Why NRA Members Should Not Publicly Attack NRA For Perceived Wrongs

Opinion, some things to consider. Comments by Arbalest Team.

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Why NRA Members Should Not Publicly Attack NRA For Perceived Wrongs

USA – First, the antigun mob isn’t reluctant to stoop to the lowest levels to attack NRA. With all the scuttlebut about money’s spent by NRA on its PR firm, Ackerman McQueen, anti-gun groups are now using internal matters to challenge NRA’s tax exempt status. Take a look at these links:

  • https://everytown.org/press/everytown-files-complaint-about-nras-tax-exempt-status-with-irs-calls-for-federal-and-state-investigations-into-the-nra/;
  • https://everytown.org/press/everytown-files-complaint-about-nras-tax-exempt-status-with-irs-calls-for-federal-and-state-investigations-into-the-nra/;
  • https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/secrecy-self-dealing-and-greed-at-the-nra.

Clearly they are taking every oppertunity to tear down our organization. This is why members should avoid adding to the chatter with additional public opposition to NRA. Take your complaints directly to the NRA Board of Directors and demand that they answer your questions.

Whatever the faults, this Nation needs the efforts of NRA to protect our Second Amendment, and the radical Left knows this. That is why they go to the extreme lengths they do to attack the NRA; conspiring among themselves to derive ever new novel and creative new ways to destroy NRA.

Anti-gun Groups and The Press are in lockstep attacking both NRA and Trump. They are waging a constant, vicious, virulent, and insidious war against our sacred history and heritage; and are doing this in order to break the back of our Nation: grounded on the precepts of fundamental, natural rights and liberties; a federal Government of limited powers and authority; a Nation grounded on the Judeo-Christian moral imperative; and an economic system predicated on the principles of free-market capitalism and private ownership of property.


Along with Leftist shock at the loss of the 2016 U.S. Presidential race, they can now add consternation that Mueller didn’t hand down the results the Left wanted and that the Press had, for over two years, promised. But, with all the media lies and hype over the Mueller Report, little known is a U.S. Supreme Court oral hearing that took place recently on the issue whether the Commerce Department is lawfully entitled to add a citizenship question to the 2019 Census, due out this June. It appears likely that the Trump Administration will win on this issue. The Left-wing of the Court is, of course, outraged. But the legal arguments are all on the side of Trump.

  • See Department of Commerce vs. New York. https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/department-of-commerce-v-new-york/.
  • For a good synopsis of the case, take a look at John Baker’s short appraisal: https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/04/symposium-questioning-citizenship-versus-questioning-the-question/.
  • The Government’s petition is here: https://www.scotusblog.com/2019/04/symposium-questioning-citizenship-versus-questioning-the-question/.

This case is important because it permits the Government to determine how many illegal aliens actually reside in our Country. Democrats and the radical Left obviously want this data to be kept quiet, as millions upon millions of illegal aliens surreptitiously take up residence in our Country, draining our resources; overwhelming our ability to feed and house them all and overwhelming our ability to provide for their health care and for the education of their offspring; and taxing our ability to deal with the criminal gangs that mingle with these migrants, along with the drugs flooding into our Country.


Arbalest Quarrel

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit www.arbalestquarrel.com.

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E. Bryan Hoover

“Why NRA Members Should Not Publicly Attack NRA For Perceived Wrongs”

What about “REAL” Wrongs as opposed to “PERCEIVED” Wrongs?

Is it OK to Publicly Attack the NRA if the wrongs are “REAL” ???

This title makes no, repeat NO, sense,


Jesus fucking wept…..


Our president was publicly attacked,he stood tall,if nra has no skeletons in its closet stand tall.but it dont look that way.think about this you money suckers had done right for us we prolly stand for you


You guys smell that? It smells like …fear…. that type of fear you get when you threaten to expose the truth and take away the kings 100k worth of suits… hmm… lets see… organization supposed to be for the gunowners, but doing their best to get rid of the guns by suppoering gca 34, 68, awb, bumpstock ban, select fire limitation of freedom guns available, highes, etc…. then they make it where rhe board is just about a life appointment, harder to dislodge than a sitting us senator and harder to talk to. But then have the nads to say… Read more »

A.x. Perez

There are a whole bunch of things the NRA membership needs to hash out with the Associations Officers and other leaders. There are questions about whether the Association is sufficiently militant in asserting 2nd Amendment rights and questions regarding the management of the Associations money, However, we need to remember to not “air our dirty laundry” in public.


