Email Every Legislator Every Day Until June 7 2018. Demand That Mag Ban Be Defeated or That Real Grand-fathering Be Added. Act Now or Lose Your Rights Forever.

New Jersey – -( June 2 & 3, 2018. This weekend represents Days 2 and 3 of ANJRPC’s one-million-gun-owner grassroots blitzkrieg against pending magazine ban legislation which will likely be voted on in both the full Senate and the full Assembly in final amended versions on Thursday, June 7th, which would then move to the Governor’s desk on Friday, June 8 2018.
As a reminder, ANJRPC is calling on all of NJ’s one million gun owners to email every member of the legislature at least once every single day between today and June 7, demanding that pending magazine ban legislation be defeated or that real grandfathering be added. Click here for the list of every email address of every legislator in New Jersey. Copy and paste that list into your email program. ANJRPC will be suggesting different messages for you to send daily. Act now or lose your rights forever. Copy and paste that list into your email program.
Dear Lawmakers:
If you truly believe that S102 and A2761 (firearms magazine ban) is good public policy, then you need to set an example for the public by mandating that State House police and security themselves be limited to ten-round magazines.
Every moment you spend in the State House, you are protected by firearms magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition. As a servant of the people, you should be prepared to live under the same rules you set for the people, and not reserve for yourself greater rights than those of the people.
If magazines that hold more than 10 rounds are truly evil, as the sponsors of S102 and A2761 claim, then how can they be magically transformed into positive instruments of safety simply because they are being used to protect you?
It would be the height of elitism and hypocrisy to exempt yourself from the same perils that this legislation creates for average law-abiding citizens, who don’t have taxpayer funded armed security details and have to rely on themselves for personal protection. Vote NO on S102 or A2761, or amend to add meaningful grandfathering of existing magazines.
Please watch for ANJRPC’s series of follow-up alerts between now and June 7.
Please also continue to take action on the other anti-gun bills moving through the legislature. Click here to access the NRA-ILA “take action” link, where you can easily contact legislators with a few mouse clicks.
Please forward this alert to every gun owner you know, and if you don’t already receive alerts from ANJRPC, please subscribe to our free email alerts for the latest Second Amendment breaking news and action alerts.
About Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs:The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc. is the official NRA State Association in New Jersey. Our mission is to implement all of the programs and activities at the state level that the NRA does at the national level. This mission includes the following: To support and defend the constitutional rights of the people to keep and bear arms. To take immediate action against any legislation at the local, state and federal level that would infringe upon these rights. Visit:
I’m sure the criminals will just fall in line and turn in every last one of them. Liberals really are that STUPID!
Just the latest in a long string of stupid, inane and totally useless gun laws foisted upon us by a legislature that’s too busy annoying the law-abiding to address the real issues of taxes, pensions; etc. that are drowning our state.
“Hoes” is an actual surname. The Hoes were in the family line of President van Buren. Please try to find another nickname for disparaging the oldest profession on Earth so as not to sully our history. Thank you !
If all law abiding gun owners of these liberal gun and mag grabbing states would move to a more conservative state when these stupid laws are passed it would send a loud and clear message. Then they can put a big high fence around that state, make it a federal penitentiary because crime will soar, and solve our prison problems! Lol
Don’t worry, Maryland will surely follow suit, the bunch of little panseys they are.
Yeah! Go New Jersey! BAnning standard capacity magazines will really get the attention of all the Bros, Hoes and MS-13 dudes! Like WOW, New Jersey can really enjoy a crime spree now that they have “made us all safe” by banning standard capacity magazines!