Open Letter to Voting NRA Members, from NRA-BOD Tim Knight

Comments by your NRA BOD Timothy Knight (Current term 2018 to 2021).

Members Contact the NRA Board of Directors
Members, Contact the NRA Board of Directors

USA – -( My fellow NRA members:

Our National Rifle Association is the nation’s longest-standing civil rights organization, and our name has become inextricably tied to our Constitutional right to firearm ownership. Our multiple roles are crucial. We preserve our hunting heritage and provide training to private citizens and law enforcement officers. We protect our ranges and foster our shooting sports. We lobby in defense of our Second Amendment rights from state legislatures to Capitol Hill, and we are pivotal in elections – the consequences[current Socialist Congress] of which should now be painfully clear to all. Your NRA currently boasts nearly six million members but, through our efforts, represent the interests of more than ninety million activists, shooters, sportsmen and competitors.

All of this and more is paid for through memberships, from Life members to those stretching to pay dues one year at a time. It is YOU, our members, who are the very foundation of the NRA and not some building in Virginia. You must be able to trust that your Association is well run and focused on its true purpose and promised objectives.

And, if you feel that your organization is no longer representing your interests, you must exercise your voice and your vote in the annual elections to elect a Board of Directors who WILL represent those issues.

Like Congress, the NRA Board of Directors is elected to represent your interests, but they need to hear from the members about what issues need representation. Silence can be construed as either apathy or tacit consent. Most Directors do not see comments posted on social media. Therefore, for your questions, comments or concerns to be heard and addressed, I urge you to take the time to write to individual Board Directors, not to the NRA itself. Be sure and include your contact information and current member number as only communication from active NRA members will be forwarded to the individual BOD.

(Name of Board Member or Attn NRA Board of Directors)
NRA Office of the Secretary
h/t AmmoLand News
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA, 22030

or [email protected]

Contact the NRA Board of Directors
Contact the NRA Board of Directors : Each monthly NRA magazine has a list of all Board members with several ways to contact them, including a mailing address.

Each monthly NRA magazine has a list of all Board members with several ways to contact them, including a mailing address. The entire 76 member Board works at large; you can mail a letter to each Director to equal effect. You can also choose to write to the Directors that live in your state or to those who represent your specific interests.

What matters most is that you write to the people that represent you.

And if you are a voting member*, please vote! Approximately one-third of the NRA Board is up for election every year, and yet fewer than 10% of our 2.2 million voting members participate. You will only have the NRA that you are willing to help shape. The 2019 ballots will start reaching members on January 22nd, 2019. Read the candidate biographies. Search the internet or read AmmoLand News to see what candidates have done to further our Association’s objectives. You can vote for up to twenty-five candidates. However, voting for only those candidates (Bullet Voting, is more effective) that represent what is important to you increases their chances of winning a seat on the Board.

As only one of the seventy-six Directors on this Board, I cannot single-handedly fight for you. But I will gladly continue to do so with you – if you work the system and are willing to participate.

Respectfully yours in Liberty, Timothy Knight: NRA Board of Directors (Current term 2018 to 2021)

*A voting member has been an NRA member for at least five consecutive years or a Life member.

About Timothy Knight

Timothy Knight is a national 2nd Amendment advocate. He founded the 2013 grassroots Colorado Recall Movement and has continued to engage gun owners of all kinds across the country.  He has been a member of the NRA Board of Directors since 2015. He is an avid shooter, NRA Instructor and Chief Range Safety Officer.

Timothy Knight
Timothy Knight
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I do not know who distresses me more. The Crazy Nancy supporting trolls or Crazy Nancy herself. If you have issues, get involved. Don’t stab the NRA (us) in the back. Yep we are the NRA, we the members.

Robert Puddy

Anyone wanting my vote this year it’s going to have to Lobby hard for it and just because they’re from my state is it going to hold water anymore. I would like to see board members explaining what they accomplished last term and what specific plans they have should they be elected. Not the same old same rhetoric I’ve been hearing year after year.
Thank you


The BOD has no power.

We have no idea if our votes count anyways. All the counting is done behind closed doors.


N.R.A. is finished, the mask is off, you betrayed members for the last time with support for Bump Stock regs and communist ” Red Flag ” laws. — Gun Owners of America is fast approaching 2 Million members. Why you ask ? Because they do not write BAD laws and call it ‘ Compromise ‘ to surrender more and more of our Rights to keep your bloated lobby & advertising ‘ business ‘ on the gravy train. Go sip your NRA ” whine club ” Merlot and fade into the Sunset. Quislings.


NRA Benefactor Life Member
From the Northeast

Ansel Hazen

Not one single member from the Northeast.

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts.

No wonder we feel like flyover country with the NRA.

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