More Montana Gun Bills Introduced
Washington, DC –-( bills on the MSSA Legislative Agenda and of interest to MSSA have been introduced.
They include:
- HB 435, limit police firearm seizure. Assigned to the House Judiciary Committee. No hearing date set yet.
- HB 321, nullify federal endangered species act. Assigned to House Judiciary Committee, public hearing on Friday, 2/11.
- HB 381, make federal enforcement contrary to the Montana Firearms Freedom Act a state crime. Assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, no hearing date set yet.
- HB 448, create interstate compact for mutual enforcement by states having enacted Firearms Freedom Acts. Assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, no hearing date set yet.
Notes on other bills:
- HB 271, permitless carry failed again on a tie vote to get out of House Judiciary Committee. This time, Rep. Michael More (R-Bozeman) switched and voted FOR HB 271 I think he will stick), but Rep. Joe Read, (R-Ronan) also switched and voted AGAINST HB 271. Rep. David Howard (R-Park City) continues to speak and vote AGAINST HB 271. Read and Howard need more messages asking them to support HB 271.
- HB 174, suppressor prohibition repeal, has passed committee but has not been scheduled yet for Second Reading on the House floor.
- HB 384, to exempt CWP-holders from Prohibited Places, passed the House on Second Reading today by a vote 59-40. Eight Republicans voted against HB 384 (Duane Ankey, Liz Bangerter, Tom Berry, John Esp, Steve Fitzpatrick, Steve Gibson, Harry Klock, Walter McNutt, and Jesse O’Hara). One Democrat, Bob Mehlhoff, voted for HB 384.
- HB 355, to award attorney fees and costs for person found not guilty for self defense, has been tabled in committee.
- HB 369, to revise fish and game enforcement laws, has been tabled in committee.
That’s enough for now.
Montana Shooting Sports Association
author, Gun Laws of Montana
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