Fairfax, VA – -(Ammoland.com)- Illinois state Senator Michael Hastings (D-19) has introduced legislation to create a gun seizure regime that would even apply to those who have simply failed to renew their firearm license. Please contact your state Senator and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 44. Click the “Take Action” button to contact your state Senator.
Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 44, introduced by Sen. Hastings, would among other things, direct Illinois State Police to designate “gun liaison officers” to work with local law enforcement in order to seize Firearm Owner Identification cards (FOID) that are revoked and to confiscate all firearms and ammunition in possession of the individual. Revoked FOID cards would include those that have been allowed to expire, even if there were to be a pending application for renewal at the time. If there are multiple FOID holders in a household and one member has their FOID revoked, nothing would prevent law enforcement from simply seizing all firearms and ammunition in the house. The legislation makes no mention as to how an individual may recover their property if it’s incorrectly seized or if they re-acquire a FOID card. There are no provisions to allow those revoked FOID holders to sell or dispose of their firearms to licensed dealers or valid FOID holders.
These confiscations would be facilitated by the de facto firearm registration recently signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker. The creation of such gun seizure infrastructure along with registration would also facilitate future confiscations of commonly-owned firearms if arbitrarily banned or firearms from those who have their Second Amendment rights wrongly revoked without due process.
Again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state Senator and urge them to OPPOSE Sen. Hasting’s SA 1 to SB 44.
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org
So the question is, can Mike Hastings protect his wife Katie and son Mikey with his Army training as he goes after armed Americans????? Just asking…
He must be sympathetic with drug addicts who rob citizens to support their habit. He has no one outside of his family that he feels should live.
To him, it is him and his and no more. You do not matter at all to him. If someone he actually cared about met with great harm, maybe he would still only give a dam them. The Constitution was written to protect us against the selfish and power hungry who do not care about you and yours. Remember, the first Americans, the Colonialists were facing this Mike Hastings mentality from England in their day. People who are against the Second Amendment today are the ones who would have sided with the British and worked to never all America to… Read more »
Mike Hastings, I can make and install many booby trap home made repeating shotguns inside my home to eliminate all threats. Then I could dig down deep into the crawl space for a deposit. No judging, critical people who do not have the best in mind for me and mine. The Illinois state representatives have said, we must do something. Stupidity on display. Murder is highly illegal and yet those who commit it become the poster boys for gun control on the law abiding citizens. It is a fact that 109,000 people died in Illinois in 2017. No one is… Read more »
As usual, OCHWILL farts out phoney statistics The united States is NOT #1 in murder rates, it is 94th in the world. If you have to resort to lies to make your case, get lost.
to be expected from d-sucker goober-ment
@ Oldvet
That was a big point in Orwell’s 1984. The kids were trained to tell on their parents and the parents were vaporized when the thought police came to get them. Never heard from again. It looks like this is a program headed our way.
Ill. had a republican governor and they didn’t think he did enough so they elected a democrat and look what they got now.
Illinois didn’t do a damn thing to revoke the permit of their latest shooter when they found he was a convicted felon when he tried to get a concealed carry permit. They only go after law abiding citizens. That place is almost as bad as Kalifornia.
And here we have the net result of gun registration we have all been warned about and resisted. They will find a way to come and take your guns if they know you have any.
How is the requirement for a FOID not an infringement on the “Right to keep and bear arms” as per the 2nd Amendment. It is gun registration on a massive scale and allows authorities to seize your firearms at any time and for any reason. If that is not a violation of the 2nd Amendment, I don’t know what is.
GCA ’68 (that they love so much) forbids any type of registry. But, of course, they simply ignore anything that is inconvenient to them and think that they are entirely free to “move ahead.”
