to do some thing with these idiot like empeach or vote them out. When they go into office part of the oath they take is to up hold the constitution, the whole constitution not just part of it. I am tire of these idiots thinking they can just up hold only what they want to up hold. When they are elected they are supposed work for us the people not for them selves. So people lets get with it let get these idiots out of office and let get ones in that will up hold the… Read more »


I guess Barrackolli doesn’t understand the words “Shall not be infringed”. That statement all on it’s own means “You can’t take it away”. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED! I suggest you take a remedial English language class Mr. Faux POTUS.


What an intelligent series of comments in response to this article! Deepest respects to all! I find myself wondering what, if anything, I can add to this discussion. I’ll just say this, You’re all correct in everything you’ve said, about the Constitution, and the Bill or rights. What you’re not taking into consideration, is the single great flaw in our Founders design for checks, and balances, in a System Of Government by the Rule of Law, rather than by Men. The great failure in the whole concept is that it requires those in control of at least one of the… Read more »

Witold Pilecki

We can argue all day where our rights emanate from…..bottom line is this: The Bill of Rights is a restriction AGAINST government…PERIOD! Remember, it says, “…..shall not be infringed.” for a reason.

Obummer hisself has stated how much he is displeased that The Constitution only says what the gubmint can’t do to the citizens, not what it can do for them. Aw, poor little petulant man-child.

Hoosier Veteran

I knew we were in trouble when President Obama referred to the services VA offers Veterans as an “entitlement program”. Sick and sad, and he neither corrected himself, nor retracted it later. The truth is, Veterans care exists because war profiteers keep using their puppets in DC to throw wars, and we continue to throw our best and brightest into the wood shredder, and then bitch about the perpetual costs for their care. ‘Course he wouldnt know, and neither will any of the gaggle of sociopaths running for that job because none of them ever wore the uniform. Had they… Read more »

Robert Murphy

Yes #2A is a given right, a God given right. For allegedly being a so-called Constitutional scholar he’s proven himself time and again to be a total dumbass. If he was a law professor, why was he on the streets of Chicago IL as a Community Organizer?

Ray Walters

With guns we got our freedom and with guns we will keep our freedom.


Impeach him already


Want to see how much of ‘given’ right it is?

Molon Labe.


More like taxed to death by a layered oppressive government shouting your free and have rights. Allowing property tax was the fall of freedom. 13 years education a lifetime of taxes for owning property. Disarment to to ensure oppression.

Mike Murray

I’ve gotta agree, property tax is the worst. No matter how many generations live on a piece of land they can never own it “free and clear” since some government will always have a lien on it. it’s called a “progressive” tax system because it never ends and always gets progressively more expensive.


The Law school that gave him a degree and the one who hired him to teach constitutional law should be striped of an accreditation.


Soetoro-obama himself is a violator and usurper to Article 2, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. He is NOT a natural born citizen. Thus ineligible to be POTUS. Then again, we have the Canadian-Cuban Cruz…..ANOTHER usurper to the USC. Cruz likewise IS NOT eligible to be POTUS ! Yet where are all the big defenders of the Constitution on soetoro-obama, Cruz’ and Rubio’s ineligibility to be POTUS ?

Americans. And many of you so-called “Constitutionists”….don’t know or don’t care.


Dan is correct. Obama is not a “natural-born Citizen” (as the Founders defined it, anyway), because his father was a citizen of Kenya when Junior was born. Some people argue that his birth in the US to an American mother – from Wichita, KS – was sufficient to determine his citizenship. And that birth did indeed cement his legal standing as a (normal) “citizen,” although it did NOT qualify that citizenship as “natural-born” (which is a special class, distinct from all other citizens, such as naturalized ones, for instance). [Yes, he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, two years after its… Read more »


Joe, When Barry soetoro emigrated to Indonesia he HAD to be an Indonesian citizen. As you point out he, Barry, at the hands of his mother, became an Indonesian citizen. All of his records are sealed…. Birth, Passport, College transcripts, Student loans, And on and on and on. “It’s a bit too late to do anything about it….” Better late than never. You are basically correct. As 535 members of Congress, 9 members of SCOTUS and dozens of federal magistrates refused to hear challenges to soetoro-obama’s POTUS eligibility, when his conspired tyranny to destroy this country could have been stopped,… Read more »

Jose A Velazquez

Keep in mind that the White House has become the Fun House do to all it’s clowns that currently occupy it. POTUS is a joke, therefore any analogy with respect to the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, or any federal laws, are about as correct as Donkey in a wet-suit skydiving, over Niagara Falls in the winter (it just makes no sense). I am hopeful and looking forward for 2017, a year of “Do or Die” for our Great Nation.


