USA – -(Ammoland.com)- I have been torn today, after watching the “National” March on Washington and how overwhelmingly one-sided the coverage seems to have been as well as the moral morass and ignorance of the protestors.
In a few hours time I saw many interviews, and the responses I saw not only made me angry, it made me sad as well.
Sad because so many young adults, ignorant of history and the Constitution, were being used as pawns and as political props. Props used by those on the left who are pushing these rallies, but since their faces are known [Bloomberg], they conscripted children to do their dirty work.
What made me angry were how young I saw some of the kids to be, that held signs in favor of gun control, some that aren’t even old enough to be in Kindergarten. In those cases, the parents who use their kids in such a way are morally reprehensible, and they should all be ashamed. Who would use their children like this?
What struck me was how uninformed so many were when a few reporters started asking intelligent questions. Several responded that they wanted a ban on “assault weapons,” but when pressed what one of those was, they were pretty much clueless. There were many holding signs that had to be partially blurred out as to what they thought gun owners and the NRA could do with guns as a whole. Probably one of the most common things I saw, after the marchers got done stating the long list of things they wanted banned, most if not all then parroted out that they “don’t want to infringe on the rights of the law-abiding citizens”.
Perhaps one reporter should have brought around a dictionary and pointed out what the word “infringe” actually means.
On the very nice, and very expensive looking for a grassroots organization, main stage at the rally in Washington, DC, one celebrity after another trotted out and bloviated their views. Miley Cyrus, Kim Kardashian, Ariana Grande to name a few and more offered support from afar. What no one asked these self-centered Samaritans is how much-armed security they have around them to keep them safe. How many police officers and armed guards keep them and their families safe while lending their support to those who out of ignorance, arrogance or in some cases both would deprive gun owners of that same right. All the while vilifying the American men and women who make up the NRA. This hypocritical stance is one reason why gun owners and conservatives look at these rallies with disgust and are wary every time the words “common sense gun laws” are uttered.
What these rallies are and what they are gearing up to be are voter drives.
The left knows they are on the losing end when it comes to common sense issues. That was proven in November of 2016, but many are beginning to show fatigue from politics and at the same time, don’t seem to want to be bothered to vote this fall.
As a conservative, I can tell you that the left is mobilizing and doing so with as much money and media backing as they possibly can. I want you to imagine what this country will look like if the Democrat party gets back in control of Congress, a terrifying proposition.
You can bet one thing is for sure, the Democrats getting control of Congress can mean one thing, impeachment proceedings for sure. On top of that appointees for judges for district courts to the Supreme Court will be compromised, which means a Justice that can go whichever way the wind blows, and frankly, we’ve had too many of them as it is.
Now I want you to think a little farther down the line, and that’s to 2020. Imagine what January, 2021 can look like if a Democrat President comes into power with control of a Congress run by the same party. If you think that a ban on bump stocks is hard news, imagine what could be passed with a vengeful party who has been on the receiving end of a couple of years of policies they didn’t like.
Only thing worse than a Democrat President in 2021 is the thought of hearing the words Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. If you think it can’t happen, it can, and will if we as gun owners and voters don’t get off our collective backsides and do something about it.
What we’re seeing with these marches using children, are that battle lines being drawn, and the orther side has no problem placing kids in the line of fire. I don’t hold them, the babies responsible; I do, however, fault whoever is educating them, and the schools that are encouraging it, while at the same time silencing the students who oppose the agenda of the left. Sadly, what I can say is that I think this is just the beginning.
There are some on the left who want to see these kids protesting non-stop, joining up with the likes of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter, which is starting to happen in places like Sacramento. No good can come from these organizations merging except high school students being placed in the back of patrol cars with the media plastering some sad faces all over the evening news.
One thing we can all say for sure is that this country is split, right down the middle, politically, culturally, and morally, and that divide instead of healing is worsening daily.
