Iowa: The Funnel Is Coming Legislation

PETITION - The Iowa Constitution Has No 2nd Amendment - FIX THIS!
PETITION – The Iowa Constitution Has No 2nd Amendment – FIX THIS!
Iowa Firearms Coalition
Iowa Firearms Coalition

Iowa-( There’s less than two weeks until the first legislative funnel of the year. What is the “funnel” and why does it matter? The funnel is essentially a deadline in the legislature. If a bill fails to make enough progress by the funnel date it’s considered dead for the year. It’s a way for lawmakers to keep focused on bills that have potential for passage and keep them from getting bogged down by an unending barrage of new bills.

The first funnel is March 3rd. We need our bills out of committee by this date. So far we’ve seen a lot of pro-gun owner bills introduced but what we haven’t seen is any of them advancing out of committee. We’re getting down to crunch time, less than two weeks until the first funnel. We fully expect to see a lot of activity on gun-related bills in the next couple of weeks. We’ll be emailing you with updates and directions on how to help as things develop.

PETITION – The Iowa Constitution Has No 2nd Amendment – FIX THIS!

In the mean time please sign our petition in support of adding the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to the Iowa Constitution.

If you haven’t heard by now Iowa is one of only six states whose constitution does not guarantee it’s citizens’ right to keep and bear arms. In short, there’s no version of the Second Amendment in the Iowa Constitution. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize this is a major problem.

Stand Your Ground, Constitutional Carry, Concealed Carry, Open Carry, suppressors, SBRs, the freedom to simply own a gun in Iowa — ALL OF IT, it all requires that your Right to Keep and Bear Arms is written in the state constitution. Currently we have no such protection in here in Iowa. Without this amendment a runaway legislature or activist judges on the Iowa Supreme Court could quickly wipe out all the liberties we currently enjoy.

Please encourage your freedom loving friends and family members to sign this petition and start voicing their support. Iowans need and deserve to have their freedoms protected by the Iowa Constitution!

UPDATE: Second Amendment Day – March 7th

We’ve been telling you for weeks, this year’s Second Amendment Day is being held on March 7th at the Iowa Capitol, apparently word is getting around and now anti-gunners are feeling intimidated.

Moms Demand Action just scheduled their “Lobby Day” for March 8th, the day after our Second Amendment Day. We’re sure these Bloomberg gun control advocates will say their scheduling is purely coincidental, but no matter what they claim it’s important that you join us on March 7th and send a strong message to Iowa’s lawmakers:

“Iowans want their freedoms left alone and we certainly don’t want some out-of-state billionaire telling us how to live our lives!”

March 7th – Second Amendment Day in the Capitol – Be there!

More updates to come, stand ready folks! Thank you for continuing to support the Iowa Firearms Coalition!

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Does anyone know the other five states with no 2nd amendment?
Thank ahead of time.