Guns in America, past, present and future is a ‘bell you cannot un-Ring!
Never gonna happen, Barry you treasonous poof.

Vermont Guy

Well, Tex, in that case a simple amendment can repeal the 2nd amendment and the argument will all be over.


There is a grave misconception about one Mr. Barry Soetoro, that he was a Constitutional law professor. Nothing could be further from the truth. According to an 2007 article in the Chicago Sun-Times, he was nothing more than a non tenured, part time, visiting lecturer at the university of Illinois Chicago Circle Campus, and was held in extreme disdain by the rest of the staff. It is a big myth, just like everything else about his life. For you who doubt it, just listen to him speak without his teleprompter. He sounds like what he is, an complete idiot! hippybiker… Read more »



Thank you for those remarks re: Barry’s part-time job.


Yes, hippybiker… There is indeed a grave misconception about Barry Soetoro. [By the way, that is his “real” name, because his mother legally changed it from Barak Hussein Obama, Jr. in 1963 (while they were living in Jakarta, Indonesia). It was never legally changed back, after he returned to the US, he attended college – and borrowed student loans – under that Soetoro name. Although his records have been sealed, and he refuses to make them public, his act of borrowing under the Soetoro name was revealed – and attested to under oath – by several other students who personally… Read more »


We can’t get people like him and the rest of these professional politicians out of office and return government back to ” by, for and of the people!”

Jacob M. Opperman

The constitution is what I live not some other countries or the world so called governing paper crap. If the government administration thinks they can just sign some thing from the UN or other governing bodies in the world and think that I am just going to rollover and accept it they are in for a big surprise. This is the United States and I follow the Constitution not some world governing body. So they can take that other document and stick it in there ears.


No man can give another man a right. Rights are something we are born with. The Constitution written by the people for the people is just a document reminding the government that they have no power over our God given rights. Try taking our rights away and those who attempt it are placing their lives in jeopardy.


The Constitution was written by the people for the people. We the people have power over the government. God gives us rights that we are born with. No free man needs permission to bear arms. AND I’M SICK OF THE CONSTANT GOVERNMENT HARASSMENT OVER IT!!! TIME FOR THE PEOPLE TO SUE THE GOVERNMENT TO STOP THE HARASSMENT!!! IF OUR RIGHTS

Clark Kent

Tex: Hopefully you are not a poster boy for the state of education in Texas. Want me to send you a copy of the Constitution? Do you know what that is? Until you figure it out, might want to let the adults do the posting.

Wild Bill

Now, Clark, I think that you, and I , and Tex can agree that whether our Rights come from the US Constitution, or Natural Law, or God, or from the fact of our being human or from any other source, the anti-freedom and anti- firearms forces at work in the world today would eliminate any source of those freedoms, whether statutory, Constitutional, religious, or theoretic, each in turn, until they have disarmed us. So let us resist the insult; ignore the quibbler; and disregard the relentless, prevaricating shills.


Will Bill,JohnC is a totally idiot probably in NY,NJ,or another one of them wonderful Yankee states ! The parasite is totally ate up with the dumba*s !


I was just trying to lead him onto the path of right thinking. I guess that I can’t win ’em all. In fact, I haven’t been doing to well lately! HA!


Bill,plus JohnC can’t find Lois Lane. The Yankee has been looking for Lois but can’t locate her.


The Constitution and the Bill of Rights was written by the people for the people. The Constitution was not written by this government and it’s not anything they can take away. If the government tries to take away human rights that give a man liberty and freedom and a right to protect himself which is a God given right then I’m afraid those who attempt to do so will be massacred by American citizens.


No, the Constitution was written by the People (capitalized – a legal term) “of” – meaning belonging to, proceeding from, members of – the United States. That means the members of that CORPORATION – one that existed before the Constitution, or even the Articles of Confederation, were written. It was written to enhance (” . . . form a more perfect Union . . .”) what had already been established. We country bumpkins out in the States and Territories had nothing to do with it. It does not apply to us – ONLY to those who were then members of… Read more »


Hate to say it, but I hope you take a few with you when they come for you for speaking the truth. The U.S.A. has already fallen. And the Supreme Court does not do its job. It has departed from the Cruikshank opinion more and more often in the last 100 years. There is NO provision in the 2A to restrict ANY citizen’s carry or ownership, but the Supreme Court has repeatedly done so, and permitted Congress to do so, on a recurring basis. The only way to restore the balance of power and return to the founding documents is… Read more »


I also happened to catch the replay of Hillary on steve harvey today where she claimed that people have a “constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The idiot crowd and idiot steve harvey loved it and applauded, not realizing the hilarity of a constitutional law scholar and supposed expert making a grade school level mistake. Idiocracy was a documentary, not a comedy!

