Victory November 2016, Now Let’s Quash the Crybabies :

Official 2016 Seal of the Democrat Party
Official 2016 Seal of the Democrat Party

USA – -( Wow. Last month I said we were about to have the most important election this country has ever or will ever have, and I’m glad to see we not only made the only correct choice for President,

but we won the House and Senate as well!

President Donald Trump has already earned the respect of world leaders, the stock market has hit record highs, and the optimism for the future of this country can be felt everywhere and by everyone;

…except of course for the sore losers that voted for a corrupt selfish criminal who are still crying and rioting in big cities across America.

The differences between “them” and “us” are blatantly on display. They have no respect for the law, the American flag or what it stands for, nor for other people or property. They have no respect for the Constitution or those that have fought for and given their lives for it. They spent Veterans Day rioting and complaining about how this isn’t fair; they have no sense of honor. [Most propbably did not even vote.]

Most of these idiots have never known anything but the gentle handholding that they’ve received by their parents, schools, and government. They want what they want, and if they don’t get it, they’re going to whine and complain until they do.

Sadly for them, that’s not gonna happen this time.

For 8 years the rest of us have had to suck up the terrible administration that has been in office. No one rioted or destroyed property or called for death to Democrats, even while they sold our government and stole our freedoms.

Donald Trump
President Elect, Donald J Trump

Well ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to fix everything that has been wrong, and these crybabies are going to watch what real work can accomplish. They’re going to see what real American people do when the going gets tough, and ultimately they’ll benefit from it, even while they remain ungrateful. They’ll have to ability to come together and take part, or they damn well better move out of the way.

They will learn that the real heroes in this country are not celebrities; the Hollywood liberals who PLAY heroes on TV. Not the guys that get paid millions dollars to play sports but are too arrogant and ungrateful to respect the national anthem [another that did not even vote]. Our heroes are the service men and women who defend this country; the first responders who put their lives on the line each and every day for all of us, and the working men and women who each day do their part to fuel this country and ask for nothing in return. It is these heroes that carry the burden for the rest.

There is no doubt the next 4 years are going to be difficult. There is no doubt there will be some obstacles. But with a leader in place who RESPECTS the American people and the American principles, there’s nothing that’s going to get in our way. For it is a leaders job to remove the obstacles that impede progress. Freedom has great rewards, but they do not come freely. They require hard work and sacrifice which the American people are ready to provide.

I look forward to the record progress that this country is going to be making for the next few years and we will all benefit, even the whiney crybabies huddled in the corner who don’t deserve it.

For once in a very long time, we will be advancing our Second Amendment rights vs. having to fight to keep what we have left. The NRA played a big role during this election, and will play a bigger role going forward. Our thanks go out to those behind the scenes there who work tirelessly each and every day to preserve the Second Amendment.

For those that took part in the RIA Freedom Challenge, thanks for your contributions; we have some winners announced below but we all win having raised over 2 million dollars for the NRA-ILA! The NRA has been fighting to preserve our rights for years, and now it’s time to move them forward.

A quick note from Modern-Musket who represents all of us like no other at the NRA:

Brother and Sister ARFCOM readers,

I wanted to write you directly as the title of my column implies to congratulate you all for a job well done this past election cycle. Despite all the prognosticators who continually downplayed a Donald Trump victory, you and our fellow pro-firearm, pro-freedom advocates proved them all wrong.

Those of you who have followed my posts as either DirectAction or now, Modern-Musket know that as a NRA board member I wear my affinity for the NRA in the highest regard. You further know that I realize that the “power” of NRA is through its membership and our active participation as such.

As I cite numerous times, no matter with pro-firearm organization you identify with here on ARFCOM if we work together….We will Prevail.

And Prevail we did!

As we heed the call to assist our incoming President-elect Donald J. Trump, let me take a minute to also thank you all for participating in my “Operation Double Down” which in conjunction with The NRA’s Office of Advancement and the great folks at Rock Island Auctions, we – the ARFCOM faithful – helped raise over 1 million dollars to help fulfill the million dollar match challenge laid down by Rock Island Auctions. Once again proving that ARFCOM never fails.

We now face an opportunity to once again marshal our forces and begin to win back our rights by helping the American Suppressor Association raise a much needed $100,000 to bolster their drive to make suppressors legal throughout this great country of ours. ASA has developed a comprehensive grassroots program of advocacy that I invite you to participate in.

To answer the call, please go to the American Suppressor Association and let’s make history again.

Lastly, special thanks to the Avila Family for their steadfast support of the initiatives, shooting events and political advocacy that I bring before them. They are all true Patriots.

For God and Country,



AR15.Com originated in 1996 as a mailing list for firearm enthusiasts. As the years passed and interest grew, a website came into existence to present those same enthusiasts with a means to collect, share, and explore information. Shortly afterwards, a bulletin board was added to create a more interactive experience for the growing list of users. The site was still in it’s infancy, but was growing in popularity. Visit: