Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Files Lawsuit Against One-Gun-A-Month Law
Trenton, NJ –-( The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court of New Jersey seeking nullification of the recently enacted one-gun-a-month gun rationing law.
ANJRPC’s federal lawsuit is in response to the false vow made by New Jersey’s lawmakers’ promise of new legislation exempting firearm collectors and competitive shooters from the law. The Firearms Task Force, which was created by former Governor Jon Corzine (D), promised that the one-gun-a-month reform bill would give immunity to the true gun collectors and competitors, as they were not the target of the law’s scope.
The enactment of the one-gun-a-month reform law on January 7 not only failed to alleviate the handgun rationing law, but further inhibited law-abiding citizens by making them jump through additional hoops in order to purchase more than one handgun per month.
With New Jersey’s government blatantly ignoring the Constitutional rights of its citizens, it is time that we take action and stand up against such offensive legislation.