Elections this November are critical to gun owners and conservatives in the long run. If the Democrats regain control of Congress the next year will be dominated by one thing, impeachment for whatever reason they can come up with, it won’t matter, and this country will be even more torn. Throw any tragedies or disasters into the cauldron, and one can see how things can spiral downward. No matter what gun owners differences are with each other, with the NRA, it’s now plain to see how the other alternatives can be worse in the long run. Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto when it came to the history of society something that wrings shockingly true of what we are seeing in these rallies that is a dire warning:
“Society as a whole is splitting up more and more into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other.”
Karl Marx was the author of what many on the left are practicing now, most of them don’t even know it. The marches we’re all seeing against guns, gun owners, the NRA and the Second Amendment as a whole is precisely what the father of Communism envisioned for promoting his political ideals and it’s been eating away at America for the last few decades here.
If the Democrats win, that cancer will spread further and faster than ever. It will be up to us in November to fight back the tide in the voting booths nationwide.
About David LaPell
David LaPell has been a Corrections Officer with the local Sheriff’s Department for thirteen years. A collector of antique and vintage firearms for over twenty years and an avid hunter. David has been writing articles about firearms, hunting and western history for ten years. In addition to having a passion for vintage guns, he is also a fan of old trucks and has written articles on those as well.
We lost public education many years ago. The results of losing it is before your eyes. The left took over in the 60s with leftist dogma and leftist unions, and they succeeded easily. You now have third generation leftist teachers and these kids are the future leftists.
I don’t know if this point has been previously raised. If the following is a repeat, excuse me. It seems to me that if not all, certainly the largest part of the school shootings we hear so much about were perpetrated by people of the same age group that these “student demonstrators” are part of. Given that perhaps strange situation, my hard headed mind poses the following questions. How come this? Also, how come these “student protesters”, while so ready to point fingers at others, seem blind to problems amongst themselves. Additionally, how come they seem to have forgotten that… Read more »
and none of these tree hugging hippies thank the people that sacrificed more then they could imagine while using these “horible killer guns”to protect there rights to do and say all this stupid shit.they should send them all to some third world shithole for a few weeks to see how good these fools really got it..it takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun-bunch of stupid shits
“Author: Wild Bill Comment: @LT, I see that my writing was not clear. I should have written: You, Lew Tripp, a civilian, can not successfully conduct your civilian civil war combat operations with only semiautomatic weapons. You’d get slaughtered!” IF, IF the Army and National Guard actually understands their oath, they would join with the people. The problem is will the Air Force pilots and missile men fully understand the same oath they swore. Unlike dictatorships and monarchies, Americans swear an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The enlisted swear the oath and… Read more »
@jh45gun M, I think that you are on to something here! The National Command Authority could order that every member of the Military receive a two hour block of instruction, each year, explaining the oath that they have taken is an oath to uphold the Constitution, and not any person, party or even the Federal Government itself. The instruction, to include: what domestic enemies of the Constitution are!
If the NCA orders such a block of instruction, that would have to be done
It isn’t my idea. OATH KEEPERS thought of years ago. I think the Founding Father thought of it too. That’s why Officers have a different oath from the enlisted. I don’t know about today but the military did instruct on lawful orders and constitutional authority.
WiKi doesn’t always tell the truth. Sometimes you have to realize fact from fiction.
Oath Keepers is an anti-government American far-right organization associated with the patriot and militia movements. Wikipedia”
By the way. In an earlier post, I questioned whether or not the child holding the FUCK THE NRA sign knew what the word FUCK ment. He probably doesn’t but perhaps more interesting is the following. Does his mother, I assume that the female appearing arm shown in the photo was that of the child’s mother, or did she merely partake of FUCKING instinctively, like for instance cats and dogs do? Seems likely though, that kittens would benefit from more caring and thoughtful parenting than the sign carrying child is likely to.
Wild Bill: Re the Feds and machine gun ownership, it’s not simply the purchase of that $200 tax stamp, as there are quite a bit of bureaucratic routines to navigate, and that is re the Feds. You then would then have to navigate state and possibly local regulations and or law. Some states respond with a flat no. Others, essentially say, Pennsylvania being one so far as I know that essentially say, If the Feds don’t object, we don’t either. Of course, the local sheriff could be a hill to be climbed. It can get complicated, which in my opinion,… Read more »
Lew Tripp:
Re your recognition of error, we all,now and then, spill our milk. the important thing is the recognition of error,and avoiding a repeat thereof.
