Do Letters to Elected Officials Make a Difference in Support of Gun Rights?

Maryland – -( There is a common misconception among gun owners that writing to elected official is a futile effort and a waste of time.
Some use this as an excuse to make themselves feel less guilty about doing nothing. Others unfortunately, truly believe this to be true.

Those in the first category are fooling only themselves and those in the second category are simply wrong.
The following is a letter from the AGC asking the sponsor to withdraw the legislation. It was faxed on Friday, February 19, 2010. It was not read until late Monday afternoon on February 22, 2010.
The sponsor considered AGC’s & MSI’s positions and arguments regarding the unintended consequences SB 743 would produce and he withdrew the bill 3 days later.
The bottom line: Letters do matter.
Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. (AGC), located in Marriottsville, Maryland. The Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, Inc. was formed on July 1, 1944 when a number of World War II veterans in the Baltimore, Maryland area began looking for a place for recreational and competitive shooting. They organized with several other Baltimore area shooting clubs to form the “AGC” Visit: