Chicago Police Department Roster of “Unsafe Handguns”
Chicago, IL –-( The City of Chicago released its roster of “unsafe handguns” that cannot be legally possessed in the City because they cannot be registered with the police as one part of obtaining a license to possess a gun, as required under the City’s new gun laws.
But the list is not limited to hand guns as the law is so vague it can be interpreted as to apply to all guns made by a manufacture.
Of comical interest is banning of the deadly Daisy BB Gun Line, probably because of it pure destructive power.
And don’t forget Acme. Knowing who we are dealing with here they are probably referring to Acme Corporation from Looney Tunes? The coyote better watch out for Mayor Daley and his thugs now.
So besides a bunch of guns that have not been made in a 100 years what do you see on this list that is funny or raises your eyebrow? Leave us some comments below.
The following handguns have been specifically disapproved by the Superintendent as unsafe handguns and therefore cannot be registered within the City of Chicago.
Where a model or type is not specifically referenced, all models from the listed manufacturer are deemed unsafe.
- Acme
- Acme Arms
- Aetna
- Aetna Arms
- Afflerbach, William H.
- Ajax Army
- Alaska
- Alday & Gabilondo
- Alert
- Alexia
- Alexis
- All Right Firearms Company
- Allen
- Allen, W. C.
- Alsop, Charles H.
- America
- American Arms Co.
- American Boy
- American Bulldog
- American Derringer Corp. — all spur trigger models, derringers, and pen guns
- American Eagle
- American Standard Tool Co.
- Americus
- AMES Sword Company
- Andrews Ferry & Co.
- ARES/ARES Defense Systems — all flashlight gun models
- Aristocrat
- Avenger
- Babcock
- Bacon Arms
- Bacon Mfg. Co.
- Baford Arms — all derringers
- Ballard, C. H.
- Bang-Up
- Beemiller, Inc.
- Big Bonanza
- Billings
- Bismarck
- Bliss, Frank D.
- Bloodhound
- Blue Jacket
- Blue Whistler
- Bodeo
- Bonanza
- Bond Arms — all models without trigger guards
- Boss
- Boy’s Choice
- Brooklyn Arms
- Brown Mfg. Co.
- Bruff, Richard P.
- Brutus
- Bryco Arms
- Buffalo Bill
- Bull Dozer
- Bulldog
- Bulls Eye
- C.S. Shatuck Arms Co.
- Captain Jack
- Catello Tribuzio — LAMPO model
- Centennial
- Challenge
- Champion
- Charles E. Billings — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Chase, Anson
- Chicago Firearms Company — Chicago Protector and Protector models
- Chichester
- Chieftain
- Christy, William J.
- Clerke Products
- Clipper
- Cobra Ent.
- Colt — all derringers
- Cone, D. D.
- Connecticut Arms & Mfg. Co.
- Conqueror
- Continental
- Continental Arms Co.
- Copeland, Frank
- Covert Arms — all pen guns
- Cowles & Smith
- Cowles & Son
- Creedmore
- Crescent
- Crescent Firearms Co. — all spur trigger models
- Crispin, Silas
- Crowell, George G.
- Crown Jewel
- CSG — all flashlight gun models
- Cummings, O. S.
- Czar
- D. Debouxtay
- Daily Arms Co.
- Daisy
- Daniel Werner — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Davis Ind.
- Dead Shot
- Defender
- Defiance
- Delhaxhe — Knuckleduster model
- Deringer Rifle & Pistol Works
- Dickinson, E. L. & J.
- Dictator
- Dreadnaught
- Driscoll, J. B.
- Eagle
- Earlhood
- Earthquake
- Eclipse
- Edward Boardman and Andrew Peavey — Little All Right models
- Elector
- Electric
- Empire
- Empress
- Encore
- Enterprise Gun Works
- Ernst Schmidt & Co.
- Esprin Brothers
- Ethan Allen
- Eureka
- Evans, James E.
- Evans, W. S.
- Excelsior
- Express
- Favorite
- Firearms Import Export (F.I.E.)
- Fish, Daniel
- Folsom Bros. & Co.
- Forehand & Wadsworth — all spur and sheathed trigger models
- Forehand Arms Co. — all spur and sheathed trigger models
- Frank Copeland
- Frank Wesson Arms
- Freedom Arms — all sheathed trigger models
- Frontier
- Fryberg, Andrew
- G.R.A.D. — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Garate Brothers
- Garbi, Moretti, Y, CIA, (GMC)
- Garrison
- Gem
- Genez, August G.
- German Resel — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Governor
- Great Western Gun Works
- Gross Arms Co.
- Guardian
- Half-Breed
- Hard Pan
- Harrington & Richardson (H&R) — all spur, stud, and sheathed trigger models
- Harrington and Richardson — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Hartford Arms Co.
- Hartley and Graham — Squeezer and Protector models
- Haskell Mfg., Inc.
- Henrion, Dassy, & Heuschen, (HDH)
- Hi-Point Firearms
- HJS Arms, Inc.
- Hood Firearms Co.
- Hopkins & Allen — all sheathed trigger models
- Horseman’s — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Hungarian — Mini Max – 9 model
- Hyde & Shattuck
- Iberia Firearms, Inc.
- Imperial Arms
- International
- Irving, William
- Iver Johnson — all sheathed trigger and ‘knuckle’ attachment models
- J. Ductworth — Protector model
- J. P. Sauer and Sons of Suhl — Bar Pistol model
- J. Stevens — all sheathed trigger models
- J.H. Johnson
- James Reid Revolvers — Friend, My Friend, Model #2 Knuckle-Duster, New Model Knuckle-Duster, and New Model
- My Friend models
- James Rodgers — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- James Turbiaux — Le Protector model
- Jennings, Inc.
