Iowa Firearms Coalition 2012 Caucus Package

Iowa State Flag
Iowa State Flag

Iowa –-( Today is a big day in Iowa! Participating in the caucus is just as important as exercising your right to vote.

This is an opportunity for you, as a responsible Second Amendment supporter, to help protect and advance our rights here in Iowa by submitting a plank that will help pave the way to an enumerated right to keep and bear arms amendment to the Iowa Constitution.

IFC and NRA are asking you to step up and help us in a big way. Visit our website for access to our 2012 Caucus Package page and help us add this plank to the party platforms that is extremely important for Second Amendment rights in Iowa.

We’ve also released our 2012 Legislative Agenda.  When you go to the caucus to submit the plank supporting an enumerated right to keep and bear arms in our state Constitution, be sure to take copies of our legislative agenda to distribute to your pro-Second Amendment neighbors.

While you will often hear local media sources boasting of Iowa’s progressive actions on various political topics, it can’t be overlooked that Iowa is terribly behind the curve when it comes to recognizing Second Amendment and self-defense rights.

Iowa Firearms Coalition, your Iowa-based NRA Affiliate Organization, has garnered support from numerous other organizations in our efforts to move Iowa the right direction on Second Amendment initiatives. Iowa State Rifle and Pistol Association, Iowa Sportsmen’s Federation and IFC Affiliate, the Iowa Chapter of Safari Club International have all offered their support of our agenda.

Lastly, be sure to utilize our Action Center and send a message to your legislators to let them know you support our issues. Our success in Iowa is predicated on members like you forwarding this e-mail on to fellow Second Amendment supporters who will also be willing take the quick minute or two to click on this link and follow the simple instructions to communicate our goals.

Our legislators are listening and the more e-mails and messages that they receive the more likely they are to give serious consideration to the issues.

Thanks again for your support of Second Amendment issues! Your willingness to take an active part in the process is the most important piece to solving the problems we face.

Jeff Burkett
Iowa Firearms Coalition

About Iowa Firearms Coalition:

The mission of the Iowa Firearms Coalition is to be THE firearms rights organization in Iowa, representing Second Amendment concerns for all firearms owners in the state. We will staunchly defend the rights of hunters and sportsmen as well as the rights of all Iowans to defend themselves and their loved ones. We seek to partner with other like-minded organizations to increase our effectiveness in accomplishing these goals. Visit:

Iowa Firearms Coalition