U.S.A. -(Ammoland.com)- I’m grateful for AmmoLand News and social media. We have to do the work that the mainstream media now ignores.
The news media is more concerned with celebrity and political propaganda than telling the truth. At least the media isn’t hiding their lies anymore. Now the real stories are coming to light.
ABC News ignored evidence of an extensive pedophile sex ring for at least the last three years.
The stated excuse from the assignment editor was that no one wants to know about rich men who sexually abused children and young adults on a private island and in New York City mansions. I guess that excuse is plausible. Maybe the ABC assignment editor is an incompetent idiot and he didn’t know that “Fifty Shades of Grey” made the New York Times best sellers list. That is possible, but there are more likely explanations than stupidity.
Sexual abuse could be an accepted culture at ABC where top political journalists have been accused of sexual harassment on the job. It could be true that executives at ABC wanted to maintain their news connections with the celebrity abusers involved in the pedophile sex ring. Perhaps ABC wanted to protect their favorite pedophile politicians.
Spokesmen for ABC said the report on the Epstein pedophile sex ring didn’t meet their journalistic standards. Remember that ABC is the network which recently ran doctored video of a civilian machine gun shoot recorded in Kentucky and sold the footage as an assault by the Turkish military on Kurd civilians. ABC’s journalistic standards bend to serve their political ends.
Joy Behar who works for ABC summed up that point very well. On air, Behar said Democrat politicians should lie to the voters. Quoting Behar, “They (Democrats) should not tell everything they’re going to do. Like if you are going to take people’s guns away, wait until you get elected and then take the guns away. Don’t tell them ahead of time.” close quote.
Another reason to bury the pedophile story strikes closer to home at ABC. ABC’s political news anchor, and former Clinton staffer, George Stephanopoulos went to parties in New York City hosted by Jeffrey Epstein. At ABC, some lives and life-styles are more equal than others. Unfortunately, ABC is not alone in its overt political bias.
US military forces recently killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS. Al-Baghdadi used civilian captives as sex slaves before he cut off their heads. Rather than acknowledge the death of this known terrorist, The Washington Post labeled al-Baghdadi as “an austere religious scholar”. Calling this terrorist and serial rapist a religious scholar is like calling cult-leader Jim Jones an amateur mixologist. If you drank the Kool-Aid at The Washington Post, then it is fine to promote rape culture as long as you’re demeaning the accomplishments of a Republican president.
I think the pretense is finally coming off at the major news organizations. Jeff Zucker, the president of CNN, said that the network’s most important job is to promote the story of impeachment. Nothing else is newsworthy. I believe him because there is a lot of news to hide.
We have the Pelosi family receiving millions in government contracts. We’re supposed to think it is a simple coincidence that Nancy Pelosi is the Democrat Speaker of the House. We have the Biden family receiving millions of dollars from foreign companies when Joe Biden was Vice President. We have huge financial kickbacks to the Clintons when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Meanwhile, the media told us the Obama Administration was without scandal.
That is a lot of corruption to hide from the voters. No wonder the Democrat news media needs to focus on a Trump phone call.
Read deeper to find the truth.
About Rob Morse
The original article with sources is here. Rob Morse writes about gun rights at Ammoland, at Clash Daily, and on his SlowFacts blog. He hosts the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast and co-hosts the Polite Society Podcast. Rob is an NRA pistol instructor and combat handgun competitor.
@wjd, Yeah, Epstein got a better sentence than any American court would have given him. It brings new meaning to the phrase “executing sentence”.
Like all whodunit’s of this nature, it will never be explored further because both sides have power participants in need of protection. Sometimes, just sometimes, prisons are built atop airport tarmacs everyone knows this because sometimes, just sometimes, planes try to land in prison yards. We’ve all seen this. Right? Right?! Right!? Whenever someone is killed while in “protective custody,” as being held in a “secure jail cell” with “24hr. monitoring services,” and that video dies a “mysterious death” because both “suicide watch cops” had somewhere else to be at the defining critical moment, well now. What the hell are… Read more »
This really solidifies the depths of media corruption. They represent the elite. I’m not saying the Royals had anything to do with with Epstein being suicided, but we would never know with the corrupt and deceptive handful of media conglomerates controlling the air waves!
The news is what they say it is. Controlling the media was one of the biggest ways to controlling what people think. But just like anything, who do you trust? Credibility is no longer a trait you can apply to the media and because of that, reporting fake news has become a propaganda platform bought and paid for by the left.
After watching the Project Veritas video several times and reading posts on other websites, I am bewildered that few have seen this for what it is. Amy Robach was MORE upset about “her” story not being aired, more concerned about the CEO’s blocking her story and more concerned about not being able to interview the prince of England than being concerned over the FACT Epstein was an arrested known pedophile involved in child sex trafficking. She had the goods on slimy Bill as well. Did she go the police with this evidence? NO! Did she contact the FBI? NO! She… Read more »
This is a brave reporter. She did a good job, reported the facts and was shot down TWICE by the propaganda — ops, the mainstream news. This was done because,again, it did not fit their narrative but also because some major PLAYERS were known to be involved, among them ex. president Bill Clinton. I don’t know what other stories she has ever covered but she sure enough stuck her head out on this one. She would not be the first person the Clinton’s have had killed. It would not surprise me if some “accident” befalls her or she dies of… Read more »