Below the Radar: The Gun Theft Prevention Act

Warning Take Action Call Protest
Warning Take Action Call Protest

United States – -( The old saying “actions speak louder than words” is one that Second Amendment supporters should keep in mind. As Maryland Governor Larry Hogan showed, it’s easy to talk a good game on the campaign trail but disappoint in office. But it is also important to look at what a bill does and not what its title is or what some say about it. One example is HR 2674, the Gun Theft Prevention Act.

Introduced by Representative Joseph Morelle, this law is not like the one introduced by Senator Lindsey Graham. Just reading the release from his office shows that Morelle’s legislation is supported by Bloomberg’s Everytown group. That alone is a red flag about this bill. But let’s look at what it actually does.

In remarks on the House floor in May 2019, Morelle said, “Last year, more than 500 gun shops were burglarized nationwide, releasing thousands of deadly weapons onto our streets and into the hands of criminals.”

However, looking at the text of the legislation, Morelle’s response is not to target the bad guys, as Senator Graham did. Instead, Morelle proposes to target not just the Federal Firearms Licence holders (FFLs) who end up as victims of crimes, but potential victims of crimes as well.

The potential victims get a slew of unfunded mandates – micromanaging from Washington D.C. in a one-size-fits-all mandate. Among the new hoops that will be added for gun dealers are the following:

  • FFLs will be required to come up with a security plan (which will likely require hiring consultants).
  • FFLs will have to annually certify compliance with that plan (a time and money drain).
  • The bill will require employees of FFLs to undergo NICS checks.
  • BATF will be able to inspect much more often than under current law.

For actual victims, this bill is even worse. It heaps injustice on top of all the trauma and losses suffered by being the victim of a crime. Why? Because the bill has a slew of punishments for FFLs who are unlucky enough to be the victims of a burglary or robbery, including the suspension or revocation of an FFL.

In other words, become a crime victim often enough, you lose your livelihood. Yep, the victim of the crime gets punished for the actions of criminals. Eric Swalwell and Beto O’Rourke were pushing sweeping gun bans during their presidential runs, but Morelle’s bill takes heartless to a whole new level by attacking crime victims. Of course, keep in mind that the unfunded mandates and the bureaucratic hoops for victims and potential victims do nothing to the criminals who break the law, and only add costs to the FLLs, which get passed down to those who wish to exercise Second Amendment rights by buying a firearm, ammunition, or accessories.

The release from Morelle’s office claims that HR 2674 “will not impact the rights of responsible legal gun owners.” But revoking the licenses of gun dealers who are crime victims too often will impact responsible gun owners by depriving them of a place to legally purchase firearms. That deprivation – whether it is from the FFL not being able to afford the unfunded mandates or being punished for being victims of a crime – is the goal of this legislation.

Loyal Ammoland readers should get in touch with their Representatives and Senators, and politely but firmly urge them to oppose HR 2674 and instead support Senator Graham’s legislation instead. Criminals, not the victims of crime, should be the ones punished over stolen firearms.

Harold Hu, chison

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.

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Gene Ralno

I stopped writing to and calling my rep and two senators because they’re as conservative as I am. For others like me, the best tactic is to write and call directly to the authors of these stupid bills and their co-sponsors. If their offices are near your homes or you live near D.C., a personal visit always carries more weight than letters never read.


@GR; I have called, e-mailed and faxed my DemocRAT national communist-er-committee members in Maryland to NO AVAIL! Their STATUS QUO ANSWER is like this; Thanks for contacting me. However, “I” know better than you and “I” FEEL you do not know what is best for you. “I” will do what “I” want to do no matter what YOU say. BYE!

Wild Bill

@Laddy, Perhaps you could mention him that he is your employee, and you will be rating him next November. And further that you will be talking to a lot of his other supervisors about his performance, and communications skills.


The answer is to target the left same as they do everyone else they happen to disagree with by suing these “bill-passers,” even right down to the individual for anti-American, anti-Constitutional torts that work to subvert quality of life. We have to stop letting them off the hook by chasing around their many little white rabbits that always happen to be the result of such unholy matrimony.


The left/dems are all about victimizing, it is how they get their bonuses from the likes of Bloomberg and soros.


NO NEW LAWS! Especially gun laws. We have too many laws on the books that are not enforced or if they are enforced it is done arbitrarily and capriciously, usually by Federal LEOs. The only way Congressmen and Senators demonstrate their “success” is by the number of new bills/laws they introduce and/or pass. Until that changes, new laws, 99% of which are Malum Prohibitum, and unnecessary/worthless, will continue to be written, passed and enforced, further destroying what is left of our freedom.


Well, Dinner was well, and it was a good end to an evening after roasting a certain bird in the room.

