The Perfect Storm – This Week Three Gun-Grabbers Come Clean

By Mark Walters
Editors Note: AmmoLand News welcomes Mark Walters to our growing list of the best and brightest gun rights commentators, who are watching out for your RKBA.

Clinton for Prison
The Perfect Storm – This Week Three Gun-Grabbers Come Clean
Mark Walters
Mark Walters

USA – -( From time to time we are unintentionally offered a look inside the minds of the un-American gun-grabber. Sometimes they slip up and when they do we get a peek into their thought process that seeks to infringe on the rights of all American citizens.

Over the past few days, they have handed us a trifecta, a perfect storm.

Last week I analyzed the words Hillary Clinton used during the first presidential debate when she mentioned keeping firearms out of the hands of “those who will do harm” as if she has a crystal ball and can predict another person’s future behavior.

Following that, Oregon Judge Kenneth Walker, while sentencing a “drive by” shooter to a lengthy 17.5-year stint in the slammer, made the following statements during that sentencing hearing:

“If I could I would take all the guns in America, put them on big barges and go dump them in the ocean,” the judge told the defendant. “Nobody would have a gun. Not police, not security, not anybody. We should eliminate all of them. We could save 33,000 people a year if we didn’t have guns in this country.”

He continued, “They are a scourge of this country and no one should have one as far as I’m concerned. There’s no defense to guns. There’s just absolutely no reason to have them. But it is a right of people in this country to own and possess them, and I will not say anything to affect that right.”

He also gave us this gem, “Australia after a major shooting, rounded up all the guns, and they haven’t had near the death that we do here in this country.”

Astonishing really, that a sitting judge would make such statements but we’re glad he did. He gave us the second piece of the puzzle if you will. Interestingly, it would be sitting Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan who would complete the trifecta for us.

In this case, Justice Kagan reminded America of the politicization of the current Supreme Court when she said this during a discussion at Harvard Law School;

“A tie does nobody any good. Presumably, we’re there for a reason. We’re there to resolve cases that need deciding, answer hotly contested issues that need resolving, and you can’t do that with a tie vote.”

What Ms. Kagan did was necessarily admit that the current makeup of the SCOTUS is “tied” along ideological lines, four conservative, and four liberals. Nothing earth-shattering there but to hear a sitting justice say it when in fact there should be no particular ideology when deciding cases based on constitutional law tells us everything we need to know about our future gun rights if Hillary Clinton wins in November.

Using Ms. Kagan’s statement, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the next justice, if nominated by Clinton will tip the court liberal. The fix is in, and Justice Kagan made sure we were aware.

I’ve been talking about and analyzing this “trifecta” all week on my daily syndicated radio program and here’s why. If we’re paying attention, this rare glimpse into the mindset of the powerful elitists who seek to destroy our right to bear arms tells us the true end game of the gun control crowd, which of course is eventual confiscation of private arms in America.

Let’s put the puzzle together now that we have all of the pieces, shall we?

  1. Ms. Clinton essentially told us that all gun owners are eventual criminals and who could argue with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, right? I mean, isn’t that something we can all agree on at least?
  2. If we ever had any misconceptions that there are judges out there who would confiscate our lawfully owned property, Judge Walker fixed that, didn’t he? If given the opportunity to take our legally owned arms, he made it pretty clear that he would certainly oblige.
  3. Since Ms. Kagan already knows that SCOTUS is “tied,” it is certainly safe for me to assert that a liberal judge added to the court would be the predisposed vote the court would need to destroy the hard fought Heller and McDonald decisions.

The writing is all over the wall; spray painted in huge letters for the world to see. A Hillary Clinton victory in November will spell disaster for our right to bear arms, an unimaginable catastrophe of epic proportions resulting in a very dangerous constitutional crisis.

Don’t take my word for it, read theirs.


About Mark Walters

Mark Walters is the host of two nationally syndicated radio broadcasts, Armed American Radio and Armed American Radio’s Daily Defense with Mark Walters. He is the Second Amendment Foundations 2015 Gun Rights Defender of the Year award recipient and co-author of two books, Lessons from Armed America with Kathy Jackson (Whitefeather Press) and Lessons from UnArmed America with Rob Pincus (Whitefeather Press)

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Excellent points, thank you! But let’s be clear on one thing: No one can “take away” our right to own and bear arms, which the founders saw as God-given; they can only really refuse to recognise that right. Not that their doing so is a good thing by any means. It just alters the picture considerably. That being the case, we must be willing to galvanise and decry such blatant disregard for our right with one unwavering voice.


Gay marriage and transgender bathrooms are Constitutional rights but the second amendment doesn’t mean what it really says. These miscreants are truly riding in a creepy clown car.

Jim Macklin

a President hillary clinton would be a disaster for more than just the Second Amendment. Consider her new ad on TV. It begins with a young, attractive hillary saying she has always been about the children. Then she goes on to relate about how she is about every child growing up in a government run society, with everything supplied. Every child must be nurtured so tey can grow up to their full potential. Nobody in the media has asked how that applies to abortion? hillary will be a threat to all of the Constitution, states’ rights, civil rights, the dollar… Read more »

Mike Plunkett

CALL ME roadrunner; First Beside the clear and concise language of 2nd and 14th amendment that states we have duty to bear arms because it is every Patriots citizens obligation and right to defend freedom and liberty and all life against any and all enemies Domestic and foreign, even if that becomes an overreaching rogue government like British red coats did when our nation was formed and liberty was secured by our Patriots militia. Next How many jobs can we count as lost and destroyed by shutting down ammo plants, gun manufacturer’s only leaving one or two government regulated controlled… Read more »


CALL ME roadrunner; First Beside the clear and concise language of 2nd and 14th amendment that states we have duty to bear arms because it is every Patriots citizens obligation and right to defend freedom and liberty and all life against any and all enemies Domestic and foreign, even if that becomes an overreaching rogue government like British red coats did when our nation was formed and liberty was secured by our Patriots militia. Next How many jobs can we count as lost and destroyed by shutting down ammo plants, gun manufacturer’s only leaving one or two government regulated controlled… Read more »


You touch the core of the problem: there are too many people in this country who do not actually believe that anyone will actually come take their guns. They believe that some mystical force will simply prevent a confiscation, that jack-booted thugs have never done anything like that before or that it can’t actually happen here. They are wrong on all counts. It can happen here, the Democrats have finally stopped pretending they respect law abiding gun owners and admitted they want to take guns, and if they get elected they will take gun rights. It is as plain as… Read more »

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