I’d accept her her offer.
Hate FCK her
@Repo – sorry for the misunderstanding!
@Mac No problem.. my first sentence did sound a little antitrump upon me rereading it but it was meant to say I just felt he missed a few chances to do more and we could have had President Hillary during this time. I for one think almost any other President we could have had this time would have given in to the calls of we have to do something for the children even though it would have been the wrong thing to do.
The NRAFoundation is not the NRA, but a subset, not the same thing. You have to donate to NRAFoundation for it to a charity donation. You membership in NRA does not allow you to deduct your membership dues, and doing so will get you audited by the IRS. Just be clear as to what is what.
@mackofjack I get notifications of a new post in my email like an hour before they show up in comments section and that’s why I’m not responding directly to you comment. The point I was making was that anyone who regrets voting for Trump or would vote Democrat in the future should think about how bad things could be right now if we didn’t have him willing to take a pretty firm pro gun stance. I do think he could have fought a little harder on some gun issues but that was just a minor point I was making. Maybe… Read more »
@Repo – You and for that matter the rest of the what Trumpers need to watch what is going on. President Trump lays traps for EVERYONE, then sits back and watches as they take an inch, run a mile and hangs themselves. He has done it so many times I’ve lost count. DECA kids, donkeycrats are on a roll, then they overplay their hand and now they have lost!
STOP looking at an issue and taking a snapshot then calling foul!
to mike,you told me that i didn’t research about the NRA donations,well i did,maybe you should take your own advice. go the the NRA donation page,it’s printed right across the bottom,donations are not tax deducible for tax purposes.read and educate yourself mikey. i know about this ,i donate regularly.
Alex, let’s keep our comments civil. My name is Mike, if you please. And, according to https://home.nra.org/about-the-nra, donations made to the NRA FOUNDATION, a 501(c)3 organization, since 1990, are fully tax deductible. I make certain to donate where my giving has tax advantages, if that is my goal. Enough said?
After the NRA was forced by various federal election and tax laws, they created the lobby, The NRA-ILA Institute for Legislative Action. https://www.nraila.org/
The NRA Foundation is a charity that funds educational long term programs.
The plain NRA https://www.nra/ is a membership corporation formed in 1871 and it has a web site with links to all the divisions from law enforcement, college NCAA, military, Olympic, hunting, the Whittington Center range in New Mexico for example. https://www.nrawc.org/
read the above comment from MB,i believe he explains it clearly. and to set the record straight,MIKE,your the one who took the snotty attitude first.
Well, what did anyone expect. They claim they want “action” taken to toughen gun laws. So I’ll make it simple, what laws stop criminals? Now, what laws hurt law abiding citizens? What laws would have stopped hijackers from taking planes and crashing them into buildings? Would taking away a drivers license stop someone from drinking and driving. Hasn’t yet. Why, because criminals are criminals because they BREAK THE LAWS ASSHOLES! So, current laws didn’t stop a muslim from running people over in time square, just as laws don’t stop burglars! Fkn liberals will do just what the establishment wants them… Read more »
Law Tripp
WIth respect to your military service, however according to federal law, as it stands, civilians can own and possess automatic weapons, aka machine guns, having undergone a load of bureaucratic crap, in my personal view, and paid the established fees, $200 transfer fee or tax. Some of the several states, in what passes for their august wisdom preclude ownership of machine guns by the private citizen, others do not. Pennsylvania is one of the latter.
I would say Tripp is probably another school kid like Kent Clark.Anyone that has been in the Military up an down the road,own all the guns he says he owns would definitely know about the class 3 law.So I would say he is a school kid like the hogg.Doesn’t know if he ass is punched or drilled.They would serve their self better as to get educated an learn something an stay off grown up forums
Thanks Alan, I was so wrong. I based my posts without doing any research other than 1934 law. Again, I apologize for my stupidity.
the same people parading the kid around is probably the same a$$hole that marched their kids down the street last year dressed like a giant c**t. these morons have no shame or morals,to expect them to have any is wishful thinking,God help those kids when they get older and have to live in the world mom,yes,she’s probably divorced,made for them.