You tie the NRA and Donald Trump together in one sentence, then spend the rest of the article on a tirade about “Jude-Christian morals” and illegal immigration… … … And you STILL can’t find out why people hate gun(owner)s or support gun control?

Newsflash! It’s all the NON-GUN-RELATED baggage people like you carry and bring into the gun rights community!

People like you have made it impossible for people to support gun rights WITHOUT simultaneously supporting all this unrelated redneckery. Is it any wonder why people hate you?


Don’t know just who you’re addressing here but you make a very good point. I cringe at all the “redneckery” of so many gun-rights folks and that makes me want to steer clear of any association with them while still supporting the 2ndA. Mostly I’m talking about the block headed loyalty to the worst president ever, the cheerleading for civil war, and the religious proselytizing from the Bible literalists who imply “My way or the highway.”

The Revelator


Just be careful the monster you are hunting doesn’t find itself staring you back in the mirror one day. That is what you are chastising others for, but if you aren’t careful, your intolerance for “Bible toters” and “Redneckery” will land you in the same boat as they.

After all, each one of those trump supporters lambasted the left for blind loyalty to everything Obama, and they hated the my way or the highway of the left attempting to claim moral superiority and labeling Trump supporters defacto racists. Don’t fall into the same circle.


Revalator, lots of gun control supporters and anti-gunners have no personal animosity towards firearms or gun rights in the abstract. They look at the gun debate and ask, “Which side has fewer gay marriage opponents? Which side has more climate change denialists? Which side am I less likely to rub shoulders with Birthers? Which side pisses off the Q Anon and Pizzagate people more? Which side helps young earth creationists more, and which side helps me hurt them?“ It’s obvious why so many people support gun control; it’s because the gun rights community is absolutely infested with those types of… Read more »

Brock Gingery

@IronMantis There is one problem with your theory. The people you are talking about are the in betweens. Sure, there are people who don’t know guns, who have no problem with them who go over simply because they cant stand one side politically. This happens on both sides of the isle, not just one way. The problem is, we aren’t just talking about guns. The issue at hand is individual liberty. My original comment pointed out that there are people on both sides excusing the same actions that they hate the other side for doing, but suddenly becomes ok when… Read more »


Revelator, your advice is well taken. But for such reasons as IronMantis points out, in the same way our Founding Fathers essentially were men of the Enlightenment (and NOT pinheaded Christians or any other type religious zealots), I tend to put my trust in reason rather than blind obedience to authority steeped in religion-based ignorance and superstition, and embracing phobias of and discrimination against people not sharing the same superficial traits with me. The people most scornful and ridiculing of science, an objective and verifiable method of understanding the laws of nature we all are bound by, are those least… Read more »

The Revelator

@Dillon. I feel sorry for you, I truly do. We know most of the founders were Christian, or believers in God because of their own writings. I’ve seen the original documents, so trying to turn it into something you want it to be just isn’t going to work on me. I doubt you really want to talk about science either, because I’m the kind of person that ask questions. I ask questions that force thought, that hold others accountable to standards they themselves set. I ask questions that because I understand the laws of nature and evidence based objectivity that… Read more »


Only skimmed the article above the first time around but just now read it carefully. You ain’t kiddin’! This AQ thing (or at least this author) is a flat-out redneck mentality drawing on every stereotype and antagonism in the book. No wonder people stereotype and lambast gun(owner)s in return, sadly.

Tad Pole

Two Kinds of People in the World Today. Ones You Need, SOB’s You Don’t Need. To Bad NRA Falls in the Latter.


