USA – -( Johnson, Secretary of Homeland Security, stated that ‘common sense‘ gun control is crucial to the safety of Americans and the U.S. in the wake of the terrorist attack in Orlando that left 49 dead and 53 wounded. As a side note, Jeh Johnson was nominated to his post by none other than Obama.
And this from Obama, “As I said a few days ago, being tough on terrorism requires more than talk. Being tough on terrorism, particularly the sorts of homegrown terrorism that we’ve seen now in Orlando and San Bernardino, means making it harder for people who want to kill Americans to get their hands on assault weapons that are capable of killing dozens of innocents as quickly as possible,” Mr. Obama said.
HillaryClinton called for a ban on sporting rifles (she calls them “Assault Rifles”) as if doing so will magically reform terrorists who massacre innocents without conscience and commit suicide in the name of Allah.
Why do the Left push this anti-gun agenda after each Gun Free Zone. Rampage Shooter mass murder and terrorist attack?
It’s a matter of opportunity, pure and simple. This is the moment they smell the fear dripping off the uneducated populace.
Liberals – and their counterparts in the media – understand they can play off the emotionally combustible mixture of Fear, Anger and Frustration to further their gun banning agenda, while giving those so-inclined Americans a soft, fluffy blanket of false security and safety.
- They know they can’t win on facts.
- They know they can’t rescind the Second Amendment.
- They know they can’t use logic – because there isn’t any.
They can only use your fear, your anger, your frustration and your seething feeling of social impotence against you. This is the only way for them to attain their goal of disarming our Nation.
Fear is a powerful thing and they pounce on it like a hungry wolf.
According to The Religion of Peace, from 2011 thru 2015, there have been 13,157 Muslim terrorist attacks in roughly 58 different Countries around the World. There have been 97,895 killed and 120,422 injured in these terrorist attacks – almost all of them Countries that have either very strict gun control or a complete ban on guns.
And what do our Liberal politicians do? First, they refuse to admit it’s Radical Islam. Second? To deflect from Number one, they blame it on the NRA and sporting rifles.
They take the fear and disbelief of the sheep of this Country and turn it into a driving force of anger and vengeance towards law abiding gun owners.
The Left, using the Saul Alinksy playbook, attempts to manipulate the uneducated and fearful masses.
Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals -with commentary by Glen Beck
RULE #5 “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (GB – Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
RULE #8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (GB – Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (GB – Perception is reality. Large organizations always prepare a worst-case scenario, something that may be furthest from the activists’ minds. The upshot is that the organization will expend enormous time and energy, creating in its own collective mind the direst of conclusions. The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)
RULE 12: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (GB – This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
It’s the gun owners fault! How dare these despicable gun nuts care more for their weapons of war, than for the safety
and security of our children, our families and our great Nation!
It’s the NRA’s fault! The big bad NRA, crazed with power and greed! They lobby against “common sense” gun control! They only care for the gun companies and their precious money!
Amazing… right?
Let me run those numbers by you again:
2011 – 2015
- 13,157 terrorist attacks around the world by Radical Muslims
- 97,895 Killed
- 120,422 Injured
And Obama, Clinton and Homeland Security would have you believe it’s the guns fault! It’s the NRA’s fault! And the only way to defend ourselves against this scourge, is to take away our ability to defend ourselves.
Yeah, you read that right.
See through the veil of fear mongering. Stand strong against the vitriol heaped upon good Americans who believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Make the Liberal Left pay for their hatred of all things American.
Come November, the Left should be afraid. They should be Very Afraid.
Stay Safe and Carry Responsibly,
Hipshot – NewGunnerJournal
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Obama said “As I said a few days ago, being tough on terrorism requires more than talk. Being tough on terrorism, particularly the sorts of homegrown terrorism that we’ve seen now in Orlando and San Bernardino, means making it harder for people who want to kill Americans to get their hands on assault weapons that are capable of killing dozens of innocents as quickly as possible,” Yet this POS President, with a complete disregard for American lives, increases the number of middle east refugees. Furthermore, the Orlando shooter’s father was a refugee from the decades earlier who never spoke well… Read more »
The Communists have been trying to destroy our Nation for 240, the day after the Declaration of Independence was signed although they weren’t called Communists or Progressives then. This group of people have changed their label over the years. They became Democrats and continued to work at the destruction of this Country by using platitudes and dumbing down of the population by their cronies in education and the media. After the Civil War, they continued to work at tearing the Country apart by creating the Ku Klux Klan and the forcing the Blacks to become second class citizens and now… Read more »
We all know what is going on with these diehard freedom robbing liberals. They are not all Democrats but are assisted by the RINO Republican who are equally disturbing. All this information needs to get out to the sheeples of America, the uninformed voter, and of course to the dunderheads that continuely put these radical people in power. There is a valid reason for the second amendment, and it is coming into fruition right now. Gun Free Zones are killing zones as proven by those who die in them. Only the armed have a chance against the gun-grabbers of this… Read more »
If democrats really believed the lie that they try to push upon the public, then prison cells would be holding guns and the smelting plants would replace the electric chair. It is the height of absurdity to think that an inanimate object can do anything on its own. People wound, maim, and kill other people using a variety of objects and this will continue even if all guns were to magically disappear. Some say, ‘Come and take it”, but I say, “Don’t even try.”
Evidently, George W Bush was right when he said, ” The Constitution is just a piece of paper.” The Democrats and the Republicans have all forgotten that the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are more than just interesting historical documents. True patriots haven’t forgotten and the time is fast approaching that the tree of Liberty will have to be nourished with bloodshed. The Founding Fathers would have been shooting by now. It’s good luck for the Liberals and Progressives that the Conservatives still believe in the ballot box first before the ammo box. Donald Trump… Read more »
It seems like Liberals don’t want to stop terror attacks, they just want to reduce the number of casualties they can quickly inflict in an attack.
Jeh Johnson, obama and clinton – let me guess – they are democrats, right? Who has done such an excellent job of preventing illegal immigrants from entering the country? Who has done such an excellent job of preventing illegal drugs such as marijuana and cocaine entering the country? Who has reduced prison populations by turning convicted criminals loose in the USA? Who has run up the budget deficit to unheard of proportions? Who lies about not enough money to properly care for Veterans while flying off to their favorite big bucks golf course for the weekend, most every weekend? Who… Read more »
The Left has been out to destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights nearly since the day after it was signed. In the past 100 years, they have dumbed down society to the point that today’s high school and college graduates are nearly illiterate and can’t even fill out a work application or build a resume without a “translator”. Now begins the final push for control of the masses and this is right out of Marx and Alinsky. The Obama “You didn’t build that!” not becomes “You can’t defend yourself and family!” Just remember, when seconds count, the police are… Read more »
To paraphrase Alfred E. Newman – “What Me Worry? What Me Scared?”