Biden Administration’s Assaults on Peaceable Americans Continues with Latest Declaration

Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action To Combat Emerging Firearm Threats And Improve School-Based Active Shooter Drills Screenshot 1-15-2025
Biden-Harris Administration Takes Action To Combat Emerging Firearm Threats And Improve School-Based Active Shooter Drills Screenshot 1-15-2025

Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement Tuesday responding to an announcement by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris detailing their latest assaults on peaceable Americans:

The Biden-Harris Administration’s Emerging Firearm Threats Task Force report has once again demonstrated their complete and manifest contempt for the People of the United States and their constitutionally protected rights, including the freedom of speech and right to keep and bear arms.

Their published report is both evidence of the immoral agenda driven by these politicians and a warning to the American public.

Key areas of contention include:

  1. Regulation of MCDs and 3D Printed Firearms: The Administration’s efforts to curb the proliferation of Machinegun Conversion Devices (MCDs) and unserialized, 3D-printed firearms through increased enforcement actions are an infringement on the Second Amendment. These actions include shutting down websites and intensifying scrutiny at ports of entry.
  2. Control over Computer Code: The proposal to regulate and potentially criminalize the distribution and possession of computer codes used for printing firearms is viewed as an assault on both the First and Second Amendments. This sets a dangerous precedent for government control over private digital information and technology sharing.
  3. School-Based Active Shooter Drills: While the government frames the enhancement of active shooter drills as a safety measure, there are concerns about the psychological impact on students and the effectiveness of these drills. Focusing on drills may detract from addressing the underlying issues of gun violence.
  4. Expansion of Red Flag Laws and Enhanced Background Checks: The push for more comprehensive red flag laws and stringent background checks, particularly for individuals under 21, is a potential violation of due process and an unnecessary restriction on law-abiding gun owners.
  5. Federal Investment in Anti-Gun Violence Initiatives: The Administration’s allocation of federal resources towards combating gun violence is a misuse of taxpayer money, promoting policies that do not directly solve the problems they aim to address.

Indeed, their report makes crystal clear that authoritarian politicians like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and federal agencies managed by their ideological ilk, fully intend to wildly increase their already pervasive surveillance of and control over our speech, our finances, and our lives. For them, there is no policy too abusive, no rule too restrictive, no censorship too broad, no company they would not coerce to implement their policy preferences, and no end that would not justify the means. If their policies were bricks, there is no road to hell these despotic and dangerous people would not pave with them.

FPC will continue to Fight Forward and create a world of maximal liberty in spite of the Biden-Harris Administration and the anti-rights radicals aligned with them. We are supremely confident that the People, liberty, and moral cause we serve will prevail over these tyrants and their coercion that separates peaceable people from their life, liberty, and property.

To put it more plainly, for the Demential Patient-in-Chief and his Biggest Loser Number-Two: Fuck you. No. You’ve been evicted; now get out of our house.

Firearms Policy Coalition

Firearms Policy Coalition (, a 501(c)4 nonprofit membership organization, exists to create a world of maximal human liberty, defend constitutional rights, advance individual liberty, and restore freedom. We work to achieve our strategic objectives through litigation, research, scholarly publications, amicus briefing, legislative and regulatory action, grassroots activism, education, outreach, and other programs. Our FPC Law program ( is the nation’s preeminent legal action initiative focused on restoring the right to keep and bear arms throughout the United States. Individuals who want to support FPC’s work to eliminate unconstitutional laws can join the FPC Grassroots Army at or make a donation at For more on FPC’s lawsuits and other pro-Second Amendment initiatives, visit

Firearms Policy Coalition

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Metal detectors and armed school resource officers & armed, trained and COMMITTED staff are the first steps. Commissions, studies, and focus groups, etc. are just politicians paying each other with our money to make it look like they’re doing something.
Like Mel Brooks said when he was the governor in Blazing Saddles, “We gotta save our phoney baloney jobs!”


Easy solution,load up all Democrats and send them to California to await the big one,where the San Andreas Fault line breaks off and dumps the entire state into thr Pacific


Easily reversed in a few more days.


Item number 3 (active drills) is not a lot different from fire drills. I see no issues there. An ill prepared school is one that, even with guards and armed teachers/staff, a target ripe for mayhem. We (gun owners) know that to be effective with self defense we need to practice. We also know that a cluster F in any serious threat ALWAYS results in more dead, wounded, and traumatized. Case in point, the classic ongoing disasters in unprepared Southern California! Item no. 2. is a tough one. The 1st amendment is a constant target by the Biden administration. Yet… Read more »


Well, with six days to go, this should be their last report!


It is going to be a long five days.