NRA members shouldn’t attack the NRA for perceived wrongs?!?!? Really?!?!? Contacting the organization at any level about disagreements results in absolutely nothing. All you hear about is them needing more money, and then more money with little to show for it outside of some verbal support of what others are doing at no cost to them and support for things that actually erode the Second Amendment. Pete Brownell resigned after he say he coiuldn’t do what he promised to right the organization. Oliver North just resigned as well, probably for the same reason. The BOD is a neutered figure head… Read more »


I’m a life member of the NRA, and have been for 60 years. I have never been able to get effective action by contacting board members individually. If the organization will not listen to its members in private, it will inevitably be forced to do so in public, and that’s what is happening now. It is already entirely too late to keep this discussion private. The board has once again supported VP LaPierre against the wishes of many, many members without any public discussion of the problems he’s bringing down on them. Unfortunately, they have just missed their last chance… Read more »


What better way to “Troll” for dissatisfied, disparaged members than to suggest we shut up and continue to use the tried and failed system of “keeping it under our own hat”. If you don’t want the failures of the NRA to be publicized, then, GET OFF YOUR REAR QUARTERS, listen and respond to the members as a servant to his master and fix it! If the NRA elitists don’t listen and continue to run the NRA into the ground, the complaints WILL continue to go public as even this article has done to itself. The NRA is NOT the only… Read more »

Ton E

I’m a life member who agrees with every word you stated. Well said!

The Revelator


Agree with Ton E, Well said.

I was not a lifer, but a member who left. Please keep seeking the truth and teaching the Constitution as the Charter under the Declaration of Independence. Bravo, keep em’ forward.

Jack Mac

If I contacted the NRA Board I would include my name, member rank, and member number. I doubt that my correspondence would be noted. That’s because when they found no money enclosed it would be trashed. Apparently the only thing they heed is public ridicule from its members. The loss of financial support is what they will heed. The NRA should continue educating and begin staunch defense of codified rights. The only way to accomplish this is for many of its board members to leave. The board is too large anyway. Voting members in or out is counter productive and… Read more »

Victor Miller


Dr. Strangelove

@laughing Jack I hope that they notice that my money has been going to the SAF and GOA.


Horse hockey. This is a veiled attempt to restrict 1st admendment rights. If the BOD and LaPierre hadn’t screwed up we wouldn’t be in a situation where every few years problems surface that cause wide spread dissension.
Tine fir a big change in leadership and the way things are done.


Just a thought here but the folks who say we need the NRA are right. They have been effectively providing air support to the grassroots and top cover to the lobbyists for a long time. Having said that, the NRA is an organization of people and people are flawed. I’m ashamed to find out what has happened to my NRA and I fear the consequences if this “matter” isn’t exorcised quickly…and I mean bruatlly exorcised. Audit the organization, find the problem(s) and oust the villains…then ask the authorities to criminally charge the villains and sue them for whatever they took… Read more »


Bull is still bullS if it comes out
MY money will go to other organizations…

NRA has had years to clean up their act.
Once again they are self centered greedy

Tim Evans

USA Today had an article that said the NRA’s tax filings show that was in the during 2016 and 2017 in the amount of
64 Million Dollars. If this is true, and it is easily verifiable, how much longer can the NRA survive? It can’t expect the members to make up this shortfall without some guarantee that changes will be made, Its not a matter of calling names
but holding those responsible accountable.

Gregory Romeu

Perhaps the NRA BOD should have thought about EACH AND EVERY DECISION AND MOVE THEY MADE IN RESPECT TO EACH AND EVERY MEMBER ever since the very beginning and they wouldn’t be in this situation. ANYTIME that ANY organization has paid memberships or dues paying members that start throwing up gatekeepers to the heirachy, YOU HAVE MISMANAGEMENT AND CORRUPTUON PROBLEMS! Now you want us to abbrogate our first amendmany rights to cozy up to the sinking ship of corrupt fools? Gun Ownersof America and the 2nd Amendment Foundation don’t have these problems because they are NO COMPROMISE! They don’t you… Read more »


