Covington VA –-( Those of you who contacted BATFE about their proposed regulation to collect data across the country from dealers who sell more than one semi-automatic rifle to a customer, got the following response.
Looks like the BATFE has backed off,,, for now:
ATF would like to thank you for your submission of comments for OMB Collection 1140-0100/ Report of Multiple Sales or Other Disposition of Certain Rifles. ATF has the authority to collect this information in accordance with 18 U.S.C 923 (g) (5) (A). The OMB Collection 1140-0100 has not been extended to any states outside of the Southwest Border, as it was originally intended.
This collection is merely an extension of the existing collection, which has been successful in ATF’s efforts in reducing and preventing violent crime. The Southwest Border is targeted due to a culmination of crime statistics deriving from these states that indicate many crimes are being committed with not only handguns, but also with certain types of rifles as well. By requiring the reporting of multiple sales of the specified rifles, this extension provides significant investigative leads to law enforcement in pursuing firearms trafficking to Mexico and along the southwest border.
Thank You
Firearms Industry Programs Branch, ATF
Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL). VCDL is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right. Visit:
Why buy just one when you can have two at twice the price?
So, once again, why isn’t “Obummer” and Holder in jail for Fast & Furious???!!!
What’s funny is that some of that trafficking is still going on even today, they have done nothing to stop the rifles from going over the border. So what gives with them pulling this little stunt, they are still going to go after that info.
This bullsh*t from the same agency that traffics the firearms to mexico so they can blame law abiding firearms owners.
Not since the last transparent Barack Obama comments have I heard such obvious lies
The ATF has NEVER done anything to reduce crime ! They have onlylied and created evidence against innocent Americans while changing the rules in mid stream to suit themselves.
They need to be disbanded and those liars discovered in Fast & furious and any other BATFE scam jailed.
They are an unelected, appointed by political crooks, and answer only to themselves.
LOL I always buy 2 at a time can not decide between them get both.
I’m sure that info was very valuable in tracking all of the F&F firearms.