Alex, In 1990 the NRA FOUNDATION was formed as a 501(c)3 organization for the purpose of furthering gun safety and education. Donations are tax deductible. Research first, then speak!
The NRA IS NOT a 501c3 charity.
@DaveW – You first statement is incorrect. According to the type of 501c they can be involved in politics. Look it up.
Dave Brown Communication is a two way street, where both sides must be willing to listen to each other. Also, analysis and the reading of history is a lot more difficult than in the carrying of rude language signs and trashing someone else’s property. If these young people want to be taken seriously, they need to act like thinking adults, seemingly a characteristic not often displayed by them. As to the magazine limits you see to admire, given the long advertised goals of the anti gun types, you should be aware thereof, if you aren’t, how come, as they have… Read more »
Sorry I had to laugh in a discussed way. Now the left and the right all do it so what is the point? How about the right and the left figure out that US are split about 50-50 on most issues, and then learn to figure it out by working together????? Learn from any kid as they work things out all the time. These kids in their teens have a movement so learn from them. If you disagree try to educate and attract them into your point of view. But No, WE are sitting around Complicating about the Complainers, be… Read more »
You can’t work together with low life, leftist liberals. Wake up Dave, they want gun confiscation period. They have a plan for a socialist,communist form of government and we can not allow them to succeed. They must be stopped by what ever means necessary. If they want a civil war, so be it. At the end of it, lib democRATS will be in short supply.
Gotta chime in here… Mr Tripp is 100% correct, they will stop at nothing until they have achieved complete confiscation, they is no “middle of the road” for them. “These kids have a movement”, NO they do not, the ORGANIZERS and money backing anti gunners have the plan, the clueless mouthy kids are nothing but their mouthpieces being used as fodder in their disarm America battle. THEY have focused everything on the AR or AK and the media and stupid label it as an assault rifle, it is NOT ! They forget about how many are killed each DAY by… Read more »
These people don’t know anything about the NRA. Globalist Puppets.
With a view to what sort of upbringing these children will receive from their parents, one might shudder to think on the sort of “adults” they might eventually become.
Maybe those kids should see their parents have the sh*t beat out of them live Det. Velcoro did to the dad of his son’s bully. (Season 2 True Dectective)
Truly exploitation of the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sad parents would allow that.
It might well be the parents hand on the kids shoulder. Oh, by the way, what do you think the chances of that kid actually knowing the meaning of the word FUCK, which is by the way, For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, at one time actionable under British or English law.
Re that Fuck the NRA sign and the child carrying it, is that an “adult” hand on the child’s shoulder? Talk of child abuse.
What do you expect from low class people that will cry about this and that with out thought? They look for others like them to spread there low class b,s,….They are now using kids for there sick goals. How low…. . I for one am sick of the b.s. Clinton , Kennedy, all three brothers were screwing around and nobody brings them up for there b.s. and they were in office while cheating on there wives ……We are now facing a moral issue brought up by the very same people that want everything there way and the hell with our… Read more »
Liberals raising monsters.
These kids were breed?The fathers should have shot that load in the toilet and their fathers father should have been beaten for breeding.Breeding on the left is a dangerous thing.It produces brain dead children like you see holding them signs.They were probably on their ADD drugs or lack of.They act like little zombies just walking around
There’s an old saying that makes sense…”When you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns”. What would some of these people say and do when & if that would happen? ‘I want my neighbor to have his gun back to protect me’. Guess what, by that time it would be too late.