I cannot keep on giving money to keep the upper crust of the NRA living so well. When I receive correspondence from them it is always with their hand out. It’s like going to COMMIFORNIA walking down the street. We are going to lose this we need this there are so many real organizations that want to keep OUR 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS not just spread scare tactics because they have a budget to pay for that. If they really believe in their beliefs would they need a salary in the millions? Wayne,Chris, give it up the membership is tired of… Read more »

Scott in Atlanta

Got it. Keep shoveling money to an organization that works against my interests, doesn’t respond EVER to any of my concerns, endorses politicians in my state that actively work to squelch positive gun laws, and refuses to explain those endorsements, treating me like I’m a pesky bug that needs a good squirt of Raid. Hmmmm … let me put it this way. I can get screwed for free, why should I pay for it? I have poured literally THOUSANDS of dollars into the NRA coffers yet seen them time and again take actions contrary to the good of the 2nd… Read more »


So shut up and quit rocking the boat, in other words. What are we supposed to do when the NRA refuses to say anything to the members? I’ve written a few times in the last year with questions and never received even an acknowledgement. I was at the meeting Saturday where the message was ‘Shut up and trust LaPierre.’ You defenders of the status quo can’t stonewall the membership forever, and the longer you try to keep the lid on, the bigger the explosion will be when it finally blows.


LaPierre and his minions are a cancer that needs to be cut out. LaPierre is NOT the NRA, although I’m sure he believes he is and that he is indispensable. The NRA will survive without him and his authoritarian rule and fiscal abuses of funds and lack of accountability. Even if everything said about LaPierre and his cronies are untrue (highly unlikely), no one should be in charge, or in office, for as long as he has been. We complain about the corruption and problems with the apparent life-long members of the Congress and Senate and can see the reason… Read more »


The key idea in the article isn’t to ask membership to remain quiet, as many commenters have complained, but to not speak out PUBLICLY.
To do so provides the Anti’s with fodder for their propaganda machine.

The article suggests that you take your opinion DIRECTLY TO THE NRA BOARD. Channel this outrage in that direction before burning the entire edifice to the ground.


Unfortunately, taking complaints to the Board is an exercise in futility as Board Members are endorsed and usually hand picked by the upper echelon. Remind me how many times Adam Kraut has run for the Board and been defeated? While I don’t want to see the most powerful RKBA Organization dissolved, public member outcry and, at this point, the threat of legal action, appear to be the only way to force them to do the right thing since they refuse to voluntarily.

The Revelator



It’s not possible to get answers privately, publicly asking is the only option. Telling members not to speak publicly is telling them to shut the ‘f’ up.

The Revelator

@Justjim “The key idea in the article isn’t to ask membership to remain quiet, as many commenters have complained, but to not speak out PUBLICLY.” Ok, then riddle me this. When the board ignores its members deliberately and refuses to listen, how is that any different than telling the membership to be remain quiet? If you ignore the members, then tell them not to speak out publicly because you ignored them it is telling them to sit down and shut up. You can’t white wash that. It is the same as shadow banning! “We aren’t telling you that you cant… Read more »

Get Out

Folks, it doesn’t matter what pseudonym name you use here on these boards, but when you contact the NRA and let them know you’re not pleased with the direction they’ve taken us you’ll use your given name and member number.

Thomas Steinke

Being silent is what allowed the NRA to become an ineffective group. Everyone should SHOUT their disapproval until they become the force we need to protect our rights. The Oregon legislature and governor are about to enact the largest gun grab in US history, and the NRA is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Wayne LaPierre is busy getting his new suits fitted and his private jet waxed.

Peter Scarborough

It is apparent that most of the negative comments have been made by those who are afraid to be identified. Has there been some wrongdoing by some Board Members and Officials? Yes! But bashing in public forums is not the way to make things right. If any of you are really concerned, Stand Up, Speak Up, but do it in the proper way. PLease note, I have put my real name on this, not some stupid pseudonym.

Wild Bill

@Peter Scarborough, It is really poor opsec to identify one’s self, and has no bearing on valid statistics and logical presentations.