Chicago has long been Mob and Demo-Rat ruled for years and they continue to push their rulings onto the rest of the state. Why do you think that the politicians won’t go after the criminals hard and fast, that is what is keeping them in office, they won’t do anything that would hurt that! They clam that more laws are needed, but only effects legal gun owners not the criminals. The fact is that they have no control on gun runners or criminals just proves it, solution is when caught THROW THE BOOK AT THEM and THROW THEM IN JAIL… Read more »
Come and get it. Bring your own body bags so I have something to bury you in. Otherwise, it’s going to be dirt and worms.
So you want to Play Alamo ?
[The creation of such gun seizure infrastructure along with registration would also facilitate future confiscations of commonly-owned firearms if arbitrarily banned] Today the government of Illinois is passing gun laws to make the slightest violation a felony. Now the state is building the infrastructure to confiscate guns both now and in the future. Does anyone still thinks the FOID card is a good law? The FOID card is a tool of confiscation and nothing else. Prior to the passage of the FOID card law and the 1968 GCA we could buy guns through the mail without background checks or 4473… Read more »
States cant override federal laws period ,its a graph stand up for your rights
I guess you never read the 10th amendment. Which came first? States or the Federal government? States can and do over ride the feds all the time. AND THEY SHOULD. The people have the most control at the county level. That is where they elect the guy with the final say on ALL “laws” and agencies…The SHERIFF. They used to elect constables too, but that was crap canned UNLAWFULLY.
Communist said they would take over this country without firering a shot. Wake up people if you think it can’t happen. How about a black president named Obama? Or Musilim Congress woman. Have you forgotten 911 already?
Can’t happen? Do a search for the Communist manifesto. All 10 planks in America and see what you come up with.
Will that confiscation include the crips and the bloods. Probably not… Gee, a real nice civilian army is forming eh…. Between them Fed controlled idiots, and the foreign invaders coming in at the border, called caravans, this will be a real interesting year ahead.. Things are moving quickly now. Cling to the KING, and stay alert….
Activists expecting free and clear gun ownership is like this: “The smoke from that torpedo”
Its going, going, gone my friends, Responsible gun ownership is planting its roots deep state by state.
Gun safety, proper storage, knowledge of one’s firearm, etc.
Let’s all be active educating others on these critical issues.
If my guns are lying all over my house and the house is locked when I’m not there is that proper storage? Isn’t it against the law to break into someone’s house and steal their things?
Do all of the licensed drivers have to practice vehicle safety (smash up derby), proper storage of vehicles (everyone must have a lockable garage), and demonstrate knowledge of every vehicle they buy (car dealers) under penalty of a felony? Why not? Gun owning is a right and driving a car is a privilege.
@ GWD,
Then maybe SCOTUS, the superior court needs to focus more on the second amendment, and set edicts for the inferior courts of the land regarding the second amendment, not allowing them to haphazardly re-interpret “ A Well Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” For we are a Republic, not a democracy as many would like us to believe.
Let me introduce you to the Government, Which is very responsible.
Shame on every gun owner who votes Democrat,
for “Shooting yourself in the foot”
@BK, I see the green commissar is pushing his “The State is Supreme” agenda, again.
Yep, and I see that GWD is spouting his anti-morale cheer and parading his Bloomberg garb..
That’s the problem with the blind following the blind isn’t it…
He will be the first to complain too, when cutting trees for paper becomes illegal.
He will demand that we give him our stash of toilet paper; because using his fingers is too shitty of a way to live!
@Goddard….Ah, Bloomberg. And Feinstein. And Whineberg. And Soros. And Lautenberg. And etc etc etc. All high ranking Capo’s from the Khazarian Mafia, conspiring together to disarm America. Starting to get the picture yet, Walter ?
Shooting themselves in the foot would be bad enough, but the worst part is that they are cutting OUR throats at the same time!