Luckily the rape apologist and victim shamer/blamer of Bubba’s conquests has a minority view about firearms, at least for now. Another decade or two of mass immigration and that will change, too.


The 2A give us a constitutional right to keep and bear arms, not God or a creator ! There is nothing in the 2A,constitution,bill of rights,about God or a creator ! Our founding fathers made it the 2nd amend.in the Bill of Rights,only after freedom of speech. That’s how very important it was to them and still is. Trying to turn the 2A into a religious issue about God and a creator is inaccurate. You might think that puts you on high moral ground because it sounds so good but is constitutionally inaccurate.


Your argument is irrelevant. And there is a legal basis for the religious claims, but that runs contrary to today’s pop culture and liberal university teachings. Religious rights were integral to the Revolution. What you miss and should be pressing instead of a point you are clearly un- or inadequately informed about is that the 2nd Amendment is the only law anywhere on the books that empowers or guarantees any other of our law’s application. The government in the U.S. is supposed to serve the people’s interests, not the other way around as we see today. The guarantee to see… Read more »


Good post Obtenebrix, and very accurate. Even reading history these days is fraught with danger as so much has been omitted by the Progressive agenda, aka academia that getting to the true meaning of what our founders really gave us is lost for all times. Shame but we are already 35 years past most Republics life span. Give credit to our brilliant founders, they gave it their best shot and our pseudo intelligentsia has managed to massage the language to a point no sane person can understand.


Tex, you don’t listen very well. The Constitution (including the Bill of Rights) does not – absolutely NOT – “give” people anything!! It never has, and never will. It was specifically written to control the government’s actions… to prevent government from (or even attempting to) interfere with naturally-existing rights… rights that have been recognized AS naturally-existing for thousands of years (back through English Common Law, all the way to ancient Greece). Regardless of whether you believe in God or just in nature alone, humans have inherent rights, which the government is Constitutionally forbidden from removing from us, or preventing us… Read more »

Gene Ralno

You’re correct about the God part. But the point you missed is the Constitution LIMITS the power of government. In this case, it states clearly in 27 words that government may not infringe on a right. What most folks label as a “God-given” right also is known as a natural right or a civil right. The point is government doesn’t give it. The people have it as a natural part of their right to live. And meddling with it isn’t allowed by the people as a function of their government.

Steady Freddy

Ever wonder why there’s a war on religion. No God, no rights.


Even if there is no God, my rights are still intact. The rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights do not rely on a creator to grant them, they are inherent in being a free people.

Clark Kent

WRONG! Can you read? Try ‘endowed by their Creator’ for starters. You got it bass ackwards. We are a free people due to being endowed rights by our creator, not the other way around.


Gordon, please keep in mind that What the Government Giveth can taketh away. What our Creator has bestowed can only be taken away if “We the People ” Allow it. Patrick Henry is often misquoted or half quoted. I give pleasure in giving the Original Entire Quote ” An appeal to arms and the God of hosts is all that is left us. But we shall not fight our battle alone. There is a just God that presides over the destinies of nations. The battle sir , is not of the strong alone. Is life so dear or peace so… Read more »

JB Karns

Of course the massive cabal of domestic enemies distort, twist, practice chicanery and indoctrinate. Sadly, few can see it for what it is. No amount of wailing, gnashing of teeth or attempts at reasoning with them or with the average Joe-Snuffy will EVER stop Leviathan from its deliberate planned path to totalitarianism and global governance. The average ‘new’ american (a massive percentage of the populous) is an indoctrinated apathetic, pop-culture driven dupe. A huge chunk of the remainder are knowing and deliberate enemies of the Constitution and the Founding Principles. Fact is, it will all lead to a grim reality… Read more »


We’re already well past that point. The asassinations have already begun. They will become more public, especially as the public hands over their weapons to the tyrants. The U.S. has fallen. Reality.