The Revelator

@Wild Bill Indeed, what Sneaky Pete has done here is attempt to use Left Wing tactics to a tee. If you don’t have evidence, or want to avoid arguing on facts simply call the opponent a coward and attempt to proclaim your own virtuosity aka moral superiority. Ad hominem~ “Afraid”, “Stupid pseudonym”… Alleging hiding to diminish the act of speaking openly online. Moral Superiority~ Proclaiming your own actions such as a name drop, aka “Look at me! Look at me!”, demanding those you disagree with do as you tell them to, and allude that if they don’t do as you… Read more »


There is no ‘proper way,’ the NRA will not respond. Instead they say members are damaging the organization by asking embarrassing questions publicly. How convenient, they get to avoid saying anything and imply disloyalty about those asking.

Roy D.

Well good for you! You want a medal or a chest to pin it on? I use my name too because that’s what people call me. No brag, just fact.

Paul Valone

Sorry, folks, but ignoring the problem will not make it go away. The fact that anti-gun organizations are attacking the NRA doesn’t negate the fact that Wayne & Co. gave them the ammunition for the attack. And as much as NRA apologists constant argue that raising such concern is “hating on” the NRA, raising concerns about financial malfeasance at the largest gun rights organization is both valid and a service to the gun rights movement. The fact that last weekend the board circled its wagons around Lapierre should concern us all.

Roy D.

Since I am not currently a member I guess it’s okay for me to speak the truth then? Why don’t you go be a commie somewhere else Arbalest!


The anti gun group are using every opportunity to tear down our organization – wow – the Arbelast Group stay up all night figuring that one out? That’s a no brainer! Advocating chilling free speech to get along go along, obviously this group is out of touch with the membership, just like WL, the Audit Committee and the BOD. Fact, the control gun group did not bring the NRA to the breaking point of today; WL, the Audit Committee and the BOD have. Our organization has become their cash cow. Time to clean house or more members will continue to… Read more »


Without a doubt in my mind, many of the attacks are by dupes. Many are by willing stooges of the Demo-Communist Media conglomerate.

The Revelator

@Hoplite Sounds like a dupe talking out of the other end. Before blanket calling others stooges for no other reason than your opinion doesn’t match theirs, and not having any evidence to offer for those charges you are making, perhaps you should think before trying to jump out in front. When we say the NRA has worked for and even advocated for several gun control initiatives over the years, it is because we have proof. Red Flag laws? Congratulations, we have Chris Cox on video calling for Red Flag laws with “Enhanced due process protection. There is a problem with… Read more »

Wild Bill

@Vann, Concise, factual, orderly! Good presentation.

Wild Bill

Sorry, I meant Rev. Still a thoughtful presentation.


thank ’em when they’re right, spank ’em when they’re wrong.
if the NRA is so afraid of being criticized from within..then they should stop doing the things that make us criticize them.

stop backing up. stop giving the anti-gunners half of what they want and telling us how bad it could have been if you hadn’t compromised. stop acting weak when you are strong!


“Hello. We are the National Rifle Association. And even though we threw some gun owners that were outside our mainstream under the proverbial bus in the interest of Chess Not Checkers and giving a little to get a little, now more than ever we need everybody, including those outlier, non-Fudd deviants to all stick together for the sake of …well, UNITY! and the SECOND AMENDMENT! Because without us, people will lose their rights and surely DIE!”

The Revelator


I see you have been reading Hoplite’s comments as well.

John Dunlap

No, we should not attack the NRA publicly. What we should do is bombard the board with demands to plug the holes and right the ship. If (more likely when) they don’t , we then must pour our resources into GOA, SAF, etc., and take to our phones and keyboards to make it crystal clear to our supposedly elected swamp creatures that the NRA was not us. WE were the NRA and WE aren’t going away.

Mark davis

We’ve been bombarding the nra board for years, to straighten it’s sorry ass out. The board ignores all coms from the member masses. Answers not a single inquiry. And refuses input from people, vastly more knowledgeable in the 2nd amendment, and firearms training, than the whole board combined. But! We’ll keep trying!

