USA -(Ammoland.com)- As 2017 slides into the history books it is time to consider 2018. I believe 2018 will be a very intense year for gun owners. With 2018 being an election year, everything will be on the line.
First, all of the Illinois State Representatives and one third of the Illinois State Senators will be up for election. As you are well aware, it is a continuous battle to keep our Second Amendment Rights in Illinois. The makeup of the Illinois General Assembly is key.
Second, all of the Illinois Constitutional Officers are up for election in 2018. The Illinois Constitutional Officers are Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer. While all offices are important, the Governor and Attorney General are critical offices.
Third, 2018 is the National “off year” Elections. That means all 435 Congressmen and 34 Senators will be up for election. With the election of President Trump, too many gun owners thought everything would be fine forever, which is the most dangerous thing that could happen.
The 2018 elections may make the gains we have made vanish in the twinkling of an eye. While the President was able to appoint one Supreme Court Justice, others could be on the verge of retiring. The President will have an impossible task if the United States Senate is lost.
There are many Justices that need to be appointed to the lower courts. Many of those appointments are still pending and this process goes on constantly as people retire.
The question of National Reciprocity is in the Senate, but I do not think it is going anywhere with the Senate’s present makeup. There needs to be more pro-gun Senators elected.
There is a question that we, as gun owners, need to think about: how can we help ensure the Second Amendment locally, as well as at the state level and nationally?
You may not know that answer right now, but you need to think about. Many people may think they have to do something spectacular to make a difference. That is not true. While it would be nice if you could donate $5000, but can only afford $5, it all adds up and makes a difference.
Making a phone call, sending an email, attending a meeting, talking to a friend or a neighbor is important, and all of these count. The first and most important task is to make the decision to do something. Opportunities will present themselves. Some people promise more than they can deliver. Don’t do that; do what you can do. The key is for everyone to do something.
In the upcoming elections we will be presented with many candidates. Gun owners tend to be purists much to their own detriment. There are no perfect candidates. If you go on a quest to find the perfect candidate you will meet folks looking for the Holy Grail, the lost Dutchman gold mine, and Diogenes searching for truth; it may be interesting, but not productive. Our job is to pick the best candidates who can get elected.
Don’t waste your time voting for the perfect candidates who cannot get elected because the usual result is the worst candidates getting elected. In other words, it is better to vote for a B candidate who can get elected rather than an A candidate who can’t get elected.
A defeated perfect candidate is about as useful as a used candy wrapper. Meanwhile, the F candidate got elected and you helped them. Pouting and just not voting is not the answer either.
Reminder: Our annual High Power rifle romp in the snow (Winter Wars XVI) at the ISRA Range is just around the corner!
Here are a few New Year’s resolutions for you in case you haven’t made any!
- I resolve I will attend IGOLD.
- I resolve I will recruit one new ISRA member.
- I resolve I will upgrade my ISRA membership.
- I resolve I will sign up for legislative alerts.
- I resolve I will take a firearms class.
Thanks for being a member.
Upcoming events: ISRA Calendar. For more information, visit their website.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
- ISRA Wednesday Night Air Gun League
- ISRA 10 Meter International Air Pistol League
Saturday, January 6, 2018
- Range Work Day
Saturday, January 13, 2018
- Winter Wars XVI
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