Mike Murray

Sadly, you have summed up the situation exactly. Part of the proof is the idiotic quibbling I see right here in the comments. Name calling and religious bigotry, when there should be devotion to the common goal of the RKBA. Divide and conquer is alive and well.

Frank Molino

Jan Morgan Don’t forget all the people he currently employs not to mention all the people he has employed in the past building his hotels, casinos and many enterprises and continues to employ till this day, How many people does Ted Cruz employ or Hillary employ that they actually pay salaries to and are not funded by the secret service or their super pacs. Also most of Trumps people he employs are NOT illegals but are actually Union workers and all certified American Citizens verified by the locals they represent, And not illegals like Ted Cruz who wasn’t even born… Read more »

William Drummond

Just for clarification, the only unalienable rights are defined in the Declaration of Independence. They are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The Declaration has no bearing on the making of law. The only instrument that has any effect on law is the US Constitution, as outlined in Article VI. Also note that of the three that are unalienable, only the first two actually exist; the third allows for the pursuit of happiness, and not happiness itself. The Declaration of Independence is the only document of the two with a direct mention of the Creator. The US Constitution and… Read more »


The valid states in Boolean algebra are True and False. That is what is known as “an enumeration”. It defines the set by name and lists all of it’s members. There are certain colors known as additive primaries. Among them is the color known as red. That last statement is not an enumeration. The key phrase to watch for here is “among them”. It tells us that there are other additive primaries other than red that are not mentioned. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with… Read more »

William Drummond

You miss the main point. The unalienable rights are endowed by the Creator in the Declaration of Independence, not the US Constitution. Math and computer language are not applicable when discussing issues relevant for the establishment of a basis of government. As Americans, we have to read our establishing document without factoring God into the equation. The US Constitution was intentionally written without heavenly references because some of the members were of no religion at all. As a body, they wanted our government to hold no affiliation or dependence on any religious doctrine. With that in mind, the rights enumerated… Read more »


This is the most reasonable intelligent thing said on this entire page.


52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were deeply committed Christians and when the Bill of Rights were considered The 1st A stated that “Congress shall make no law respecting [the] establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, Please notice the current printing of the constitution replaces [the] with an establishment of religion. Check the original preamble ( if I was a cut and paste guy I would do it for you but a google search should suffice. So your premise that our founders had no religious beliefs is a little off track. The were adamant of… Read more »

Brigit Adeir

You base your assumption on evolutionary law, which was not introduced until the late19th century (Langdell, Harvard Law School). Colonial law was based on the Magna Carta which was based on the Laws of Nature and God’s Law. So it was understood that ALL law was based on God’s Law when the Constitution was written. You will find God mentioned in many of the documents of the founders discussing the content of the Constitution and in the State Constitutions. The Founders were Not atheists nor anti-religious and had no intention of a separation of Church and State. Their only restriction… Read more »


Like the congressman called out in his first SOTU speech. He Lies. Arguing with liars only helps validate their lies. To validate such an evil minded scumbag is like pissing into the wind, better to piss on him instead. He’s not going away, I’ll bet there wont be an election that matters, he will probably arrange an event to declare a state of emergency and cancel the voting as being too dangerous. He is ours but we are not his, we have him because we deserve him and his ideological mutts, We have been selfish, lazy and pathetic and have… Read more »

J. Parker

I’m not sure if I agree with a “False Flag” of that blatant magnitude being a foregone conclusion however; the rest is dead on, well said. If only more us understood this…

Otto Didact

I am convinced that the reason for such interpretations is to eliminate the very concept of “Creator-endowed rights”. So long as rights are conferred by Our Creator then there must, perforce, be a Creator to endow such rights. If governments are NOT, in fact, instituted to secure human rights but to grant or give them, then governments are a law unto themselves. The idea of the “Divine Right of Kings” is alive and well in our own times. The German constitution explicitly states that rights are granted by government and the rights so granted are explicitly enumerated in that document.… Read more »


One of many reasons the United States needs a divorce from Europe, and a rapprochement with Russia. Russia is moving in the direction we used to be in (minus horrors such as Jim Crow) while libprogs take us in a direction inimical to our founding principles.


I was sure hoping Hussein Obama would stay in Cuba ! Did he bow to Castro too ?

Peter Asher

You’d think someone who brags about teaching Constitutional law would know how to read.


Wild Bill

Gee, Peter, I went to that site and there wasn’t much there except your quote. Maybe there was more there, but I didn’t look around much because I would have to subscribe. What do you want to say and what is your background?