The NRA (which only represents about 6 million – out of a total of more than 100 million – gun owners) is absolutely NOT the firearms-manufacturing industry’s lobbyist. The NSSF is the industry’s lobbying arm in Congress. These sheep-dip-for-brains – who suffer from the Eye-Dee-Ten-Tee (I D IO T) Syndrome.- do not even know who their avowed “enemy” actually is… The NRA spends an average of just over $9 million per year on politics, at all levels… local, state, and federal. (NRA spent nearly $20 million in 2016, but just $800,000 in 2017. Individual years vary, but the last 25… Read more »
The NRA is a 501c organization and as such is not permitted to be involved in politics, just as a church is not so allowed. The NRA does not sell guns or ammo. Now, if we think back to when the head of the IRS, which regulates 501c organizations, under Obama admitted to concentrating investigations on conservative organizations. It makes sense that, if the NRA had such power as the lefties claim, it would have come out and their 501c status revoked. Of course, this does not apply to the NRA/ILA, the legislative/activist side of the NRA, which is totally… Read more »
A thoughtful, well presented exposition, calmly put forth. I await it’s equivalent from the other side.Though I wait, I’m not holding my breath.
the NRA is not a 501c organization,they tell you right on the donation page that they’re not,sorry,not being a prick.
I saw “babies against guns” but oddly I did not see “CRIMINALS AGAINST GUNS.” Maybe I missed the point!!!
They are Smarter than that .
Don’t bring attention to yourself
and you’ll live to kill another day
You also didn’t see any people against criminals signs either. They have more hate for gun owners than the actual shooter.
They are not parents and should not be allowed to have children!
David LaPell: I know that Ammoland discourages authors of columns from replying to comments. However, I’d be interested in your views to the following: 1. In large part the problems we’re facing today, with proposed anti-gun legislation, are a direct result of our own President’s words and actions when he told the DOJ that he wanted Bump Fire Stocks banned. If you’ll remember, he campaigned on a strong Second Amendment platform. 2. This same President also campaigned on the promise of immediately signing into law National Reciprocity as soon as it “hit his desk”. That Bill has been stalled, by… Read more »
You’re right Vanns. I was on the fence as to what party I was until President Trump came along. I always vote my conscience, not political parties. You’re correct in saying things have gone into the crapper. The President was going to help us gun owners, he was going to keep the politicians that spend so much in line, he was going to take care of our immigration problems. Hell just those reasons there have been thrown in the toilet by the President. He’s helping us gun owners alright. He’s helping us get more laws on the books and still… Read more »
So you going to vote for HiLIARy or Harris? Or not vote, which is even worse? With friends like you, who needs enemies?
You guys are right about Trump not stepping up when he should about protecting gun rights. I wonder though what do you think a Democrat President would have done to gun rights after Vegas and parkland with all those antigun people screaming for something to be done. Could Trump do more…. yes. But he or others could do a lot less and really hurt gun rights.. just something to think about if you are willing to vote for someone from the historically antigun side.
The worst of it is that this is that the same people that removed the pledge and Prayer from schools is now teaching your kids that guns are bad, And, how will these small kids look to their fathers that own guns. Real truth history has not been taught in schools in many years. I have lost all respect for the education system. No wonder the US is so low on the list.
Can’t whoop his @ss anymore Marc, the same Libs/Dems that want to take our guns took away the right to discipline our children already. You know the same ones that took away the freedom of speech, having a WINNER in a contest. The same ones that made everything politically correct as to no offend a snowflake/lib/Dem. Yes, those ASSHOLES that invented the non punishment “TIME OUT”, what a F**KING JOKE !
I DO agree with you though !
Before everyone gets too excited, the lead picture of the boy holding the F NRA sign, please note that the words have been Photoshoped on. That does not mean the other photos are fake, but the lead one is. Nobody is helped by Fake News from either side. Remember the Left ( i.e. gun grabers ) doesn’t say anything that is not based on a lie. We should avoid the same. Be vigilant my friends, they will lose eventually.
Again….”be vigilant, courteous, kind”….Sorry MB…..it “ain’t workin”….and they’re “winnin”
Charlie, never said be courteous or kind, because anyone who tries to take your guns should be put down on the ground. I guess these idiots not only don’t understand the 2nd Amendment, they don’t get the 4th or the 9th either. It’s the Bill of Rights, not Needs. I just don’t want to be the one telling lies, because they all come back eventually, no more proof then Hillary.