Och Will – That sounds like good rhetoric, but it isn’t accurate. There is low gun violence in IL because most of the state is rural, and most folks here have grown up in the shooting sports, with respect and honor for each other and for the value of guns for hunting and protection when law enforcement is far away. We don’t shoot each other, we shoot game. The travesty is that Chicagoland has long had a violence problem, and the violent criminals abuse guns. Since the urban area can’t or won’t deal with its violence problem, the millions of… Read more »
OCH Will, you are talking out your anal orifice. John Lott spent a LOT of time researching his book, MORE GUNS, LESS CRIME. And anyone worth a tiny bit of salt can figure that out just with common sense. In a nation where the estimate of gun ownership is between 300 million and 600 million firearms, you tell me just how terrible the crime rate is. And what crime rate there is, is mainly CAUSED by government itself. They create crimes by outlawing things like marijuana which in turn causes a black market, which in turn creates more jobs for… Read more »
Och will, You, along with 99% of those who call themselves “democrats” are simply communists ! One of the major tenets of communism is government thug confiscation of firearms in the hands of the common citizen. Providing you well-known references of government tyranny of firearm confiscation and subsequent murders of citizens, is a waste of bandwidth. American Patriots are more and more angry against both citizens and local, state and fedgov politicians/3-letter agency who embrace communism. You are one of them embracing communism. How willing are YOU to be the first tyrant in a .gov stack of armed traitors raiding… Read more »
Och will, you’re just another Socialist puppet. Read the book “more guns, less crime” written by a liberal doing research against guns only to find out that his research purpose was wrong and who is now a supporter of the armed citizenry.
Uh oh! Another gun grabbing communist has infiltrated another gun friendly site. Can you say “Troll” boys and girls?
@CBC, True and that brings up the question, ” Where oh where is ochswill after he has belched, discharged, and emitted his lies and people are calling him on it?” Perhaps he is at another site annoying someone else in search of responses to fatten his pay check.
Kind of a Drive by Shouting.
Law abiding citizens are not required to pay a fee for a license that is not required to exercise a Constitutional right.
Some people have never met a Gun Control Scheme not matter what they call it that they don’t adore. “We need common sense gun safety and licensing laws” my pa-toot. “First they came for the machine guns, and I did not speak out—because they said gangsters killed FBI men with machine guns. Then they came for the short-barreled shotguns, and I did not speak out—because they said bootleggers killed IRS agents with short-barreled shotguns. Then they came for the imported guns with “no sporting purpose”, and I did not speak out—because they said Oswald killed JFK with one of those.… Read more »
Good one. Stealing it.
Responsible gun owners embrace gun safety laws. Chicago’s gun violence rate per capita has fallen by half in the past couple of years. Illinois as a whole, has low gun violence rates per capita BECAUSE the state has TOUGH gun safety laws. Guns RAE being smuggled into Chicago by gun traffickers whom the TAF cannot find because they’re blocked form tracking gun sales serial #s . Gun safety laws work. And gun safety does NOT mean banning a ll guns. Fear propaganda and claims that gun safety means guns will be banned are NRA sales tactics on behalf of their… Read more »
@ochswill, Embracing “gun safety laws” is not the test of being a responsible gun owner. Even on its face that is a ridiculous proposition.
Gun statutes are not law nor are they about guns. They are about controlling people. Nothing could be less responsible than giving away your, and your children’s, Constitutionally recognized, enumerated, and enshrined pre-political Civil Rights!
The residue of your specious blather, even if true, would not be relevant.
Civil rights are granted by the elitist in control.(Government) UNALIENABLE rights as espoused in the Declaration of Independence can only be infringed. They are natural born rights. The correlative right to life. The ability to defend your life. That is the issue. The INFRINGEMENT of UNALIEABLE RIGHTS. The 2nd amendment is supposed to make that clear to the psychopaths in control with the statement SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
@mac Are, With all due respect, that is not a correct definition of Civil Right. Civil Rights or “Civil Liberties are the personal natural Rights guaranteed and protected by the Constitution.” Please see Black’s Law Dictionary, 5 ed., p. 223
A right granted by elitists can only be granted by statute, in the USA, and are therefore known as statutory rights.