Poor tiny, still doesn’t understand how or why he lost. He’ll run his mouth more no doubt, but now everyone here knows who and what he is. 🙂

Will Flatt

Yep, dinner was good but I went back & roasted the bird some more.
Got some farming to do now, I need to harvest more liberal tears. Have an awesome evening!


Yep, I did.

Funny, but the same retards are the ones showing up desperate to defend Harold everytime, they never have any evidence to counteract the evidence we have against him, and all they have left are insults.

That’s why he went straight there showing he’s a liar and a hypocrite.


Ayone else remember the “job” a few months ago where a couplea losers heisted a couple of pallets of new in box Ruger firarms from a UPS facility somewhere in the midwest. maybe it was INdiana? THey were taking them in to Chicago to resell on the streets there, where they are very much wanted. Thye were caught in a short time, pled guilty to the charges…. theft of some 450 firearms. EACH charge carried a minimum sentence of five years Anyone else remember the TOTAL SENTENCE they drew? It should have been long enough to where they’d be getting… Read more »


Plus, they will appeal and be out in no time. The SCOTUS ruled decades ago that criminals do not have to abide by gun laws because that might self-incriminate them. “We, the People, are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Abraham Lincoln, 1859. “Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of Freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life” John Kennedy 1962. Americans refuse to do their… Read more »


Saw your article claiming that Romney “would have been a good President”, Harold, and it was more of your usual defeatist and compromise-crippled philosophy. Romney is a treacherous, vindictive, back-stabbing, loser, Harold, and a dogpile just like you.

Will Flatt

Harold, there you go again comparing one infringer to another, and inferring that party affiliation somehow makes one infringer less of a criminal than another!! WE’RE SICK OF YOUR LIES AND HALF TRUTHS!! TheRevelator brought this point home, Harold, last time you mentioned Lindsy Graham. He said: “Lindsey Graham is not, and has never been a second amendment ‘Champion’. He has taken money for re-election efforts in the past from none other than Michael Bloomberg. For Harold to deliberately lie about Graham’s past and try to paint him as a stalwart defender of the second amendment is shameful and despicable.… Read more »


I think the analyst should say that in order to prevent theft a police officer needs to be assigned both front and back of the stores 7 days a week/24 hours a day. Pass the cost on to the city or state.


The Supreme Court rules over 100 year sago that the TITLE is NOT the law and has nothing to do with the law. It can say anything.
Making a tasty title then killing you with the law is a long-standing anti-America democrat trick.


I never read any articles by Harold The Apologist, but I do have a look at the comments of other readers. Most are as disgusted by his articles as I have become. As I have said before, why are you still printing anything written by this weasel?

Heed the Call-up

Gives people an easy target to sharpen their debate points against for when they counter those that are not toothless old dogs.


Seems the key to me is for “FFL’s” to dechain themselves from a corrupt, illegal system that seeks only to eventually deprive them of the joy and profit of their investments and effort. With the larger goal of depriving We The People of our absolute right to keep and bear arms in defense of ourselves, and our Republic. A goal designed and intended to subvert the supreme law of our land. That said, those behind it are by definition enemies of our Republic. In their words and actions they open themselves to justice under the law. Are we going to… Read more »


“As Maryland Governor Larry Hogan showed, it’s easy to talk a good game on the campaign trail but disappoint in office.” ~Harold Hutchison (Disappointing second amendment defenders and ammoland readership since at least 2018) Harold, using fear tactics as a sleight of hand to trigger an emotional reaction as impetus for decision making is a worn out trick. Let me explain why it isn’t working, since you are apparently not smart enough to figure it out. Graham’s bill is not going to go anywhere, just like all the other Rhino portraits currently offering up bills. They are putting forward bills… Read more »


@TR; You give many good points to the actions of the RINOS and other “representatives” in “OUR” government. It is a sham on Americans for not understanding the SLY ACTIONS of MOST of “OUR” representatives.


If you know what to look and listen for, most people will tell you exactly what their intentions are. For the rest, the bible taught the best lesson for reading people. “They shall be judged by the fruit of their actions.”

That is why when I came here and hung out my shingle many years ago I made my intentions clear and wear them on my sleeve. To support, uphold, and defend the constitution no matter who it restricts or benefits, to call out/combat hypocrisy, and to tell the truth no matter which side gets hurt in the fallout.

Will Flatt

@The Revelator – Ditto on that mission statement! Patriot Up!


It’s time for AmmoLand to pick & pluck the booger commentators off these once very worthwhile articles. They have made this site an eyesore to read. Everywhere I read here and there it like someone gave first graders an account.

Don’t like the writer… say nothing and move along. Go comment on another story. Please!!!


If you don’t like the commentators, then feel free to or not to join in.

Considering that you just left a comment to complain about people writing things you don’t like, I find the hypocrisy both gleefully ironic and delicious at the same time.

Follow your own advice bud, you’re 10-ply.