Have these sign carrying A-holes sit down and talk to the German or Russian holocaust survivors or family members that know in depth what happened to their loved ones. The FIRST thing done to them was disarming, we all know what followed. Have them talk to those in Rwana, Iraq, Iran, Serbia, Georgia, etc…let them hear first hand what they are preaching leads to. As stated elsewhere here, the children din’t make the signs, the liberal/ leftist/ Democrat parents OR teachers made them. The anger is aimed at the NRA, it “should” be focused on the real problem, LAW ENFORCEMENT… Read more »
Do these kids realize what will happen if they win? All the guns that were out there protecting them will be gone, and only the people that want to harm you will have weapons. It is beyond me how they can rationalize this. The very guns they are afraid of will still be out there, only guns owned by those that would have protected you will be gone. You are doing precisely what the Left wants you to do, be minions and do what they can’t. Kids when the good guys give up their guns soon after that we will… Read more »
That is what we as patriots, gun owners can never allow to happen. If it brings about a civil war right here on the streets of the USA, so be it. At it’s end,leftist liberals will be very short supply..
@Lew Tripp, Aren’t you the Lew Tripp that said fully automatic weapons are not legal and never will be? You can not conduct combat operations with only semiautomatic weapons. You’d get slaughtered! Even the third rate armys have select fire weapons.
The Soviets were beaten in Afghanistan with BOLT ACTION WEAPONS. You don’t know what you are talking about.
@CK, the Soviets were beaten by Afghanis deploying shoulder fired surface to air missiles provided by the CIA. You should know that because Hollywood made a movie about it, starring Tom Hanks. Either sober up or have another and go back to sleep, Clark.
Bill, I said civilian ownership of full auto will never be legal. Word twisting much,billy. I’m a retired Army Senior NCO and I’ve been up and down the road several times. No way in hell will that law ever be repealed.
Trolls are out and back peddling ladies and gentlemen. They are sleazy, they are slimy. They lie. They don’t own guns, they haven’t served their country. However, what they are is traitors to the Constitution, pay them no mind, have a beer and carry on! 🙂
As I have already said, your service is appreciated. That said, regarding federal law, the private citizen, aka civilian can most definitely own machine guns, selective fire weapons too. There is a bothersome proceedure to be gone through, plus a $200 tax stamp to be purchased, and the machine gun is yours, you being the purchaser. State laws on the possession of automatic weapons vary, some allowing, others not. Pennsylvania essentially says if the Feds are ok with it, we are too.
@Lew, Being a SrNCO does not make you acquainted with federal law. I was a BN CMDR, but I am not an expert on French cuisine. If I were your BN CMDR, and you gave me such poor advice, it would reflect on your SNCOER. There was an article in Ammoland just the other day, about a millionaire with a select fire collection. There is a company in Texas that you can rent select fire, crew served, and armored weapons. Many companies rent all of these things to hollywood for their war movies. Of course, full auto weapons are legal… Read more »
@LT, I see that my writing was not clear. I should have written: You, Lew Tripp, a civilian, can not successfully conduct your civilian civil war combat operations with only semiautomatic weapons. You’d get slaughtered!
@LewTripp, Here is a nice full auto MP40 for sale that I am looking at:
Page: 1 of 2
No Image
MP40 German C and R transferable ITEM #: 3004
PRICE: $23,000
Active [ Missouri ] LISTED: 03-28-2018
Seller: No Image (225) All Listings
And if you, a civilian, are going to engage in a CIVIL war, then you better buy some fully automatic weapons, too.
When trolls lie I call them out for what they are and that would be, of course, liars. If a troll wants to attempt to prove me wrong by citing Federal Law they’re free to go ahead and try.
Bill, I was wrong and I apologize for my posts. I was going on the 1934 law and I did some research and I was way wrong. Machine gun ownership is legal if Federal guide lines are followed. I sure as hell couldn’t afford one. To all of you out there that gave me the facts, Thank You and my upmost apologizes to anyone I have offended.
