Mayor Bloomberg Uses Ft. Hood Terrorist Attack To Push Gun Control

Mayor Bloomberg Uses Ft. Hood Terrorist Attack To Push Gun Control

National Rifle Association
National Rifle Association

New York, NY – -( In another transparent attempt to undercut the Second Amendment fresh on the heels of his hidden-camera attack on gun shows, Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, has alleged that the terrorist attack resulting in multiple murders that took place on Ft. Hood recently could have been prevented by changes in federal gun laws.

In an ad in the Washington Post on Monday, Bloomberg’s group claimed that the Ft. Hood terror suspect’s “gun purchase could have been key to the FBI’s investigation into his association with terrorists.”

It has already been reported that before the suspect purchased the gun allegedly used in the murders, the FBI knew that between December 2008 and June 2009, he had sent 16 emails to a radical Islamic cleric based suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda. In one, he told the cleric that he could not wait to join him in the afterlife.

Nevertheless, after reviewing the e-mails, the FBI and other federal agencies concluded that the suspect was not a threat, and it has since concluded that the crimes of which he is suspected were not part of organized terrorism.

On November 9, the FBI stated

“Major Hasan came to the attention of the FBI in December 2008 as part of an unrelated investigation being conducted by one of our Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs). JTTFs are FBI-led, multi-agency teams made up of FBI agents, other federal investigators, including those from the Department of Defense, and state and local law enforcement officers. . . . Investigators on the JTTF reviewed certain communications between Major Hasan and the subject of that investigation and assessed that the content of those communications was consistent with research being conducted by Major Hasan in his position as a psychiatrist at the Walter Reed Medical Center. Because the content of the communications was explainable by his research and nothing else derogatory was found, the JTTF concluded that Major Hasan was not involved in terrorist activities or terrorist planning. . . . [T]he investigation to date indicates that the alleged gunman acted alone and was not part of a broader terrorist plot.”

Bloomberg says that if the federal law requiring the FBI to purge the NICS system of records of approved gun purchasers had not been in place, the FBI would have known that Hasan had bought a gun and changed its judgment about him. But while few Americans exchange e-mails with radical clerics suspected of ties to al Qaeda, there are about 12 million NICS firearm checks annually.

To Bloomberg, apparently, buying a gun is reason enough to be suspicious.

Bloomberg also says that Congress should approve legislation introduced by, long time gun banner,  Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), to allow Americans placed on the FBI’s terror watchlist to be prohibited from buying firearms, but to deny them the right to confront their accusers and the “evidence” against them. Both concepts received a nod from the Obama Administration on November 18. During hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) asked Attorney General Eric Holder whether the administration supported legislation to allow to FBI to retain NICS gun purchase records, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) asked Holder whether the administration supported legislation “closing” the so-called “Terror Gap.” Holder responded in the affirmative on both counts.

You would think that someone who can spend $200 million of his own money to get elected mayor of New York City three times could afford copies of the U.S. Code and the Constitution. Not only does federal law stipulate the specific grounds for denying a person the right to arms, the Fourteenth Amendment states that no one shall be deprived of liberty without due process of law.

And while he is at it, he could buy a copy of another well-known publication, Webster’s Dictionary, and look up the word “obsession.”

To see Bloomberg’s Washington Post ad, and whether your town’s mayor is allied with his group, see

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military.

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I kinow one thing for sure, the terrorist attack at Ft Hood caused me to purchase my 38. This was not too hard to do, but it was a

bit harder to get pigs blood to dip my bullets in. Too many car jackings, home invasions and now with a useless homeland security department more concerned about offending muslims I will from now on provide my own homeland security. Bloomberg owes the Tea Party people an apology. Eleven, now 12 terrorist attacks in New York City and not one committed by a Tea Party person, only

peaceful muslims.


The statement by Bloomberg CONCERNING GUN CONTROL IS TOTALLY INSAIN.People can get guns no matter how many gun laws there are! Bloomberg is a IDIOT about guns laws.

There are enough gun laws already on the books.



But what about the illegal aliens working at golf courses in New York? You know, the ones that Mayor Mike said are essential, otherwise who would take care of the greens. Can they have guns. They constantly seem to when the cops stop them, driving illegally, across the U.S. Come on Mayor Mike, since you are part of the open borders problem, and all the danger it causes to Americans, we Americans should at least by able to have guns. I think we should be able to carry guns in holsters, like in the OLD WEST,because liberals and Rinos like… Read more »

Jigsaw Jack

I'm not even from the U.S. and to me it makes sense to allow the soldiers on the base to carry.

Is Bloomberg a Canadian??? Sounds like a Canadian Liberal.