Oh, look, there is the first grader who was given an account. 🙂

Such a blatant display of crybaby hypocrisy. lol

Apparently you are unable to just “say nothing and move along” when you don’t like someone. 🙂


Anyone else like that NOTA looks like he is on drugs, accusing me of saying something everyone can see I didn’t say?

They always go full retard, without fail. Never ceases to amaze me. lol 🙂

Will Flatt

Hey Revelator, how much you wanna bet this fool is a Soros or Bloomturd full-time troll? I’m taking bets now.


@wjd Flatt
That’s a sucker bet. lol

Poor little guy is just venting his frustration. Pretty obvious he’s used to getting bent over and used, so I guess he has to find a way to cope with the shame some how.

Will Flatt

Rev, I think I hit a nerve and triggered the poor little snowflake. See how he lit up when I called him a libtarded troll?? LOL what a loser.


@wjd Flatt
I may have got him going before that. Pretty obvious tiny suffers from the same condition historians believe Hitler had.

Poor NOTA has a case of micro-penis so bad he cant even qualify for sex change surgery. lol

Will Flatt

ROFL!!! The best part of you ended up as a sh!tstain on you mama’s mattress after she rented herself out cheap. In fact, I can here her calling down to your basement from here.



@wjd Flatt

At least you understood how to tell that joke. Poor tiny fell flat on his face with his attempt.

Say, any chance you can hear his alligator tears hitting his keyboard the same as I can?


@wjd Flatt

Uh oh, he’s getting jealous. He went straight from being butt hurt and crying to flapping at people showing up to spectate. lol

Hey, I wonder how much his pimp charges for him. Think maybe a nickel? Cant be all that much. I’m sure his grandma doesn’t charge rent for the basement space.

Wild Bill

@WF, Nonuseful comments from a non useful being. I will give him no replies to pad his paycheck.

Will Flatt

@WB, that’s OK, my job is done here. I love using my flamethrower on snowflakes.


@wjd Flatt
Next time we will have to remember to bring the marshmallows

Will Flatt

Rev, I always make popcorn before I sit down at my computer. But yeah let’s bring the other good stuff too, and sell some tickets while we’re at it!


@wjd Flat
You know, that is probably his hairstyle in real life too right? Where’d you find his portrait?


@wjd Flatt

Oh, this is even better. He just admitted even the milk man is bending him over. Maybe he was just making a delivery to poor little tiny.



@wjd Flatt

Now that I’ve had my laughs, Time for dinner. BBQ chicken tonight, which happens to be strangely ironic for some reason. Catch you later.

Will Flatt

Me too, dinnertime. I guess we’ll leave brainlet here to drool and mumble to himself. Bwahahaha

Will Flatt

OK Fudd.

What you fail to realize is that Little Quisling Harold has a long history of spewing LIES, pontificating down to the readers here, shilling for Radioactive Wayne of Negotiating Rights Away, failing to do basic fact-checking before he hits the ‘send’ button on his computer, and a whole litany of other unforgivables. I for one will applaud the things he does right, but what he does wrong almost ALWAYS outnumbers what he does right!!

Ok, you can go back to drinking your koolaid from your sippy cup.

Dubi Loo

So you oppose the 1A?

Dubi Loo

@wjd, Absolutely. I was chastising None for telling others they should shut up. I apologize for the confusion. FWIW, I can’t stand Harold either. I should have made my comment more clear.


@Harold Hutchison: I made Will, Wild Bill, theRev and Will FlatD cry: (((((!!!!!!

Will Flatt

What, you’re still here drooling and mumbling to yourself?? Nope, you’re wrong. The only tears here are the liberal tears coming out of your 18-wheeler sized cunt, which we will use to lube all of our firearms.


Well, any woman reading this will scowl at you, WF. No need to get filthy to kick liberal haunches.


Besides which, I’d never drive my truck in there. God only knows where it’s been, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t good… 🙂

Will Flatt

Well, another country heard from. No I didn’t start the fire.


I pine for the day Montana will be its own nation. We are so different we should’ve never joined in the first place.
But it’s an awesome song:


@Harold Hutchison: Great article on the nose. Tell these backwoods welfare critters to go suck it ’til it pops.

Wild Bill

@wjd, Don’t ya just wish you knew where he lived so you could grab him by the stacking swivel and teach him some proper manners. But, here, the best way to deal with this one is to give him no play to fatten his paycheck. That is the only reason that he is here.


@Wild Bill and Will

He’s a coward and a mouth, nothing more. He’d be crying before you even got hold of his shirt collar.

Will Flatt



Looky here!!! If that ain’t Lil’ Willie, Weird Bill, The Perv Rev and Limp Richard in group circle jerk… smiling with happiness. What does that sign say?… you want more smegma! Quick hide your sheep………… and pigs!