@Lew Tripp, I accept. Have a nice day. See you at the convention in Dallas.
Lew Tripp is a troll and an idiot. But for all you guys who are interested and have the money, here’s a site chocked full of transferable machine guns:
@Vanns, Cool, thank you.
Van, you can revert to name calling if you wish, I couldn’t care less what you call me. It just goes to show that you don’t have the intelligence to have a discussion with someone that disagrees with you.
@Lew, Stand easy. Vanns converses with me all the time and that certainly takes an amount of patients normally only attributable to an intelligent person.
@LK, It is not about kids. Soros, Bloomberg, an the other billionaire behind this don’t like kids or people. They like control. Kids grow up to be people, and people need to be controlled. Ignorant, disarmed people are easier to control.
So when is someone going to organize a support the NRA and our constitution raley?
@skip: I have commented here a number of times about always being told by the NRA, NAGR, and other pro-gun organizations, that when you contact your Reps in Congress, ….”be polite, be courteous, be humble, be sweet”….in other words, “kiss their ass”. The time for “ass-kissing” is over. I’ve yet to see anti-gun individuals being sweet and courteous. We’d better start “manning-up” and become vocal and change tactics. Let’s face it….we’re losing this battle, and we’re getting our asses kicked by Soros and Bloomberg!
A ‘raley’? Is that some sort of rare bird? So when are you going to buy a dictionary?
Talk about adults using children as a shield. They are worse than ISIS or any other terrorist group that hides behind humanity.
The Parents of these children should be charged with CHILD ABUSE……..
Agreed CountryBoy!
Godless minions , evil personified. These people are against everything related to self reliance, Judeo -Christian or pro American. We are truly in a culture war
For the first time in my life i’m speechless, anyone who knows me would say that’s quite an accomplishment. This just makes me so sad. I just can’t believe whats happening to our country, so sad.
The NRA had created the National School Shield program in 2012 to bring greater security to our schools.The First NSS Security Assessor Training was held in 2015 in Tennessee and additional courses have been in 16 states. Florida did not be part of the program. and be one of the states. Too bad for Florida and the other states that did not take advantage of this program as this incident might have been prevented.
Mommy and Daffy said I couldn’t say bad words.
But Mommy helped me write this sign. I’m so happy to say ruck you.
BTW, what is NRA?
The one picture of the girl FCK NRA . I wonder if her Mommy sitting on the bench would like some good guy with a gun to save her from rape or if she should willing submit because guns are bad?
I had a thought, maybe that is an offer? FCK NRA.
I wonder if she and her Mom studied grammar?
public school 1st grade ? Those kids didn`t make those signs. Maybe colored them, but that`s it. Why ? Because in public school, those kids can`t even spell or write their own name, yet. It`s mental child abuse by taxpayer paid public education.
And to Think of ALL the Guns
That Protected them as they
Protested ! They don’t have to ,
have guns of any Kind what so
ever . No body Can Force Them
to Buy One ! But ALL the SAME ,
These Fools Scare Me !
One more thing !
The school window pics,
You can see the leftist Teacher
hiding to the right of the window !
public school 1st grade ? Those kids didn`t make those signs. Maybe colored them, but that`s it. Why ? Because in public school, those kids can`t even spell or write their own name, yet. It`s mental child abuse by taxpayer paid public education.
@David T, Since public education has been weaponized, maybe it it time to end public “education”. Most every parent that really cares for their child’d education has pulled them from public “education” and put them in charter schools, Catholic schools, or home schools their own children.
Grouping kids up in Unified School districts was definitely a bad idea. Grouped up people spread pandemics, make fun and convenient targets, and it is hard to teach large groups. Any monies saved went to superintendent salaries. Los Angeles Unified superintendent has his own chauffeur that is paid $90,000 per year.
The Kid Probably Hasn’t
got a Clue what it Means .
If He wrote it ! he needs his
@ss wooped quick !
before its too late .