Rocky Mountain

If not in prison or on parole constitutional rights should be for every American. 2A does not exclude a single American. Should get your horse back too unless they fed it to you in jail. Until these groups interpret the plain English text in 2A as it is clearly written I will not support them because they don’t support The People. They support a bias discriminatory agenda. Another flavor of lefty. JPFO supports all Americans equally so I give em a thumbs up. Gun control is a lie, people control, gun confiscation, genocide, eugenics, fake news and more. Federal agencies… Read more »

The Revelator

To: The Arbalest Group. I would like to bring to your attention a perfect example of “Not being able to see the forest for the trees” I present you with this jewel of a comment from your opinion. “This is why members should avoid adding to the chatter with additional public opposition to NRA. Take your complaints directly to the NRA Board of Directors and demand that they answer your questions.” Wow. Genius even. Who would have ever thought to take our complaints to the BOD. I mean there is just no chance that anyone in the history has ever… Read more »


How about the NRA actually defend all gun owners, not just the “Fudds”, and how about they stop supporting anti gun legislation, and how about fighting in states that need the most help, not just the easy states that are already red with the most 2a freedom. Until then, they deserve criticism from gun owners. When they feel the pain of lower membership maybe then they will realize that all gun owners, and especially those of us “behind enemy lines” need help too. There is no reason for people like LaPierre and Cox to make about a half million a… Read more »

Gas Block in WA



No matter anyone’s opinion of the NRA, whether you hate their mailers asking for money or who is on their various leadership committees, if the NRA falls, so does the 2nd amendment. This is a fact.These other organizations that appear to be “pure” and “perfect” will not survive what the Democratic Party and the deep state will throw at them. This is a fact. Don’t believe me? Watch what happens.

Charlie Foxtrot

The NRA spends more money on Wayne LaPierre’s salary than on 2A lawsuits. That is actually a fact. You are delusional!

Wayne Clark

The second amendment has been around long before the NRA. If the NRA falls, the 2A will still stand because, well…the millions of gun owners will make sure it does. WE, THE PEOPLE, represent the power of the 2A. The NRA is just a mouthpiece that can be replaced & certainly rehashed to its original purpose.
No organization is greater than our God given rights.

Cole Batterton

You’re a special kind of retard arent you?


What you just said doesn’t make any sense. The NRA doesn’t give us the 2nd Amendment. We are born with it.
Question for you:
What exactly has the NRA done for gun owners for the last 50 years?

Rocky Mountain

I don’t trust the neighbor with my wallet nor do I entrust a political organization with my rights. I seriously doubt a politician is going to remain loyal to the Constitution until they cross that line and get the lead and this is why George Washington said a revolution would be necessary every 20 years or so to keep the Republic healthy and working for the people. It is the reason why we have arms. When they come for your guns give them the lead I once heard a Jewish lady say. If they treat you this poorly when your… Read more »

Green Mtn. Boy

Oh please sell that line elsewhere,or perhaps it’s the La Pierre and his merry band of miscreants. They seem more interested in their wine and cigar club than the protection of the 2 nd. amendment.

The prior tag line to “Freedoms Safest Place” was “Stand and Fight” when all Negotiating Rights Away has been accomplishing is “Kneeling and Capitulating” the members and Americans rights.
Negotiating Rights Away wanted stand and fight, well it’s members are standing and fighting the Kneeling and Capitulating of La Pierre and his mismanagement of the organization for more than the past thirty years.

VT Concerned Citizen

I so agree
they have constantly let 2nd amendment rights to be chiseled away
I left them in 1988 I could see the writing on the wall


Looks like they are trying the fail option #1

Option 1. A majority of the Board circles the wagons in defense of Wayne LaPierre and his pals and tries to weather the storm. (They’ll fail, and the whole ship will sink.)

Option 2. A majority of the Board fires LaPierre and other executives (or accepts their resignations) and nullifies their contracts, suspends all vendor contracts pending thorough review and renegotiation, and purges culpable members of their own body demonstrating a commitment to safeguarding NRA assets on behalf of the membership. (Plugging the holes and possibly saving the ship.)


