The Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) is pleased the Iowa House of Representatives has overwhelmingly voted to pass the “Students First Safety Act,” HF 2586.
Iowa House Passes Students First Safety Act

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
About Iowa Firearms Coalition:
Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) is an entirely volunteer, grassroots, Second Amendment advocacy group. Responsible for bringing uniformity to Iowa’s Concealed Weapons Permitting process, IFC’s members work to protect and enhance Second Amendment rights in Iowa. An affiliate of the National Rifle Association, the IFC actively seeks to foster and promote the shooting sports.
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The Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) is pleased the Iowa House of Representatives has overwhelmingly voted to pass the “Students First Safety Act,” HF 2586.
The Iowa Firearms Coalition (IFC) welcomes the introduction of the “Students First Safety Act,” HSB675, a bill that creates a pathway for Iowa school districts to arm trained staff.
The Freedom Amendment, if approved by voters, will add the right to keep & bear arms to Iowa’s state constitution. Flip the ballot over & vote for Iowa’s Freedom Amendment.
Monroe County, Iowa, loses & agrees to pay the Iowa Firearms Coalition $100,000 in restitution for violating the 1st Amendment rights of the pro-gun nonprofit & one of their members.
Why, do we consistently grind all the good guys into the dirt with layer upon layer of useless laws, regulations, ordinances, & rules when only WE follow the laws?
Hundreds of pro-Second Amendment Iowans from across the Hawkeye State will descend on the Capitol on February 24th 2022 for “Second Amendment Day”!
Constituents must let Ernst know things like federal grants to fund gun seizures, Red Flags confiscation orders, funding to further gun control aren’t what we want.
McRae minimizing his crime shows what he’s “learned from his mistakes” is that with the right level of constituency ignorance and citizenship malpractice, any criminal can be a successful politician.
Monroe County’s decision to sue someone because he simply asked his local government to follow the law is truly outrageous. We will ask the court to hold them accountable for their unconstitutional ac
My fellow Iowans, I have unexpected and bad news to report. Less than 48 hours ago, I learned that last year Iowa Secretary of State Pate’s office failed to uphold their duty for legal publication…
On the whole, the Iowa Firearms Coalition had an excellent night. Rather than drone on and on about various races I’ll boil this down to the key points:
You may have heard about Congressman Eric Swalwell in the news lately. He’s become famous for his call to involuntarily buyback all assault weapons and criminally prosecute those who fail to turn in.
The Iowa Firearms Coalition has organized two Immediate Casualty Care classes in Iowa. These courses will teach emergency response and patient management.
We’ve cleared all the legislative hurdles. Passed all the subcommittees, committees and floor votes. This bill is one signature away from being law.
You can watch a live stream of the debate and vote at the Iowa Firearms Coalition Facebook page. If you’re not a Facebook user you can also live stream.
By now you probably know, there was no vote in Iowa Senate on HF517 last week due to tight schedules in the legislature thanks to the second funnel of 2017.
Despite their best efforts, the Iowa Senate were unable to bring HF517, the Omnibus Gun Bill, to the Senate floor for debate and a vote this week.
Leadership in the Iowa Senate have pledged to bring House File 517, the Omnibus Gun Bill, to the Senate floor for debate and a vote this week.
However, there are a few important things that have come up that I need to tell you. It’s somewhat long but you’re going to want to read this.
By now you’ve probably heard, House File 517 breezed through the House last Tuesday on a 58-39 vote. This means HF517, the biggest pro-Second Amendment bill in state history, is in the Iowa Senate.
The Des Moines Register just released their latest Iowa Poll about Stand Your Ground legislation.
The poll, conducted by the widely respected Selzer & Company, was taken between February 6th and 9th and has a 3.5 percent plus or minus margin of error.
The funnel is essentially a deadline in the legislature. If a bill fails to make enough progress by the funnel date it’s considered dead for the year.
House Study Bill 133 (HSB133) is a comprehensive gun bill that effectively re-writes a large portion of Iowa’s firearms and use of force laws.
Thanks to all who made time to visit their local legislative forums this weekend. We’ve received reports from members who visited their legislators.
The big news from last week: the introduction of Senate File 108 (SF108). This bill would do away with Iowa’s “offensive weapons” list and bring our state inline with federal gun laws.
On day one our friends in the Iowa Senate introduced Senate Joint Resolution 2 (SJR2), a bill to write your right to keep and bear arms into the Iowa Constitution.
The IFC enthusiastically applauds the introduction of Senate Joint Resolution Two (SJR2) on day one of Iowa’s 2017 legislative session.
Our biggest Second Amendment roadblock has been removed. The next step is to take everything we’ve just done and cement it in minds of Iowa’s legislators…
You’ve moved mountains in the Iowa legislature. We hope you feel proud of that fact, because we’re extremely proud to count you as members of the IFC family.