It keeps popping up that BHO is a Constitutional Law expert but has never released or permitted release of his transcripts. From his opinions, I suspect he was a D- student.

Dan Alsup

Obama was an adjunct professor (part time) who specialized only in the 14th Amendment, according to the background book I read about him. That hardly qualified him to call himself a constitutional expert. Oh well, what’s one more lie!


Right out the gate the article says the 2nd Amendment “GIVES” us. NO! NO! NO! That right is inherent, by natural law, or by the creator if you’re religious. The 2nd Amendment affirms, recognizes that right. Puts it in words in case someone is too stupid to realize it on their own.


You are absolutely CORRECT. The Constitution, as it was written, acknowledges the God given RIGHTS that are unalienable/inalienable. Government IS breaking Constitutional law every time they “try to pass” or “pass” any gun control “law”. According to the Founders of Our Constitution, there is only one reason to “restrict” any individual from possessing weapons. That reason is the individual is “WANTON TO HARM OTHERS”, from the Federalist Papers.


The authors of the 2nd Amendment, George Mason and James Madison, were called to appear before state legislatures to explain the word and intent of the amendment during the ratification process. They did so to the satisfaction of the states and the amendment was ratified along with the rest of the Constitution. There is no need for any SCOTUS ruling to determine what the authors said and meant. Their words remain for posterity. And no state has the right to interfere with the peoples’ right to keep and bear. The Constitution establishes the means to change any thing contained therein.… Read more »

David Reynolds

The hell you say! Just try to take our weapons away!

Joe C

We have a right to life! Thus, we have a right to defend that life, given by our Creator!

Joe C

Nobama needs to stick to smoking pink cigars! What he does best!


The only thing Hussein Obanana and the gungrabbers have left is to try and convince fools that the 2A means something other than what it obviously does. In the US our gun rights are guaranteed by the 2A,period ! It’s been like that since 1791 and has no expiriration date. Obanana is so desperate to get that swing vote Jew on the Supreme Court. Nope,not today ! Get ready for a wild ride the next few months. Better make sure you have more ammo than you think you would ever need,….then buy more !

Just Al



Tex, from a fellow Texan, I know your heart is in the right place but the 2nd Amendment does NOT guarantee us the right of self defense. The 2nd Amendment is simply an admonition to the Federal Government the we have an inalienable right and for them to keep their ‘cotton pickin’ hands off of our right.

Hookum horns!


Lets keep racist remarks out of this conversation. I am of the Jewish faith and resent your remark . I served and am a member of three Gun organizations. I (we) can’t help what other people think , this is still a free country, hopefully obama can’t do anything in the time he has left.

Mike Murray

If he thinks all Jews are anti-gun he obviously never heard of JPFO or the Zelman Patriots. I’m a proud member of both.


Ole boy needs a psych eval. Seems he suffers from grander affect disorder. God is second to him only by birthright.

Lorenzo Villalobos

Obama you will never secure all the weapons/guns of our United States of American citizens. It will never happen. You will never convince America that YOU are right and everyone else is wrong, good luck bud.

Clark Kent

Nope, our Constitutional rights are ENDOWED BY OUR CREATOR. If one claims they are ‘inherent to the condition of being human’ than one can claim ‘non-humans’ (like Jews and others in Nazi Germany) have no rights. Nice try; no cigar.


Being human is not a relative term. Any tyrant who would treat it that way is not going to allow a religious “loophole.” Have another exploding cigar.


At least you are consistently wrong over and over.

Clark Kent

Lazlot: If you know your history (which you don’t) you would realize ‘being human’ IS a relative term. And no one said anything about loopholes. Smoke plenty of wet cigars and try to focus next time. Tex: What in the world are you talking about? Do you even think before posting? Oh, I forgot you are from Texas. Never mind.


Clark,where is Lois Lane ? You are totally ate up with the dumbass ! Stay in whatever useless Yankee state you are in ! ‘TEXAS LIKE A WHOLE OTHER COUNTRY’ !


Wow, Tex, “useless Yankee state”??!!!! Way to fuel the division that is destroying our country. Pretty sure that Mark Twain could have made his point without insulting every American north of Virginia. Guess you aint no Mark Twain. That said, the right to bear arms is, indeed, a given right. It was given to all free people by Almighty God and the 2A merely tells the bireaucrats that they may NOT infringe upon it. Says so right in the Constitution for anyone to read. See, not everyone up north is “useless”.