- Jewel
- Jimenez Arms, Inc.
- John Vittie — all pen gun models
- Johnson Bye & Co.
- Jose Aldazabal & Sons
- Joseph Rodgers & Sons — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Jules Bertrand
- Keno
- Kittemaug
- L. Dolne Invur — Apache Knuckleduster model
- L.E. Polhemus Manufacturing Company — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments and all pen gun models
- Le Francais — Gaulois model
- Leader
- Lee Arms Co.
- Liberty
- Lion
- Little All Right Firearms Co.
- Little Giant
- Little John
- Little Joker
- Lombard, H.C. & Co.
- Lorcin Engineering Co., Inc.
- Louis Chobert
- Louis Dolne — APACHE model
- Lowell Arms Co.
- Maltby-Curtis — all spur trigger models
- Maltby-Henly
- Manufrance — Gaulois and Mitrailleuse models
- Marlin
- Marquis of Lorne
- Merrimack Arms
- Merveilleux — Repeating Pistol model
- Merwin & Bray
- Minneapolis Firearms Company — Protector model
- Mohegan
- Monarch
- Monitor
- Moore’s Patent Firearms Company — all derringers
- Morai
- Morgan & Clapp
- Mountain Eagle
- Napoleon
- National
- National Arms Co.
- Nero
- New York Pistol Co.
- Nonpareil
- North American Arms, (NAA) Mini-Series — all spur trigger models
- Norwich Arms Co.
- Norwich Falls Pistol Co.
- Norwich Pistol Co.
- Old Hickory
- Osgood Gun Works
- Paragon
- Parole
- Patriot
- Peavey — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Penetrator
- Phoenix Arms
- Pickert — all folding trigger models
- Pinafore
- Pioneer
- Pittson Arms Co.
- Pointer
- Praga — all folding trigger models
- Prarie King
- Premier
- Prescott — all sheathed trigger models
- Princess
- Protector
- Queen
- R. J. Braveman Corporation — all pen gun models
- Ranger
- Raven Arms
- Reck
- Regnum — Repeating Pistol model
- Reid — all sheathed trigger models
- Remington — all sheathed trigger models
- Retolaza — all revolvers
- Retriever
- Rigby — Knuckleduster and Stricker models
- Rob Roy
- Robin Hood
- Rocky Mountain Arms Corp — all Mini-Revolver spur trigger models
- Rodier, Louis C.
- Rohm/RG Industries
- Rollin White — all spur trigger models
- Rome Revolver & Novelty Works
- Rouchouse — French Squeezer model
- Royal
- Royal Small Arms Factory
- Rupertus
- Ryan Mfg. Co.
- S.P. Cottrell and Son — all flashlight gun models
- Sailors — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Scott Arms Co.
- Scout
- Senator
- Shatuck — UNIQUE model
- Sig Sauer — Mosquito only
- Smith & Wesson — all spur trigger models
- Smith, Otis
- Smoker
- Sneider, Charles E.
- Southerner
- Spy
- Stafford, T. J.
- Stallard Arms
- Standard Arms
- Standard Tool Co.
- Stans Gunsmithing — all pen gun models
- Stinger Manufacturer Corporation — all pen gun models
- Sundance Industries
- Swamp Angel
- Taylor, L. B.
- Terrier
- Terror
- Terry, J. C.
- Thomas J. Ryan
- Tiger
- Tower’s Police Safety
- Tramp’s Terror
- True Blue
- Turner & Ross
- Two Unwin & Rodgers — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Tycoon
- U.M.C. Arms Co.
- U.S. Arms Co.
- Uhlinger, W.L.& Co.
- Uhlinger, William P.
- Union
- Union Jack
- Union Revolver
- Unique
- United States Small Arms Company — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Unwin & Rodgers of Sheffield — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Veiled Prophets
- Veteran
- Veto
- Victor
- Victoria
- Waffen-Glaser — all pen gun models
- Walther — P22 only
- Webber Pistol — Squeezer model
- Wesson & Harrington
- Wesson Frank — Large Frame Superposed pistol
- Wesson, Frank
- Western Arms Co.
- White Jacket
- White Star
- Whitney Arms Co.
- Wide Awake
- Wilhelm Decker
- William and John Rigby — Striking Weapon Pistol model
- William Irving
- William W. Marston — all knife guns or guns with knife attachments
- Winfield Arms Co. — all spur trigger models
- XL
- Xpert
- You Bet
Walther P22? What is unsafe about that one? It has at least four safeties, and won't fire with the mag removed… unless they consider that "unsafe."
<img src="" alt="Walther P22" />
Rick is absolutely right! The "Booger" round has no sporting purpose, and is useless for self-defense unless your attacker is a 12 year old girl who is easily repulsed.
I totally agree with the ban on the notorious "Boy's Choice" line of firearm. Many of them were manufactured to fire the deadly 1 mm "Booger" round and clearly have no sporting purpose.
Did the city of Chicago really test all of these and determined them to be unsafe, or is the list arbitrary?
What were the testing procedures, what were the standards, who did the testing, and were the guns submitted by the companies themselves? Were they all new examples of current models that are even available for sale?
If not, these companies might have a case for discrimination by the city of Chicago.
I don't see Marvin the Martian's blaster listed. Maybe I just missed it.
Hol crap! Why didn't they just list the company that they do allow? It would have saved time and paper.