This distinction is often abbreviated as capital letter Rights (natural, pre-political, Constitutionally enumerated and enshrined civil rights) and lower case rights (temporary statutory rights)
OK, I’d go with that, but unfortunately that isn’t the way the “civil” authorities look at it. They ignore Black’s law dictionary and consider civil rights to be at their beck and call. What Blacks says and what reality is are two different things.
One other thing…the “Constitution” doesn’t protect anything. At ALL. It is up to US to defend our rights and the rights of our neighbors. Which is in the offing.
You seem to think Gun Control/Seizures, of LAW ABIDING PEOPLE will bring about Safety to Society.
However, it isn’t the Law Abiding People who are committing the Crimes. It is the criminals, who break the laws!
If as you say the gun laws are working, then why do you advocate for more?
It would seem these endless gun control proposals is admittance prior ones failed.
Or is it the end goal of the “control” gun crowd total confiscation of firearms and these endless proposals are designed to be death by a thousand cuts?
Why not just admit the truth – you want total confiscation of firearms and repeal of the 2nd Amendment?
Including the present white collar elitist criminals, that are called politicans, disrespecting the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights in this Republic…
more lies from you
that was meant for och will
Wisconsin is far safer than Illinois and has NONE of the burdensome laws Illinois has. Il just proves the FACT that registration leads to confiscation.
You are an idiot.. numbers down from what? Only gun violence big numbers are major urban areas…DC, Chicago, La, NYC, NOLA,Atlanta…etc…take those away, violence numbers plummet. And,..these areas have the strongest gun laws…Enforce the ones you have. The majority of people Illinois are good, hard-working, red blooded Americans: it just the fuck-yards around Chicago that mess it up for the entire state. Where do you live?
Hard to take you serious when you cannot even spell correctly.
Your educators have failed you with partisan indoctrination and inadequate basic skills.
Good luck getting through life. You will need it.
@och will, Socialism>Communism>Gun Control=Disarmament=Extermination… You will be included in their mass roundups… Common Sense Gun Safety Licensing is an Oxymoron, it is about control of the people along with being unconstitutional within the United States. Stop worrying about what the rest of the world is doing regarding this subject and focus on our great Republic First and foremost. The Impoverished Deadly Agenda…As history has proven…. “Seemingly Utopian pacifists are free to profess their love of a weapon-free world, but they must start by disarming the evil, criminal and tyrannical. Disarming the public is a vent for their twisted fear and… Read more »
Wow we have GWD making his tiresome new gun law speech and we have ochwill doing the same thing. Maybe they are related or maybe they should get married and live happily ever after with 911 on speed dial. Both present BS statements without any backing or facts. Och uses Mad Mommies statistics.
Someone else posted that Ill. is primarily a rural state except for the sh-t hole of Chitown and that is correct but the mayor of the city influences the outlying areas and they just elected a democrat for governor. I pity them.
I would bet that they BOTH are closeted owners of small arsenals and are shadow members of the “Guns for Me, Not for Thee” club. Seems to run in their “family.”
och will, When I was a child, I asked my father what he meant when he said someone was full of shit…. Throughout my many years I have seen MANY examples of exactly what my father was referring to. ock will, YOU are FULL OF SHIT!
Here is what true common sense legislation would be:
1. Constitutional Carry. Open or Concealed. (Personally, I think open is a poor tactical choice, but I support the right.)
2. Tax rebates on ammo purchases (encourages practice).
3. Eliminate all Criminal Facilitation Zones (you might know those as “gun free” zones)
4. Punish criminals who commit violent crimes whether the tool is a gun, a knife, a baseball bat, or whatever else they might think up with mandatory 20 year add-ons.
5. Punish straw purchasers just the way it says on the posters (10 years), not with probation.
@Goddard….Ah, Bloomberg. And Feinstein. And Whineberg. And Soros. And Lautenberg. And etc etc etc. All high ranking Capo’s from the Khazarian Mafia, conspiring together to disarm America. Starting to get the picture yet, Walter ?
The Answer: 3am Military Tribunals, on their front lawns, for the TRAITOR politicians writing these laws. Cut off the head of the snake.