The former and current NRA Cronies infiltrated the lines and took to the Common Folk Audience NRA Member mics @ the member meeting and adjourned the meeting as things heated up… with the old ass fudds voting in the affirmative to shut it down.. cuz secrets they say….Votes to take it Executive Session Failed several times! SOS!

Will Flatt

Don’t complain, shut up, fork over your wallet to the NRA. We’ve heard this broken record for over 40 years now. The bad apples are running NRA HQ, and till that changes, people will continue to speak out.

And the NRA is not the 2nd Amendment. If NRA goes away, there will still be the GOA, FPC and SAF. They will, better than NRA ever could, insure that 2A rights do not disappear.


Never rely on any organization to defend a Right.. That is your responsibility To Protect/Preserve. Firearms owners ceding their responsibility to Politicians and Organizations. Have got Us the mess We are Now having to deal with. I’m not just picking on Will here. There are Millions of voiceless firearms owners out there. Who won’t take the time to use that voice. Regardless of the reason or excuse. That lack of involvement is slowly allowing all of OUR Rights to be slowly eroded away. Those of US who do actively work to Protect/Preserve OUR Rights. Get tired of all the pissing… Read more »

R Daneel

For some of us, the Texas State Rifle Association.

Rocky Mountain

CIA brings the drugs in, distributes them then cops arrest and fleece the users. It is called entrapment. If gov was a real gov and not a trafficking cartel these blogs would have little to report. UNITED STATES CORPORATION is not a gov but rather a Corp like Walmart. Parent company to all the corrupt subsidiaries seeking to take your guns away with no authority whatsoever to do so. Banana republic.


I’m a 40 year life member of the NRA. I’ve seen many ups and downs within the organization. As I see it the real problem lies in allowing the leadership to stagnate. When A single person or group is allowed to lead a company or organization for to long. They begin to think themselves untouchable. They believe they can do whatever pleases themselves regardless of the opinions of the membership/shareholders. Much of this problem is the fault of said members/shareholders because they have ceded Their Power over by not paying attention to what is happening. Until the situation reaches a… Read more »

No Filter

Darkman, while many comment and have valid points, you have cold hammer forged the answer. The percentage of gun owners who take an activist stance is sub MOA fractional. We can’t stand by, give our money to corrupted people, and expect them to do right by us. I know l can do more and participate on the local level with OFF. Is that enough? Probably not. We maybe our own worst enemy by not uniting in greater numbers. I believe many gun owners are reluctant to draw attention to themselves (through activism) out of fear that they will be targeted… Read more »


Amen, Darkman. Amen. I don’t think anyone has touched on the BOD composition yet here. Most corporations have 7-12 on the BOD. The NRA has what, 76? So, it isn’t possible for any handful of directors, no matter how well intended to actually exert control over the executives. Think this was by chance? I don’t. The bloated board needs to be downsized. Although I don’t trust the state of New York, one possibility of its investigation may be that if there was wrong doing (Like the 200k of La Pierre’s wardrobe allegedly being billed to a contractor) executives and board… Read more »

Greg K

Would that be the same board that hasn’t listened for 30 years? Perceived? All organisms have inter and intra symbiotic relationships. Multicelled organisms have cell to cell communications (signalling). Single celled, such as bacteria use Quoram Sensing. In the case of the gun rights activist it’s Ammoland and other social media venues. If it needs to be talked about; it needs to be talked about, period! Your sit down and shut up approach is how we got here in the first place. It’s how freedom dies under a cloak of darkness every time, without fail. As far as the interspecific… Read more »


AGREED. When obscene laws were about to be passed in New Jersey , NRA state level people and Rifle / Pistol Club of NJ told people …. ” We’re ‘ handling ‘ things , butt – out , we’ll let you know what WE decide ” ( sit down – shut up ) guess what , NJ gun owners got screwed again. Those who say ” only ” the N.R.A. has clout are fools. If just HALF of N.R.A. members joined Gun Owners of America ( as many are now doing ) GOA would be at 5 Million members strong… Read more »

Big Jim

I refuse to renew my membership until Cox and Lapierre are gone.